
chapter four

''I rush to Mzee Tom's house one evening and found him on the floor fighting for his life. His condition has worsened, I try lifting him up but it's too little too late and he is dying in my hands. I cry out for help but nobody seems to come to my rescue''

It's a dream, Zoe wakes up and walks to the window, she pulls the curtains and looks through. 'It's a bad dream,' she talks to herself

Zoe goes back to bed and in the morning while having breakfast with her parents, some guy comes over to their house;

'Hello, Mr. Mark, what's wrong around here, I can see police around Mzee's house,' he said

'What? for us we don't know. What did Mzee do this time,' Mark replied Mark gets outside and the two walk closer to the scene. People had started to gather around.

'What really happened here,' Mark asked one person

'They found Mzee dead in his house,' he replied

'Sorry, poor guy died alone last night,' Mark replied

Mark walks back to his house and delivers the news; 'the poor guy died in his house last night,' he said

'Oh, no. this is bad,' Zoe replied

'Yeah, your friend is gone,' he said

Catherine received the news of the death of the old guy with relief. She knows that this time, her step daughter will spend most time at home not as like she used to do.

This prompted Zoe to rush there and she saw police marking the place as scene of crime and that no one was allowed to enter. When she tried to ask, she was told that the same thing. ''He died last night''

Zoe was devastated on hearing such because she could easily relate the dream, she had last night to what has just happened.

Earlier in the day, Zoe got to hear that Mzee Tom had died of natural causes and so there was no external force as earlier rumored. This demoralized Zoe a little bit as she connected with Mzee Tom very well as if she was a granddaughter.

'I will miss you, my friend,' she talks to herself

When she gets back home, she asked her father;

''what will happen to his house and his properties, because for the little time that I have known him, I had never seen any relative of his coming to visit him''

'They must be there. Let's wait and see and if nobody appeared to claim his properties, then the state takes over such properties until one day when a complaint will come over', he said

'Okay, may my friend rest in eternal peace,' Zoe replied

A day later while at home, a police car pulled over to Zoe's parents' house and after introducing themselves, they inquired to know where a young woman by names of Zoe Christian was around;

'Is anything wrong guys, that's my daughter,' Zoe's daddy replied

'Everything is fine. We just wanted to talk to Zoe Christian,' they said

This all happened as Zoe watched from window curtains of the house and overheard their conversation with the police guys and after a few minutes, she came over and introduced herself;

'Am here guys,' Zoe Christian said

'We are from the state attorney and we have here with us documents from the last will of Mzee Tom naming you as the next of kin of his departed property,' one guy said

Zoe's daddy intercepted and said,' my daughter is studying at university and cannot accept this. You must be mistaken'.

'All we ask for is for miss Zoe Christian to escort us to the office of district attorney and sign some documents, madam Are you willing,' they said

'I cannot turn down my best friend last wishes and therefore I accept,' she replied

This did not go down well with Zoe's parents who were outraged as to why their daughter was accepting such offer and yet she was not related to this dead guy at all. Zoe and the police drove away to the district attorney office. As all this happened, Zoe could not clearly figure out what lies ahead for her as she was at the university studying to be an accountant.

One day while at university, Zoe developed a misunderstanding with a fellow student and she thought it as minor issue but the other girl wanted to fight and after a serious of counter accusations, this girl came forward and punched her in the face and she fell down. Amidst cheers from fellow students, Zoe stood up and told her not to dare step forward and beat her again. The girl came forward for another round of fight. As she raised her hand to grab Zoe's hair, her arm got paralysis midair as she shouted for help.

'Please help me, I cannot raise my hand,' she said groaning in pain

It took some time for cheering students to realize this girl was in pain and she needed help. They called out a school ambulance to take her to hospital. All this happened as some sections of students were capturing on camera the whole scenes and it did not take long and this was all over the school social media accounts. Zoe Christian plea was 'I did not touch her' and videos was there to confirm that.

Zoe received a lot of respect from big guys at school as a girl that no one should mess with and she became popular for that phrase.' I did not touch her'.