
Just cultivate

Just cultivate

Phenix_Rox · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Nineteen years since the Nine Lotus Immortal Sect's founding saw a thriving new generation

guided by First Elder Ming Ye and Second Elder Bao Yu. Their parents' legacy stood

testament in strong foundations and compassionate hearts cultivated equally with immortal


Ming Ye observed his disciples reassuringly one spring morning before turning towards little

Bao Yu who smiled up brightly, wispy clouds drifting idyllically past her raised palms. Though

only eleven mortal years, remarkable aptitude and their parents' sacrificial ascension

spiritual legacy ensured rapid cultivation progress. Today she became the sect's youngest

Foundation Establishment cultivator ever.

Pride and nostalgia swelled Ming Ye's heart seeing innocence still evident in Bao Yu's smile.

He suddenly realized why Grand Elder Rong insisted years ago on passing sect leadership

to him swiftly so she could focus solely on unearthing more of their parents' obscured history

from before exile. There was no immortal realm technique to regain squandered time with

loved ones.

That afternoon, Ming Ye quietly sought out Grand Elder Rong in her secluded residence by

the lotus ponds. She hardly seemed surprised when Ming Ye solemnly swore to undertake

closed door cultivation until he reached Immortal Ascension to reunite with their heroic

parents, entrusting interim leadership to the capable second generation elders trained

compassionately by Bao Yu just as she once nurtured him.

Rong's eyes crinkled with penetrating empathy. "When have I ever bound your wings to one

place? We all walk the paths fate shapes for us." She held his conflicted gaze steadily. "But

remember, closed door isolation cannot stand eternally. Balance endures longer."

Bowing deeply in gratitude for her wisdom and support, Ming Ye retreated to formalize Bao

Yu's authority as interim sect master, the youngest ever to administer their thriving school.

Her radiant joy and determined focus convinced Ming Ye this temporary burden would only

nurture his talented little sister's outstanding potential faster.

That autumn he inaugurated Bao Yu's leadership and his own cultivation seclusion with a

solemn fare-thee-well banquet. Tender affection brimmed from the disciples and elders

equally towards the two siblings carrying on their parents' proud legacy. As seasonal breeze

tossed crimson maple leaves picturesquely around his restrictive chamber, Ming Ye floated

into unperturbed meditative trance towards higher immortal insights.

Outside, Bao Yu dedicated herself fully to managing sect affairs. Balancing rigorous

administrative decisions alongside gentle counselling for disciples' worries reminded her of

their venerable parents' unity of steel and silk. Smiling serenely through taxing days, she

absorbed every experience knowing one lifetime still held only glimpses of the wisdom their

First Elder brother pursued in ascension.

For five harmonious years, Ming Ye cultivated steadfastly, only Bao Yu's occasional visits

penetrating his unwavering focus. In turn she kept him updated concisely on their school's

new competitive admissions policy to balance broader recruitment against diluted teaching

standards, successful negotiations hosting the Inter-Sect Exchange Conference next spring

that promised invaluable exposure and connections, ongoing public works with the mortals

like new irrigation channels and medicinal access programs. Pride and confidence in his

little sister swelled with each victory she recounted modestly.

The sixth spring came early with cheerful golden sunrises. After senior disciples swept his

courtyard clear of fragrant winter plum blossoms, Ming Ye prepared to sink blissfully back

into another decade's secluded cultivation when hesitant footsteps heralding Bao Yu's chiming

voice interrupted his trance preliminaries.

Mind instantly alert to distraction after stringent discipline resisting random thoughts for years,

he blinked reluctantly outwards from contemplative depths to focus on his sister's slight form

trembling before his platform. Alarm shot through Ming Ye at Bao Yu's bedraggled state so

unlike her normal graceful poise. Ink stains dotted formerly pristine white robes while loose

tendrils escaped her forgotten hairpins. What calamity could shake unflappable Bao Yu so?

"Sister, what happened?" Ming Ye asked sharply, dismissing confinement spells to leap down

and steady her shaking shoulders.

