
Just Another trashy hero isekai

A Man that no longer sees worth in living gets a New oportunity to thrive in a New world Full of magic, strange beasts, powerfull skills and strong enemies all around.

cenin310 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2. the only way is up

*The goddess then told them that they could see their skills anywere and Any time saying 'skills' and receive some simple Information on them By saying 'info' and thinking of the skills they wanna learn about, and also explained that the one's who summoned them wouldn't have a way to see or know their skills, so they would have to Tell them or show them their skills, then the time to take them there came, the goddes told them to close their eyes and open shortly after, they obliged and as they opened their eyes they saw knights an old Man on a robe with a staff and a Young woman on the ground shaking*

{???}: I really did it... *Said the shaking lady right before fainting on the ground*

{???}: princess Emilly!! Knights Quickly take her to her chamber and bring the medics so they Assist her rest!, sigh, heroes i'm really Sorry you had to see such a scene, my name is Ludacris, i'm This Kingdom's great mage and i'll explain the situation to you all, firstly do the heroes have any questions?

{Ashira}: i have one, why did you summons us?

{Ludacris}: well that is simple, the kingdom you are in right now is called lumnar, we are one of the 5 main countries on the continent of kavirya, and we are the closest to the demon Island, its called an Island but its as big If not bigger than the lumnar kingdom, and all the other continents don't really Care about It because the demon Island is not close to them, but we do, every year demons pour into our country and destroy/ ravage our stuff wich has big impacts on the economy, and This year the demons came in much bigger number so our last resort was to summon heroes to teach the demon king a lesson

{Andre}: I also have one, How is the power diference between a normal Citizen and a hero?

{Ludacris}: Very big, you see, 1 in 3 people are born with no skill and 90% of the time the people who get It only get one and It could be a production or mysc type of skill instead of one for battle, but heroes, they are diferent, when they are summoned they come with at least 3 and at most 6, and normaly all of them could be used for battle, so let's say-

*While Ludacris was answering the heroes questions Pablo was listening and suddently got curious about the skills he had*

{Pablo}: "The goddess Said that i had to say 'info' and think about the skill right? Ok then" info *Pablo wispers* "[biokinesis]"

*A Voice suddently came up in Pablo's head*

{???}: [biokinesis] can manipulate the biology of living organisms, including but not limited to genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions in you and others. This skill can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce and cure diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity and much more.

{Pablo}: "so i can basicaly control any biological phenomena in me and other people or Control body parts too i guess? Let's see the other ones, which one should i get info on... No let's do that later, what are they talking about now?"

{Ludacris}: of course as heroes of the country you guys receive benefits, 40 Gold coins each, This amount could easily buy a good house in the capital and now that you sort of understand the problems at hand i'll bring you to your temporary acommodations and we'll continue the discussion again some time later ok

*The mage leads them to their Room were they get to know each other and test their skills*

{Ashira}: Hahaha This Room is really good, the beds seem like luxury ones

{Mrs. Qiao}: well since we were summoned here shouldn't we know each other more? My name is qiao an, and i was a student until some minutes Ago, and aparently now i'm a hero in another world.

{Mr. Yong}: my name is yong shai and i don't Care for what is happening right now, everything i was capable of thinking on the last 20 minutes was If i Will ever see my family again...

{Andre}: geez old man you don't need to drop the mood that much, my name is Andre Wesley and i was arrested for car theft, and i am really happy to be here and gain some superpowers and a 2° chance in life.

{Ashira}: i was a hikikomori and now i'm living my dreams, i still think i Will wake up anytime now

*Their eyes turned with expectation from pablo*

{Pablo}: Well my name is Pablo and i am Just a... normal guy "i don't think they need more than that..."

*They then started Messing with their newfound skills, in one side of the Room was a Guy creating and shaping fire out of nothing and in the other an old man becoming a metal figure of himself (like Colossus) and in his bed Pablo wasn't testing his skills he was more interested about the 'info' function*

{Pablo}: its strange, the lie detector has no 'lvl'... info [Lie detector]

{???}: lie detector Users can sense when they are lied to by various means, thus knowing when a false statement is being transmitted. Unlike regular humans who can merely discern when they are lied to with limited accuracy and consistency, the user can detect any and all lies being told at any moment, even if the one spewing lies is doing so through supernatural or abnormal means.

Passíve skill

{Pablo}: that is really useful, but what i'm most curious about is this [???] Skill i have, does info even work on It? Info "[???]"

{???}: systematic problem found, undestanding problem, solving Locking mechanism... Locking feature resolved, providing info on [power bestowal lvl 1]

The user can give superpowers to others, either permanently or temporarily.

Active skill

Low level restrictions: Target may need certain qualities/accomplishments beforehand. The powers the user gives may come with psychological or physical detriments. The user cannot use the skill on himself

{Pablo}: hahaha that is soo op, maybe i can create some superpowered followers or something

*They then continued to fool around with their powers, andre even burned the carpet with his small fires and then they went to sleep*