
Jumper - The Zaire Conundrum

Some call it Jumper, others say Teleportation—Zaire doesn’t care what it’s named. His only focus is surviving until the end. But life is never that simple. With Nazis on a murderous rampage, deadly games, and a Jumper so powerful it sends chills down Zaire's spine, surviving is more than a challenge; it’s a battle for his very existence. .............................................. What’s this novel about? Like most of my works, it’s a blend of Jumper, Power Rangers, and as many sci-fi movies and series as I can weave in. Got a request? Just let me know. When's the next update? Volume 1 is already complete. Expect around 16 chapters in the first volume, giving you thirteen days of thrilling content. Let me know what you think!

The_Young_Flash · Films
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 - Night For The Ages I

Brenda nervously gripped the steering wheel of the Hummer – her being in the car made everything feel official.

Thankfully, nobody who actually knew Brenda Gasser or Zaire Aionios could be seen – it would have meant her social death… or, more specifically, death by expulsion from Patty's good graces.

Brenda smiled wryly to herself when she recalled the trouble necessary to get the Hummer – it took an hour of stalking the parking lot.

Still, she knew a couple of things that helped her.

Brenda knew Zaire kept an extra key in the dashboard, she knew that three shakes would open the rear door, and she knew he would task her with recovering the car.

They had an appointment that night, after all.

Everything lined up so even before she got the text, Brenda had already taken the car and parked it a couple blocks from her house.

She couldn't allow her parents to see an unfamiliar car in the driveway.

Now, Brenda found herself eagerly waiting for Zaire – their nights were always magical but morning always came… this time, she was hoping the magic would stay for more than a single night.

Two knocks on the window…

Brenda jumped a bit in her seat but when she noticed who was knocking, she beamed and opened the door.

She shifted in the seat, sitting diagonally, and as if a puzzle piece finding its other half, Zaire slid forward, stopping between Brenda's legs.

Their lips met shortly after… her arms wrapped around his shoulders as their tongues warred in a kiss so intense it caused bystanders to briefly pause.

The duo were uncaring of who would notice them.

Zaire was all on his own and Brenda was confident in the fact that there were far juicer gossips to talk about than teenage lovers making out.

Sadly, if you didn't have the presence of Patty Yang, outside of the high school, nobody would attach a name to the face.

They parted…

"Guess you really missed me," Zaire smirked, wiping a pink smear from his lips. "Easy on the lipstick next time…"

Brenda smirked in return. "You don't like it on your lips but you love it when—"

Before she could finish the statement, Zaire leaned in for another kiss – he couldn't be sure of who was listening but he would rather keep his fetishes in the darkest depths of his bedroom.

Not every girl got to experience the freakiest levels of Zaire – even Brenda, confident as she was, had been eased into Zaire's sex life.

They parted after another minute…

"I need to make a deposit," Zaire voiced, pulling Brenda out of the car.

She shut the door behind them.

Hand-in-hand, the duo made their way up the stairs and into the bank… Brenda didn't forget to slip the Hummer's keys into Zaire's coat pocket.

She didn't want to hold on to the hummer longer than she should – it held a special meaning to Zaire.

So far, the only person who could handle his hummer without repercussions was Henry, but Brenda didn't know that.

"Sending money back home?" Brenda made conversation as they entered the line.

Zaire pretended not to notice that she spoke louder than usual to help him… it was these small considerations that made him appreciate her all the more.

He also pretended not to notice that the bank's guards would have stopped him had it not been for Brenda's loud comment, confirming he was there to make a deposit… not rob the bank.

Zaire had long gotten accustomed to the faintest bits of microaggressions; though he didn't want to admit it to himself, it was a large part of the reason that he dated girls like Patty Yang and Brenda Gasser.

"There is no one home left to send money to," Zaire commented – he was always honest with Brenda on the things that didn't matter.

Sure, if she listened closely enough, she would be able to piece some things together about his past but she hardly paid attention to the details.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to—"

"It's fine…" Zaire slipped his hand out of his coat pockets and into Brenda's coat pockets. "—Any girl willing to drive my car halfway across town seconds after I message her deserves near-unlimited strikes," He voiced.

In Brenda's coat pockets, her and Zaire's fingers interlocked.

