
Just cultivate

Just cultivate

Phenix_Rox · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Beaming through mournful tears, Yue Ling packed stamina supplements while Wei Zheng bestowed carefully compiled cultivation insights. "Remember your foundations when dazzling the outside world," he instructed gruffly. "And visit whenever you miss my cooking!" Ming Ye's chuckling promises warmed their hearts as he set off eagerly the next dawn.

The cottage felt too empty and quiet initially after Ming Ye's vibrant force of life. But enjoying leisurely mornings cuddling longer reassured Yue Ling this new phase was also harmonious blessing. One lifetime together was still only the beginning.

Two years swiftly passed with occasional visits from Ming Ye between his travels across wider regions to accumulate experience. His absence never disturbed Yue Ling and Wei Zheng's peaceful joy.

Rare news eventually reached their remote haven about the Ancient Immortal Sect's esteemed Elder Rong retiring to cultivation seclusion, replaced by Elder Ling as the next Peak Master. It amazed Yue Ling to recall that glittering past so wholly eclipsed now by present serenity.

The summer of Ming Ye's third year away, ominous undercurrents stirred instead. Bandits grew bolder ransacking nearby villages. Sinister beasts prowled closer each week. The elderly healer who once guided Ming Ye's birth now looked to Yue Ling and Wei Zheng pleadingly as injuries multiplied beyond her dwindling capability.

Grim understanding dawned that such relentless darkness encroaching was no normal bad luck. Yue Ling and Wei Zheng soon confirmed evidence of some malevolent demonic cultivation entity anchored at the shadowy core sucking vitality from all living beings nearby.

"We must eliminate this threat before hundreds are harmed," Wei Zheng determined harshly, reflexively securing Yue Ling closer as if to shield her from evil miasma somehow already seeping into their haven. Jaw set with painful purpose, Yue Ling nodded in grave agreement. How could they ignore the suffering spreading insidiously around them?

They spent long days researching and preparing potent weapons. Each night grieved in the other's arms over duty necessitating this terrible sacrifice when they already shed those burdens before. But righteous obligation won out over reluctance.

At summer's end, blinking back tears, Yue Ling tucked a peach blossom hairpin into Wei Zheng's inner robe. "So I'm always near your heart," she whispered. Face stoic but hand spasming tightly around hers betrayed his churning dread. That ghostly premonition of final farewell drowned all words.

The next dawn after the harvest moon, Yue Ling kissed her slumbering beloved goodbye one last time before Wei Zheng departed alone towards the demonic entity's lair. Jaw clenched against hysteria, she awaited his return gutted of all hope. This bitter trial concealed no coming salvation.

Three months passed with no word from Wei Zheng. Each silent sunset stoked Yue Ling's frantic desperation. Visions of his broken body haunted relentlessly despite deliberately exhausting herself distributing medicinal potions to increasingly sick villagers. She hardly registered the passing harvest season amid numb misery.

Later when Ming Ye visited briefly, joy at seeing him whole and grown could not penetrate Yue Ling's despairing stupor. Not even Ming Ye's gentle pleading or the swollen curve of fresh life again inside her womb stirred responses besides anguished tears. Everything felt ashes without Wei Zheng.

By the time winter's first flurries swirled into their lonely cottage, the grinding toll showed in Yue Ling's own health decline. Sallow and listless perpetually, she hardly managed keeping basic soup broth down. Helpless mourning the unknown fate of her husband and now their second child consumed remaining spirit.

The day news spread that five towns beyond suffered complete annihilation by what could only be the unleashed demonic entity twisted Yue Ling's wavering heart past breaking point. Such mindless evil did not deserve thriving still! Sparing no glance back at the cottage overflowing with memories, she strode off decisively alone towards destined sacrifice.

Mile after mile through icy forests and forlorn villages evoked no hesitation, only anticipation of finally reuniting with Wei Zheng's spirit. Surely they would be allowed peace together in the next life safeguarding so many innocents this time from harm. Her ragged breaths came easier imagining his arms enfolding her tenderly again like before loss swept all away.

Ghostly twilight painted the landscape when Yue Ling staggered onto a deserted battlefield. Mangled corpses and splintered weapons indicated bloody conflict between the local defense militia and demons recently. Steeling wavering courage that the monster must linger nearby, she raised glowing palms chanting purifying spells to draw it out with her vitality.

