
Just me being thankfull

Just thanking the blessings that I have received. Major grammatical errors might be found ahead, pls proceed with caution.

Just_a_writer09 · Politique et sciences sociales
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1 Chs


As the name implies it is popped corn. It freaking amazing. It should be illegal to feel this sensation. Ok maybe too exaggerated. But why is it good? Plain popcorn taste bland. A sprinkle of salt makes it taste great. Maybe it's salt. But salt just tastes like salt, if you know what I mean. Individually these ingredients taste like trash. It's a like a match made in heaven. I have not the slightest clue about how it works, but it works.

It is a different story when butter is involved. Now I know people have their preferences and taste, but I prefer light butter with a dash of salt. Now if popcorn with salt taste great, then adding butter tastes heavenly. Well at the end of the day, it is all about taste and preference. Though butter alone also tastes trash. Why does it improve the salted popcorn? I have no idea. What I do know is that it tastes amazing.

In conclusion, trash-tasting ingredients can taste amazing if mixed.

Let me just describe the taste of popcorn for my word count. Each piece of popcorn tastes different. Why because the distribution of salt and butter will never be even or equal for all the kernels. Some taste saltier than the rest, some taste like it is pure butter, and some taste like plain old popcorn without any additives. But even still it just adds to the experience of eating popcorn. Like every piece of popcorn is a loot box from video games. You rarely get what you want, but it teaches us to be satisfied with what we get.

But pls explain to me in the comments why, and how it taste so good.

But just like the title of this novel says I am thankful for popcorn for existing and very much grateful for the one who invented popcorn.

I thank you