
Just Another trashy hero isekai

A Man that no longer sees worth in living gets a New oportunity to thrive in a New world Full of magic, strange beasts, powerfull skills and strong enemies all around.

cenin310 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

1. bottom of the hole

"My name is Pablo and i'm gonna kill myself, i don't want to play This game any longer."

"Why you ask? Well Its simple, my life has been hell since i remember It begining, my dad was arrested for something he didn't do and died in prison when i was still 7 years old, my mom got into debt, sold the house and abandoned me and my sister, my sister then took prostitution as a way to survival for her and her younger brother, after some years i finnaly got a job only to return home to a dead sister aparently she died from some overdose, after crying and cursing god and his dumb workings, after a time working, life Seemed better, got a girlfriend, went into dates, won some money and life was good for once, until i came back earlier once and witnessed she cheating on me, i yeled at her, cursed at her and blocked her of my life and left, i cried in the shower that night only to find out the day after that, she acussed me of rape with no evidence and no logical conection whatsoever, and then i was Fired for the acusation, and there i was At square one after so much Time and work for nothing, 20 years old with serious mental health issues and all my Miserable life done for nothing, i then went to a nearby tall building and here we are to finish the job"

*Pablo thinks of his life before jumping of the building, he then jumps and feels the gust of wind touching his body and Gravity pulling him directly to the concrete sidewalk he then closes his eyes and tears come out of them, suddently the Wind stops and Pablo opens his eyes seeing a Room with other five people the Room was white and there was a woman in the middle of the Room she had Brown skin, white hair a provocative figure, and glowing yellow eyes*

{???}: seems like the princess was sucessfull in her summonings, my name is Válor i'm a lower goddess and i'm here to Grant your hero skills

{???}: where the hell are we? i was in my daughters music presentation

{???} Shut up old Man i was in prison Just now and this beaultiful sister brought me out

{Válor}: i understand that you are confused but fear not children, some of you were given a New chance in life and some were taken in the midst of their current lives

{Pablo}: ...is this serious?... "You can't even let me end my suffering silently and decides to trow me into some fucking manga/manhwa cringy situation seriously God, Go Treat yourself some therapy Sessions please, well let's analize the situation, seems like i was summoned here with 3 asians and 1 Black Guy, there is a Young women a old gezzer and 2 Young guys 1 asian and one Black"

{Válor} i Will Grant you guys your skills and take you to the destined place of summonings and they Will explain everything you need to know alright? Good, first is ashira ksugaya, come forth to receive your skills

{Ashira}: s-sure i'm ashira

{Válor}: your skills Will be

[Swordmanship lvl 1]

[electricity manipulation lvl 1]

[adaptability lvl 1]

Job related benefits.

Current job: hero

10x experience gain for all skills

20% more Lucky than the average joe

70% increase in all damage dealt to demons

And a more sturdy body, the body deserved of a hero

Understand the language of where you were summoned

{Válor}: these job benefits extend to you all, the next is Mr. Yong

{Mr. yong} no i don't want This i want to return to my home for my wife and children i don't want to be a hero-

*The goddess muted him with magic*

{Válor} well, returning you right now is impossible but If you can become stronger and defeat the enemy of the humans that whorship me i can Grant a whish for you and take you back If that is what you want, their enemy is the demon king, well continuing what i was saying

Mr. Yongs skills are

[Analizing lvl 1]

[Telekinesis lvl 1]

[Metal transformation lvl 1]

[Super reflexes lvl 1]

And the job benefits are the same as ashira

Now the skills from andre Wesley

{Andre}: sure Just tell me what they are

[Regeneration lvl 1]

[Fire manipulation lvl 1]

[Spearmanship lvl 1]

Job benefits are the Same as ashira

{Andre}:Yeah baby they seem low-key awesome man

{Válor}: now Pablo's skills are the following

[Vibration manipulation lvl 1]

[Lie detector]

[??? ]

[Biokinesis lvl 1]

Job benefits are the Same as ashira

{Pablo}: oh interesting "there seems to be some interesting ones, what is even biokinesis? I've never heard of It before"

{Válor}: Now the last one is miss qiao

[White magic lvl 1]

[Power augmentation lvl 1]

[Invisibility lvl 1]

Job benefits are the Same as ashira

{Válor}: Now all 5 of you have been given what is rightfully yours, Go forth and help those who called you to help them

{Pablo}: shit Just became interesting *Pablo grins*

{} means, someone/something is talking

() is used for extra Information

"" is used for thought

* is used for events happening or that happened in the world

and english isn't the author's First language so please be mindful

cenin310creators' thoughts