Of course, every word out of Zaire's mouth was stated with the intent of staying in Brenda's good graces – had Henry been present, she would have called bullshit on every word.

But Brenda didn't know better.

She thought the Zaire she saw was the Zaire she got but even a paper had two-dimension, much less a Jumper skilled enough to fight against Nazis falling from the skies.

Zaire chuckled to himself at the thought… what was a life-and-death Nazi struggle in the morning, had become a thing to laugh at in the afternoon.

"What's funny?"

"How cute you are…" Zaire praised.

Brenda pulled their interlocked fingers out of her coat's pocket – she was proud to be his girlfriend… at least, she was assuming they had gone steady after the very public display.

The line dwindled as time passed…

Zaire endured the three guys who jumped to the front of the line only because he wasn't the person being personally skipped… There was nearly an altercation at one point but the matter was settled after a few strong words.

The guards hadn't moved from start to end – obviously, they were mostly for show…

Eventually, Zaire's and Brenda's hands loosened and instead, she leaned into his shoulder and his hand pulled her into an intimate snuggle for the rest of the line.

Soon, they were at the front.

"I came to make a deposit…" Zaire voiced with both his hands on the counter.

The Teller glanced at Brenda standing next to Zaire and breathed a sigh of relief… she passed the slip to Zaire without explaining.

There was no need to explain, it was hardly his first time making a deposit.

Still, there was a problem.

"I guess I should have said deposits…" Zaire corrected, raising the single, pink slip in his hands. "I need three Deposit Slips."

The Teller frowned.

"Please… we need to send money for my little sister, my aunt, and the school," Brenda wore an innocent expression.

The Teller passed two more pink slips over the counter and Zaire took it without dawdling – he filled in the necessary information with practiced ease.

A different account went on each paper, followed by three envelopes of cash.

The thickness of the envelopes was decent… definitely more than a thousand dollars in each envelope.

Brenda sneaked a peek at the Pink Slips before Zaire handed them back but she could not make sense of the strange accounts.

A more experienced banker would have recognized the varying country codes, but neither The Teller nor Brenda were that experienced.

Zaire could see a question burning in the depths of Brenda's eyes so he waited until they had exited the bank and entered the Hummer to offer her a hint of an answer.

"You can ask…" He voiced.

Brenda chuckled. "Am I that easy to read?" She questioned.

'Try not looking in a mirror every five seconds so that maybe I wouldn't be able to read the superficial person you are…' His mind stated, but Zaire's voice was nothing but sweet. "Only because I pay attention to you all the time."

Brenda blushed…

"I… just…" She searched for the words. "You're a mystery at school and I know you better than most… but I still don't know you. I guess, I want to ask about the bank codes."

"I like being mysterious but I can give you a hint," Zaire pondered for a couple of seconds, shifting the hummer from park to drive. "One envelope was a promise, the other envelope was a threat, and the last envelope was for my personal account," He revealed.

"A threat?" Brenda sighed, making herself comfortable in the passenger's seat as Zaire started to drive away. "—Sounds dangerous."

"There are happy threats," Zaire lied through his teeth – the fact of the matter was, the threat was indeed dangerous.

"How was school today?" Zaire introduced a new conversation.

That was all Brenda needed to start her rambling… from that point on, Zaire only needed to provide minimal input as Brenda talked about everything.

She kept the topics trendy, careful not to mention which mystery guy Patty was currently hooking up with – the last thing she wanted was for Zaire to doubt their budding relationship.

"—and Zed kept saying you lost the fight…"

"But Jameson totally backed you…"

"Of course, Henry had to spazz out in the middle of class…"

"Shelby is being reviewed. Everyone is pissed about it…" She voiced.

"Shelby hardly teaches," Zaire corrected.

Brenda nodded sagely. "That's why we love him so much," She chuckled. "That guy was all chill."

"What was the name of that girl who slept with him for an A?" Zaire pretended to be casual but he was digging up dirt to bury the fat man.

Shelby had to go – he had laid a hand on Henry after all.

Zaire was nothing if not protective of his friends, and right now, his list of friends included Jenna, Henry, and a few people he had met with random Jumps around the globe.