A menacing hiss responded seconds before sinuous darkness burst forth baring poisonous fangs. But promised oblivion never reached Yue Ling as brilliance exploded between her and the demon. Eyes widening in shock and reckless joy, she sobbed aloud at the towering silhouette coalescing protectively before her with the last of her strength.

"Wei Zheng!" Unrestrained relief and love overwhelmed Yue Ling seeing him whole if battered. Drinking in his beloved face like lifesaving water after timeless drought, she nearly forgot their peril until his strained warning registered.

The fiendish entity roared deafeningly, outraged prey escaped death only to deliver this hated enemy blocking its path again. Wei Zheng steadied himself firmly, immortal sword gleaming merciless defiance.

Yue Ling scrambled upright, heart twisted recognizing the glad welcome in his eyes towards oncoming oblivion if only to shield her last moments more. Desperation clawed inside imagining forever separation so soon after miracle reunion. There must be another way!

Delving into her soul, Yue Ling unearthed every last drop of spiritual power to weave ruthless binding curses while synchronized deadly ice blades flew from Wei Zheng striking the demonic horror relentlessly. She poured all lingering hopes for their future into this final stand. Heavenly law demanded balance. Surely her pathetic remnants measured evenly against this pitiless cruelty!

As her vital energy flickered devastatingly faint, malevolent screams rent the air before ominous fog burst outward, dissolving rapidly to reveal empty landscape without a trace remaining. Heavy silence engulfed the battlefield's deathly lull. They had succeeded, but at what cost?

Knees crashing down bonelessly, darkness swarmed Yue Ling's fading consciousness. Expecting to sink into merciful oblivion forever, firm arms arresting her fall instead jolted awareness barely. Dazed gaze meeting Wei Zheng's stricken expression stole final ragged breaths.

"Live for our son, live for the little one who needs you still..." Each pleading word seared her heart as Yue Ling shook, clinging to his anchoring touch like a child fearing nightmares. She had no strength left to combat encroaching shadows but refused surrendering this fragile hope.

Precious seconds stretched endless. Then miraculous warmth tingled against Yue Ling's skin as strands of glittering red light swirled gently into view, merging seamlessly into her ravaged channels until rich glow suffused her and small heartbeat both. Gasping wonder, she stared searchingly up at the entrance spell hints solidifying around Wei Zheng even as joyful tears spilled free.

Immortal Ascension only ever elevated lone cultivators at tribulation's peak. Never had heaven endorsed two spirits entwining so completely before this moment. As a whole new world of radiance descended towards them for eternity together, Yue Ling and Wei Zheng smiled finally at unchallenged peace.

A tiny bundled wail roused Ming Ye from exhausted slumber. Jolting stiffly upright, he rushed over to peer anxiously down at his newborn sister nestled against his grieving mother's wan face. Months of strain showed in Grand Elder Rong's tired features as she gently tucked the blanket closer around fragile little body.

"We can name her Bao Yu - precious jade," Ming Ye suggested thickly, blinking misty eyes clear. Rong nodded approvingly. Sorrow dimming slightly, Ming Ye swore silently to shield Bao Yu beyond even his own life going forward, to honor the heroic parents who protected them and so many others at cost of immortal ascension's glory. He would ensure their lineage thrived through the generations.

In the decade after his parents' ascension, Ming Ye dedicated himself wholeheartedly towards cultivating ancient heritage across the surrounding seventy two villages. Blood demon eradication brought peace and stability back to the common citizens, allowing his parents' legacies to take root nourishingly. Alongside little sister Bao Yu, they established a new school attracting broad interest that eventually expanded into the Nine Lotus Immortal Sect, with Grand Elder Rong secretly overseeing protective boundaries.

Ming Ye soon discovered great joy passing hard earned cultivation insights to the next eager generation. Bao Yu likewise excelled conveying medicinal knowledge compassionately. And the sect's humble farming heritage cultivated dignity alongside camaraderie with mortal citizens despite exponential growth in disciples and resources over the years. Ming Ye knew his parents surely approved this harmonious path greatly resembling their own.