Bao Yu's muted whimper nearly felled him on its own. "Elder Brother, I failed you and our

parents! Please punish me duly!" Her broken confession of botching the Inter-Sect Exchange

summit pierced Ming Ye more painfully than any demonic blade. He listened helpless as

self-recrimination poured from Bao Yu relentlessly about overlooking accommodations

capacity when deciding participant numbers then struggling coordinating everything alone

afterwards once summit dates were set, culminating finally in esteemed Black Jade Sect's

envoy storming off impossibly offended by unintended informal housing arrangements.

Voice ragged with bitterness towards herself, Bao Yu concluded hollowly, "Fleeing guests

and chaos still reign. Our sect's reputation lies in ruins by my disaster." Shoulders sagging,

she offered her most precious hairpin, a memento from their late mother. "I surrender this

token of leadership and will submit obediently to whatever sentence you decree."

The pin dangling accusingly between them shattered Ming Ye's heart anew. How could

stalwart little Bao Yu believe he would punish instead of comfort her now? Throat tightening

painfully, he realized these scant years bounded by chaos hardly nurtured his talented sister

beyond a fledgling's strength. Forsaking his own coveted immortal insights could not possibly

balance such profound failure illuminating only at this terrible precipice.

Wordlessly sinking to his knees and enveloping Bao Yu in a crushing embrace like when they

were innocent children, Ming Ye let anguished tears speak repentance on behalf of their

parents in heaven he still chased blindly. The only choice left was reorienting himself wholly

towards his only remaining family.

"Listen close Bao Yu." His stern tone broke no dissent. "Our parents' nobility came from

protecting people, not chasing immortality for its own sake. We have lost sight of this while

reaching hastily for fleeting external glories." Tilting her teary face up, Ming Ye smiled gently

with hard won wisdom. "I hereby resume full leadership responsibility. You will support me as

before. Let us together restore true foundations."

As afternoon faded golden into dusk, First Elder Ming Ye emerged to address his sect formally

for the first time in six years. None dared protest resumption of authority from little Junior

Sister Bao Yu despite her otherwise promising interim leadership. All disciples prostrated

deeply to welcome their true master's enlightened return. Speech modest yet power

absolute, Ming Ye's commands set their shaken school on swift path to internal reform.

External troubles refused waiting however. Upheavals triggered by offended esteemed Black

Jade Sect required comprehensive damage control. Over subsequent weeks, Ming Ye

worked dawn through midnight directing emergency envoys on diplomatic salvaging tours,

extensive gift deliveries and revised tournament participation to mollify outraged senior sects

now embroiled.

Meanwhile he ensured sect females safely relocated to subsidiary residence peaks lest

vengeful disciples target Bao Yu when inevitable investigations began into the summit fiasco.

After one fiery battle killing three Black Jade inner sect disciples in supposed challenge duels,

Ming Ye sealed protective boundaries with finality. None could threaten his little sister again

for youthful mistakes. Their parents' blood legacy would endure gloriously.

Years passed swiftly as Ming Ye governed the Nine Lotus Immortal Sect judiciously towards

triumph over lingering external grudges. Rigorous accountability and spreading fame for their

healers' unparalleled skills attracted more local clans and smaller sects into close alliance.

Safe behind consolidated power, Ming Ye directed resources comprehensively back towards

humble foundations - farms and schools for citizens alongside their thriving disciple ranks.

Little Bao Yu supported him earnestly as before but clearly would never resume full authority.

The venerated Third Elder now, none yet presumed upstaging her insights given memories of

past tumult. In any case Bao Yu devoted herself wholeheartedly to instructing their healers in

increasingly innovative treatments for obscure ailments. Seeing revitalized joy in the sister

he nearly broke once swelled protective pride anew in Ming Ye. They would leave far richer

legacies than originally imagined possible.

The Nineteen Year Calamity nearly shattered those hard-won hopes.

It began as whisperings of worrying incidents - villages plagued mysteriously with wasting

fevers beyond curatives...roving demonic cultivators ambushing night travellers across

provincial roads...abrupt gales devastating rice harvests already hindered by stunted output

from sick fields...

Ming Ye listened to each new report with mounting grim focus. Such concentrated misfortune

bespoke evil directives instead of natural chaos. He ordered emergency conscriptions of

both sect disciples and able villagers for intensive combat drill formations. Stockpiles of

medicines tripled while Yao Guai, their ancient beast spirit guardian, tightened perimeter

wards layer by layer. Grim as darkest nights before radiant dawns, the entire region girded for
