
Just My Luck!!

"I die and get another chance but WHAT THE HELL!! That stupid goddess just had to send me to a forest full of monsters and landmines!!" This is a story about a Woman and her new life in a new world filled with magic and monsters. She gets to live again but unfortunately she doesn't get to go into a peaceful world where she can just live in a village and lead a simple happy life, instead she has to fight to survive. Will she survive this dangerous journey? Will she meet every get the chance to live a peaceful life? Read to find out (This is my first story so if you're reading this disaster then good luck)

CalamityXGhoul · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

-Chapter 2-

"Alright, we plan to transfer you to another world on a mission to kill the demon king because in the future he will almost obliterate the other races. This is a world of magic and magical creatures. It's not as advanced as your old world. I will allow you to design the body you will live in, you can even change your name and age if you wish."

"Nice, I can almost completely get rid of my old identity." Mia smiles.

The goddess chuckles. "Yes. I will also allow you to choose 3 new skills and a fighting class, you will also get to choose the type of magic you wish to start with and of course when you're choosing these things you will be able to see the advantages and disadvantages that come with it."

"What do you mean by fighting class?" Mia asked.

"It mainly helps with extra skills you can earn and your main weapons."

"Oh alright, so if I choose something like a mage, I would get a staff and enhanced magic abilities." Mia says as she sits criss crossed in the air.

"Yes, that's exactly it. Also in this world there are 4 different races not including the Demon race. Beastman, elves, Humans and dwarves. So when you design your body you can also keep these in mind. What else do you need to know…"

"How about info about the demon king?" Mia says. "I mean all I know is that he is the demon king."

"We don't have any important information that will really help you. He lived in harmony with the other races, quietly building up his demon army until one day he suddenly appeared and started attacking. He has taken over at least a third of the continents. The kingdoms are doing their best to hold them off but they won't be able to hold on forever." The goddess explains all she knows but as she said there was not much to explain.

"Hm… I wonder if he has a motive or does he just want to be on top." Mia whispered.

"Oh I forgot to mention you will not be alone, the other gods will bless 4 other people and they will have a mark that looks like a star somewhere on their body. But they are people from that world so they won't have the same flexibility when it comes to abilities." The goddess explains.

"That's good to know. I won't have to do this alone." Mia looks up at the goddess and smiles. 'That also means it will be less of an assassination, cool it kinda like one of those fantasy books I used to read.'

"Well I think we should start on creating your new body." The goddess holds out her hands as a ball of light appears.

"Ow! Warn me next time you want to bring out something that can possibly blind me!" Mia quickly turns her head and covers her eyes to avoid the bright light.

"Oh right." The goddess lowers the brightness as Mia cautiously looks back at the goddess.

"Well obviously I don't want to be old because that wouldn't be efficient for fighting… but I also don't want to go through being a kid again (especially puberty). So how about 20 for age. Oh! The normal hair color in that world is it like mine where it's normally black and brown? And I guess eye color as well." As Mia was explaining the light in the goddesses hands started to shift until it was in a human like form but unclear on details.

"I would say it's rare to have a dark hair color like brown and black but eyes are normally all types of colors." The goddess says putting a finger on her chin to show she was thinking.

"Hm.. alright then I would like my eyes to be sky blue and my hair to be more of a blue gray color."

Mia continued to explain how she wanted to look in detail until she was finally done and the light in the goddesses hands had fully formed into the body Mia had just explained.

"She's pretty if I do say so myself." Mia smirks. Now Mia can't see the goddesses eyes but she could tell that the goddess rolled her eyes.

"Now it is time to choose your fighting class." The goddess says this closing her palm that the body was in and it just shatters into dust.

"What the- Did you just destroy the body?"Mia says shocked.

"Hm? Oh I just put it away till later. Now let me show you your options." The goddess swipes her hand in front of her and a list of names appears on what looks like a transparent screen. There were names like mage, marksman, assassin and others.

Mia wasn't a work addict so she did have time to herself. Other than singing she also likes to read and play video games. So she understood what half of them were, which made it easier to cross some off the list till there were a few left to choose from.

"Assassin, swordsman, shadow master, spearman and archer…" Mia looked at these trying her best to figure out which ones would best suit this mission that she would be comfortable with. "Well I can play it safe and choose to fight from a distance but if I'm alone and face to face with an enemy that would be hard…" Mia mumbles out loud.

"You may choose 2 of these. One as your main class and one as your subclass. And remember that even though you choose these now does not mean you can't learn the others." The goddess says hoping that this info would help make Mia's choice easier.

Mia sighs. "That's good." Mia takes one more look at the options and finally says "I'll choose to be a swordsman and shadow master. Swordsman being the main class."

"Understood. Now it is time to choose 3 skills." After the goddess says this she swipes her hand in front of Mia again and new options appear, and Mia starts looking through them.

*After an hour goes by*

"Are you done yet!!" The goddess says irritated. "I even color coded them from how many times they were picked by previous heroes!!!"

"Can't you be patient? There are a lot here!" Mia yells in return.

"I gave you options like ultimate swordsmanship or super strength! These are things other heroes have chosen and they didn't take this long!"

"Well those heroes are stupid! The ultimate swordsmanship can only be activated for 30 minutes and it causes excruciating pain afterward and doesn't even get me started on the super strength!" The goddess flinches and goes back to being silent.

*Another hour passes*

"I've decided what I want." Mia says.

"Finally!" The goddess is excited to see what she has chosen.

"I would like the absorption ability, shadow army, and shadow walk." Mia says looking proud at what she has chosen.

"W-Wha? Those skills have rarely been chosen, have you looked at the conditions for using them!?" The goddess is shocked and confused.

" Yes I have." Mia says. 'The absorption ability allows me to get new abilities and the stronger I get the less likely I'll have to worry about the vulnerability. The shadow army can be a bit tricky, but the allies would be very helpful for certain situations. And the shadow walk will make it easier to travel places and sneak up on people.'

The goddess sighs. "Alright… Well That should be everything Mia so-"



"My name is Evelyn now. I never liked my name, not because it's a bad name but because it's tied to my past." Evelyn says smiling.

"Alright Evelyn… It's time to go to the new world to start your journey. You will wake up in the body you created on a mission to destroy the demon lord. I wish you good luck." For the first time Evelyn was able to make up more of the details on the goddesses face. The goddess was smiling with such calming eyes.

Suddenly a hole appears below Evelyn feeling like it's trying to suck her up. Evelyn looks at the hole and back up at the goddess then she gets pulled in. "YOU DAMN GODDESS!!!" She yells as the darkness envelopes her.