
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantaisie
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90 Chs

Chapter 9: Memories

Elder Teacher Levi and Little Eu continue to discuss and improve the placements and formation plans. Elder Levi always consults Little Eu in regard to these matters.

Even if he hates to admit it, Little Eu has a better understanding regarding complicated spells. He can't help relying on her every time he is in a bind.

"Anyway, Elder. Can you teach me the wizardry compartment spell? I am currently using the space teleportation spell to keep my stuff, but retrieving them is a hassle..." Little Eu paused as she changed the subject and asked,

The middle-age elder was dumbfounded.

This brilliant girl, who has figured out the most complicated enchantments seeks his guidance for a mere wizardry compartment spell.

His face suddenly brightens as he bursts in a fit of laughter. He was unsure if the girl is serious or merely joking with him to make him feel better.

She stares at him with pursed lips. She can't believe her Elder is laughing at her because she failed to figure out how it works and ended up creating the space teleportation spell.

Meanwhile, he is on the verge of depression, doubting his competence as an elder and as her mentor. After all, she is technically the brains behind all his current achievements.

He felt his heart warms up as he finds himself a grain of gratification. He seems like he wasn't doing enough for this little girl, and it feels like he is exploiting her.

After all, she always figures things on her own or creates a more convenient and useful spell every time.

"I am sorry, Little Eu. I really don't mean to laugh. I was just happy." he explains as he wipes his teary eyes.

He smiles as he prepares himself to teach her, and he rolls his sleeves.

"The basic theory of Wizardry Compartments is the creation of personalized dimensional space…"

Meanwhile, the Grand Elder and the Divine Lord headed to the study to have their discussions. Scrolls about formations and seals scatter around the room. He can assume they are preparing for an attack.

Even with living in isolation, the Oracle Clan is always very cautious.

Simple wild beasts won't penetrate their walls, so he could only assume they are preparing for a much more sinister assault. He somehow can't help himself from worrying about their welfare.

"Please don't mind the mess, my Lord. We are currently fortifying our defenses. You never know when enemies will come knocking in your doorstep." the Grand Elder started as he offers him a seat. He pours him some tea and continues, "What do I owe you for this sudden visit?"

"I need to borrow your Token or Clan Badge to gain passage." Divine Lord said as he continued, "I have to head over to Celesea."

"You are informed Lord Gaust is in Celesea?" Elder Enoch inquired as he sips his tea.

He neither confirms or denies his inquiry. Still, it wasn't a surprise that the Elder has known his intention.

"Lord Black Turtle is in the abandoned city of Themis." Grand Elder puts down his cup as he reached for something inside his sleeve pocket.

Not long, he placed a clear flower shape medallion on the table. It has a unique prism glimmer when placed under the light. It is a unique badge exclusive to Oracle Clan members as proof of identity.

"You are just handling this to me because I asked for it? Aren't you even afraid I'll misuse your clan badge?" he asked at him curiously.

The Grand Elder didn't hesitate to comply. The Divine Lord stares at his clan badge in disbelief. He can't believe he has gained his permission so quickly.

Besides, using this token will quickly give away their location. How can he not refute and deny his request? A thousand questions run to the Divine Lord's mind as he tries to figure out the Elder's intention.

The Elder sighs as he picks up his teacup once again, and he casually responded.

"What's the point of hiding when they already knew where we are? Besides, what can you do with it? You are not even an Oracle. Aside from using it for a free pass, I don't think it matters."

Grand Elder Enoch observes the Divine Lord's expression as he contemplates on their situation. He knew that the Oracle Clan is being hunted, and their location can't be compromised.

Still, he has put his trust in the Divine Lord of Mystic Spirit Realm.

"Be Careful. Lord Gaust is heavily guarded. Shadows are lurking around Themis. They are also using our abandoned array formations against any intruders. I can show you the city map and layout plans if you like." the Elder said.

"Did you discover who is the perpetrator two hundred years ago?" the Divine Lord curiously inquired.

The Grand Elder shook his head. He doesn't even know who forced them out of Themis or who is currently testing their barriers capabilities.


Eight years ago, the moon was bright and full, a mysterious, masked young man brought in baby Eu and informed him of his daughter's untimely death.

His daughter is supposed to come home that night, and he's been anticipating her arrival.

