
Just My Luck!!

"I die and get another chance but WHAT THE HELL!! That stupid goddess just had to send me to a forest full of monsters and landmines!!" This is a story about a Woman and her new life in a new world filled with magic and monsters. She gets to live again but unfortunately she doesn't get to go into a peaceful world where she can just live in a village and lead a simple happy life, instead she has to fight to survive. Will she survive this dangerous journey? Will she meet every get the chance to live a peaceful life? Read to find out (This is my first story so if you're reading this disaster then good luck)

CalamityXGhoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

-Chapter 1-

"Fuck you" a women says quietly as she jumps of the roof of a tall building. She felt a sharp pain but then there was nothing. Her last thought was 'It's finally over…'

"She seems to be a good candidate" she heard someone say and there was whispering. "Yes I know but look at what all your mistakes have caused her." The voice said. It was a calm and soothing voice that had a hint of pity in it. 'Who are they talking to?' The voice kept talking to itself and the whispering kept getting louder and louder.

"Will you all shut up! You're being too loud!" The woman speaks up annoyed. The whispers stop as the woman opens her eyes and sees that she is floating in what looks like space.

"Ah, it looks like you're awake now, my dear." the soothing voice says. As the woman is trying to understand what was happening. The confused woman looks toward the voice and sees a very large lady at least a 1000 ft tall. As she tries to look at the tall figure's face, she gets dizzy. 'The hell is going on..? Aren't I supposed to be dead?'

"You are dead my dear, that is still true." The tall lady says. The woman freezes, still trying to see the tall lady's face. "I didn't say anything… How are you able to read my mind?" The woman stares confused, the tall lady chuckles softly.

"I am the goddess of new beginnings, I brought you here to give you a very rare opportunity." The woman just gets even more confused as she looks back down rubbing her neck.

"Can't you shrink? Looking up so much is hurting my neck." The woman says annoyed. Hearing this the goddess shrinks to about half her size. Still too tall for the woman's liking but she figured it's better than her previous height. "Now what is this opportunity you're talking about?"

"Oh right. The gods saw your past and agreed to let you live again-"

"Why the hell would I want to live again!? I mean you saw my past! You saw how I died! Seeing all that, you still think I would want to live in a world like that again!?" The woman yells, interrupting the goddess.

"Mia listen" the goddess says in a more stern tone. It seems the interruption and the yelling annoyed the goddess a bit. "We are going to let you live again because it was our fault for your life's misfortunes." Mia looks at the goddess suddenly confused again. "We are going to send you to a world filled with magic and monsters. You will have an affinity for magic and have a higher chance of becoming the world strongest person than others. But we do have a small… condition." The goddess explains.

"Condition? What condition? And how is my misfortune your guys fault?" Mia questions.

"Well… when we were creating you and giving you your blessings, we gods got a bit distracted…"

"Distracted how?" Mia says in a serious tone.

"Well long story short… We dropped you and gave you the wrong blessings like extremely bad luck so anyway…" the goddess tries to explain quickly to change the subject. Mia's blood started to boil well if she wasn't dead her blood would be boiling.

"YOU LITTl-" Mia starts to yell furiously.

"ANYWAY! The world we are sending you is under the threat of a demon lord so the condition we have is that you defeat him." Mia hears this and just stands there frozen looking at the goddess with an unreadable face. "Are you going to say somethi-"

"Nope! No way! Nada! Not happening! I thought you said the favor was going to be small. That's not small!!" Mia was losing it. She just kept on screaming as the goddess grabbed some popcorn from out of nowhere and watched.Out of breath Mia finally calmed down and the popcorn disappeared from the goddesses hands.

"Now that you have calmed down I will continue to explain."

"I already refused, there is no reason to continue to explain. I might as well stay dead. Send me back to wherever I was while I was dead" Mia says irritated.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." The goddess says anxiously.

"And why can't you? You're the one who summoned me in the first place."

"Well… I used most of my ability while summoning you. So it will be quite some time before I recover my energy. I only have enough power to give you a new body and a few blessings before I drop you down to the new world."

"I'll just stay here then."

"I don't recommend that. As you can see we are in the middle of space and there is nothing around. You're only able to move because of the barrier I placed around us but once I leave that barrier won't be there anymore which means you won't be able to move and since you can't die again in this state then you will just be stuck here in space for the rest of eternity." The goddess explains.

"Well damn." Mia says, grabbing her black hair in frustration. "That means I have to accept it or I'll be stuck. Ugh." Mia sighs. "Alright I'll accept the deal but you better give me all the advantages you can and you explain everything again in detail."