"OMG, you mean Tessa?" Brenda vibrated in her seat, clearly eager to get this particular gossip out of her mouth. "Jim told Matt that Shelby didn't even sleep with Tessa… Jim fucked her and Shelby just watched!"

Zaire was startled by this particular information – he thought back to the incident with Dana.

The disk was still beneath the floor of his cottage – the mystery had bothered him for a while… he eventually gave up on it but Zaire never expected that a random gossip session from Brenda would provide him with possible answers.

'Have to note this down…' He thought, storing the information for later.

"And that got her an A?" Zaire was genuinely surprised.

"I know…" Brenda sighed, then turned her body toward Zaire as a smile formed on her lips. "I mean…" She chuckled, slowly shifting out of her coat. "If I knew Shelby likes to watch, I would have flashed my boobs in class…" She declared.

Zaire had trouble keeping his eye on the road as Brenda slowly slipped out of her shirt, then undershirt, until a bra was all that remained.

"Please don't let me crash this car…" Zaire pleaded, his eyes darting back and forth between the road and Brenda.

"Then pull over," Brenda suggested. "I know a place…"

"And I am always prepared…" He replied.

Brenda leaned forward, watching the signs flitter past as she instructed Zaire where to drive – she had more experience when it came to all the secret spots in Reston.

All the gossip did amount to something.

"Take a right here," She instructed.

Zaire took the right and the car traveled up the dirt road for a couple of miles before a hill entered his view – it was no flower field but it had an amazing view of the spiraling lakes in the distance.

In a couple of seconds, Brenda and Zaire were out of the car and admiring the view – then, he popped the trunk and gathered some of the supplies he always kept for a speedy escape.

A large towel and two sheets, some nutrition bars, wrapped sandwiches, and a speaker for Brenda's phone.


The duo spread the two sheets on the ground, then the towel on top before finding a place in the corner for the snacks… but those weren't the snacks Brenda was interested in.

As soon as the towel was on the ground, she leaped into Zaire's arms and he was well-prepared to catch the topless girl.

There was nothing he wanted more at the moment than to hold her.

Their lips met intensely for a couple of seconds…

Then, they parted to catch their breaths.

At some point, Zaire was supporting both himself and Brenda – her legs were firmly secured to his waist as her arms circled his neck, and his dexterous hands massaged her soft ass.

"You're an amazing girl…" Zaire whispered, meeting Brenda's eyes.

It was the first honest thing he had said to her in a while, and Brenda could tell as much though she didn't think too deeply about it.

"Amazing enough to go steady?" Brenda pushed ahead while she could – after all, she knew just how flaky Zaire was.

"Rock my world and I'll let you know," He wisely replied.

Brenda grinned. "Challenge accepted!" she trapped Zaire's lips once more, and he sunk to his knees, slowly putting Brenda atop the towel.

She spread her legs to pull Zaire closer in as her back touched the softness of the towel and what was an intense kiss became intensely potent.

Their lips parted…

Brenda took the opportunity to slide her hands under Zaire's arms, biting into his neck to keep him close as she grabbed the corners of his shirt.

In no time at all, his short was pulled off.

Zaire did not remain impassive… his hands had unbuckled his belt and he was quickly sliding out of his pants.

All the while, he ground his body against Brenda's – she could feel his considerable length moving up and down on her belly.

Brenda shifted her body more upward, trying to adjust herself so Zaire's hardness could rub against the rapidly wetting spot between her legs.

Then, Zaire was out of his pants and in his boxers… they parted truly and Brenda rushed to slip out of her skinny jeans – it was done with practised ease.

Their lips met once more… tongues wild as saliva swapped between them.

Zaire trailed kisses from Brenda's shoulders to her neck, then to her cheeks before once again arriving at her lips – he didn't stay long and she didn't want him to.

Brenda extended her head, trying to give him a better vantage for her neck and Zaire took it gladly – he knew how much she liked kisses on the neck.

He simultaneously unclipped her bra while she hooked a toe around the strap of his boxers and pulled it down – Zaire was taller but somehow, Brenda managed to get the boxers off of him using just her feet… it was a testament to her flexibility.




They were wild with accumulating sexual urges.