"Greetings, Grand Elder. I came to leave Lady Ana's daughter under your care. I am afraid you are the only one who can take care of her now..."

He was surprised by the sudden revelation dropped by the mysterious young man who appeared in his doorstep that night.

He carefully placed the baby into his arms and quickly disappeared into the darkness. The Elder is speechless and not even given time to react.

Baby Eu is sleeping soundly into his arms. In her little hands is a clear flower token indicating she is an Oracle.

She is wrapped with delicate white and blue silk with embroidery in gold and silver threads saying, 'Eu.' Her face is round, her cheeks and lips are tinted with a natural pinkish color.

Then a sudden realization came to him, and a series of thoughts flooded his mind.

'Wait, What?! This is my Anatolia's daughter? Nobody informed me she is married, and now she is gone? She is even leaving her daughter under my care? A granddaughter I haven't even known existed until now? Does that girl even have a lover?! Was this a joke?!'

He almost drops the poor child who suddenly woke up and staring back at him. Her beautiful and round amethyst curious eyes look at him questioningly.

Her eyes start to well up as she indicates to cry uncontrollably. Out of panic, the elder immediately casts a sleeping spell.

He doesn't want to cause an uproar upon the child's unexpected arrival.

Little Eu was on a comatose state and was only awaken by an antidote created by Elder Levi.


Grand Elder Enoch recalls the incident like yesterday. Its the only time he experienced so many emotions from a single moment.

He was disheartened for losing his daughter.

Furious and agitated, whoever murdered her.

Disappointed failing to learn the perpetrator.

Astonished for baby Eu's sudden arrival.

Blissful for finally having a grandchild.

Curious who has caught the eye of his aloof daughter.

And among other things…

The Divine Lord Foeni noticed the Grand Elder's gentle smile as he reminisces the night Little Eu was dropped off by his doorstep.

Many mysteries swirl around them. He doesn't even know who Little Eu's father was nor the man who drops her to his doorstep.

He has a gut feeling that all these questions will soon be answered.

The Grand Elder finally broke his silence.

"They will reveal themselves in their own time. For now, we need to focus on preparing ourselves for their arrival." his once gentle smile became a malicious and sinister grin as if plotting an evil scheme.

The Divine Lord doesn't know his plans, but he sounded confident enough, so he decided not to probe on into the matter. He knows that the Oracles have scores to settle with these mysterious perpetrators.

"Then, I will trouble you to show me Themis layout plans for now." the Divine Lord requested.

The Grand Elder flicks his sleeve to clear the table, then snapped his fingers to reveal The City of Themis' map and layout plans.

The Divine Lord was astonished to discover the existence of such an item. The details in the map and layouts magically update on its own.

It even shows the level of hostility and gender roaming around the premises.

The black pearl-like glimmering dot represents the Holy Guardian Lord's whereabouts. With manipulation, the once flat layouts rose as it became a 3D holographic model of the City.

It shows what building still stands and in ruins.

Even small details like rocks, trees, plants, and alike are present. The details are remarkable, like seeing a small scale city just directly in front of them.

The Black Turtle is detained in the Themis Municipal's cellar. Hostile beings frequently visit him glowing in red, probably bringing him food or discussing something with him.

It only shows, pulling him out will be extremely difficult.

"Grand Elder, this is indeed an impressive, magical item. I am quite jealous." the Divine Lord commented.

The map and layout plans are genuinely exquisite and remarkable. It is simply nothing like it.

The maker must be very talented, and he wanted to meet him if possible. It is one of a kind on its own.

The Grand Elder's hand suddenly stops manipulating the model as he lowers his gaze. His eyes have a tinge of sadness as he forces a smile.

"Please don't be jealous, my Lord..." his voice has a tinge of sorrowful tone. There was a deafening pause as he continued, "This is my late daughter's last gift to me before we parted ways ten years ago…"



*Holy Guardian Lord Black Turtle, Gaust- One of the four Guardian Lords of Mystic Spirit.

*Anatolia- Little Eu's mother.

*Mysterious Masked Man- the one who brought Little Eu in the Oracle Village.

*Wizardry Compartment Spell- a Dimensional storage spell.

*Space Teleportation Spell- Eu's alternative storage spell.

City of Themis- the former home of the Oracle Clan situated in Celesean Realm.

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