Suddenly, Brenda sunk her fingers into Zaire's hair and pulled him backward so he could look at her – his fingers had slid under her panties.

A single finger entered her… then another finger.

Their eyes met… Zaire saw the moment he entered Brenda, and of course, his fingers also felt it.

She gasped and moaned into his mouth – it was a moan of exhilaration and utmost vulnerability… she was entrusting herself to him.

Brenda trusted him to be within her.

Zaire's fingers moved slowly at first… then rapidly until Brenda couldn't continue kissing him – she simply licked his lips and moaned in his mouth.

He could taste her breath – it tasted of victory.

The entire time… the entire act, Zaire felt no guilt for what he was doing… to him, it was just another fuck with a girl he was bound to forget sometime soon.

Having the patience to wait no longer, Zaire forced himself into Brenda's mouth as she also tensed her body – she knew Zaire was blocking her mouth because he was finally ready to enter her.

The first time they had sex had been a nightmare – it took thirty minutes to get her wet enough and wide enough for his full entry.

These days, it took five minutes and a few uncomfortable seconds as she accommodated him – it's been a week since they had sex so she had to expand back open.

Zaire pulled Brenda's panty to the side, stretching the fabric beyond its limits but he couldn't care less at this critical point in time… then, he lined up his waist and…

Brenda shuddered… her nails sunk into his back and she shifted her body down a bit, hoping for the pain to be over.

She bit his chin to hold back the cry of pain.

Zaire felt his head transitioning through Brenda's tight hole and with a quick jab forward, he was in and sinking deeper… he bottomed out with three-fourths of him inside of her, but he knew he could go deeper.

With the pain gone and pleasure returning, Brenda grabbed Zaire's ass and pulled him deeper into her – he obliged and she felt the final bits of her insides being filled completely.

What followed was short jabs…

Hard grinding…

Her nails sunk into his shoulder blades…

Similarly, Brenda could feel Zaire's large hands cupping her ass – as always, there would be a handprint of ownership present for a week after he was done.

They fucked chaotically.

Brenda was at the bottom, taking all the abuse Zaire could fish out – she liked every moment of it.

Then, a couple of minutes later, she was on top of the world – she slammed her pussy onto his dick with intensity enough that Zaire briefly considered marrying the girl.

With her dedication to fucking him – and he was sure she didn't fuck any of her exes so thoroughly – Zaire decided to keep her around a bit longer.

Though he could never truly trust her.

Ten minutes later, Brenda was back at the bottom but this time, both of her legs were stretched above her head – she watched as Zaire drilled into her with utmost concentration.

It was a beautiful sight… also a bit frightening now that she saw the size and length of the dick she had been rising.

The duo fucked…

And fucked…

And kissed and bit each other…

An hour and a half later… Zaire released around Brenda's pussy, smearing her swollen lips – he wanted to deposit his load directly inside of her but he didn't trust her birth control.

They sighed and collapsed next to each other.


Thirty minutes later…

Packages from the snacks loitered the hilltop.

"One more?" Zaire offered, unwrapping a nutrition bar and placing it in front of Brenda's mouth – her head was on his chest.

Actually, half of her body was on his.

Zaire's arm was snaked around her belly – he was on his back and Brenda was situated diagonally, with her shoulders and head on his chest.

They were staring at the skies – darkness was encroaching.

Brenda stared at the nutrition bar for a couple of seconds, making sure there were no raisins – she didn't like it.

Then, she took a large bite.

Zaire chuckled and brought the bar back to his mouth, taking a bite and repeating the action between himself and Brenda until it was done.

"We didn't even make it to the cottage," Brenda languidly joked.

"You don't have to try and stay awake… I will take you to the cottage if you fall asleep," Zaire comforted, gently rubbing Brenda's right nipple – it was still stiff.

This time, he rubbed the nipple for her comfort instead of trying to get her aroused for a couple more rounds – though, Zaire had to admit he was still a bit horny.

"Yeah, right…" Brenda scoffed, making herself more comfortable on his chest. "I know you enough. As soon as I fall asleep, you'll find a way to get me home. I have no idea how you can sneak inside my house in the middle of the night but—"

"Do you really not trust me?" Zaire pretended to be hurt.

"I can stay awake until we get to the cabin and we are both in the bed, cuddling…" Brenda voiced, spinning her body to meet Zaire's eyes as she threatened. "—and we will cuddle for the entire night. As soon as I feel your arms leave my right boob, I will wake up and beat your ass…"

"You have such little trust in me?" Zaire questioned again.

Brenda answered seriously. "This relationship has always been built on the principle that we don't have to trust each other – we just have to pay attention and hold the other person accountable," She stated.

And it was the truth…

Zaire always kept an eye on Brenda and at the sight of her faintest faults, the relationship would be no more – and she gave him no fault to exploit.

When her exes texted, she would always show him first… There had even been a fight with one of the guys who wouldn't take the hint and tried to ambush her after school.

By all appearances, Brenda was trustworthy but it was exactly because she was eager to be trusted that Zaire didn't trust her at all – she was too eager to prove herself and that meant, she didn't trust herself.

"Let's head back," He decided.

Keeping Brenda at the cottage for the night was not in the plan but nothing ever went according to the plan… besides, it would get her to relax for the next week.

After all, she couldn't handle sex every day – not with Zaire's intensity.

"I brought enough clothes for two days," Brenda revealed, smiling brilliantly now that Zaire had fallen into the trap. "I figured you'd need me with you if the team loses the game on Friday, and you'll extra-need-me if you guys win the game on Friday."

"What's the difference?" Zaire quirked a brow.

"Well…" Brenda stood, her legs shaking but she struck a pose to highlight her naked brilliance – the cum stains on her stomach and hickeys on her neck and chest made her beauty all the more irresistible. "If you lose the game, you get pity fuck and probably a head in your car when we leave the game…"

"And if I win?"

"Then…" Brenda leaned closer, whispering a freaky suggestion into Zaire's ears.

He was startled at first… wondering how Brenda could understand him well enough to know that he had been holding himself back from doing such a thing to her…

But now that she offered.

"Have you ever done that before?" He questioned suspiciously.

"No, I just know you want to—" She was obviously nervous. "—and I honestly don't think you guys will win… I don't do that stuff but for you, I am willing to try…"

Zaire stood up, revealing his nakedness in all its glory – he grabbed Brenda and locked their lips together. "You're an amazing girl," He complimented.

She blushed…

They locked lips once more.


A couple of minutes later, the duo cleaned up, bundling the trash with the dirty sheets.

They would later dump everything in a roadside trash heap.

They kept the towel with all its stains – Brenda got a zip-locked bag at a convenience store they passed on the way to the cottage, and she stored the towels as an important memory.

As soon as they arrived at the cottage, Brenda stumbled to the bed and fell asleep – Zaire was thankful that she slept on the sheet instead of under it.

After all, she had yet to take a bath.

He watched her for a couple of seconds – his stains, his hickeys, his hand marks on her buttocks…

Everything made him feel a sense of accomplishment.

To fulfill his promise, Zaire crept into the bed next to Brenda – also still naked – and embraced the girl… she unconsciously snuggled up to him in her sleep.

They stayed that way for a couple of minutes…

And just as Zaire was about to drift asleep, as if a devil waited for the perfect moment, a text message caused his phone to vibrate beneath his pillow.

He snatched the phone – thankful Brenda wasn't awakened by the untimely disturbance…. It was a perfect night.

[Party @ the college campus – Stratford University… pool party! Cuming? 😉 – Caroline…]

Zaire stared at the text for a couple of seconds, then glanced down at Brenda's sleeping figure – he could still go for a few rounds but she was exhausted and would probably sleep until tomorrow.

And it was around seven-thirty – that was super earlier compared to other nights.

'Cummin 💦 💦,' was Zaire's reply message.

The choice had been made – now, Zaire could only hope that Brenda would keep her consistency and sleep until the morning after all their rough sex sessions.

As for Caroline, Zaire knew he had to rush to the part, lest she end up with some other dude and his journey of ten miles would be worth nothing.

The Jumper spent five minutes in the bath, another two minutes figuring out what to wear, and by the tenth-minute mark, he was out of the house and back in the Hummer.


There are sexually explicit scenes in this chapter.

Though I will only write sex scenes for the first time between Zaire and a main character, and after that, it will be like - and they made love all night.

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