
Journey to You

----- There are secrets never meant to be disclosed. A mystery never meant to be solved. Questions that never meant to be asked… But things will just naturally unfold... ----- Little Oracle Eu's identity is always shrouded in mystery. A mysterious man dropped her off to the Oracle Clan Grand Elder's house, saying she is his granddaughter. Divine Lord Foeni of the Mystic Spirit Realm found something familiar in her. The Silver-haired stranger even mistakes her for someone else. Even the Divine Witch Circe of the Middle Realm seems to know her too. She can wield the forbidden element and knows forgotten Ancient spells at ease. Break Seals without restrictions. She is someone like totally out of place. She is over talented to be an Oracle. So, who is she exactly? What is her connection to all the things that are happening? How is she intertwined with everyone's fates and destinies? The story is set in the Fantasy World of Astra~ ------------------------------------------------ Content: Fantasy World, Adventure, Slow Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action, etcs~ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ *I know my grammar needs improvement, and I am working hard on it. ^^ (and typos too...) *I'm using Grammarly to proofread my work. *I am currently slowly rewriting the story and fixing errors. I'll update as much as I can, hoping to finish this book again. *English is not my first language, so my vocabulary is not very comprehensive. Still, I'm trying my best to widen and learn. I do hope you understand. Despite my flaws, I hope you'll enjoy and find my story interesting ~ ^^ Thank you ------------------------------------------------

Lumiciere · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 10: I’ll be Away For a While…

The Divine Lord Foeni can't think of anything to remedy the tension building up in the room. He is sure the Elder is upset, but he can't retract the words he has already said.

If he knew, he probably never have mentioned anything about it.

Awkward silence is building inside the room. The Divine Lord can't help feeling guilty as he didn't expect the magical item to hold such sentimental value.

"You don't have to feel so guilty. It's okay…" Grand Elder Enoch broke his silence as he tries to cheer the dampened mood.

He tries to force a smile as he closes his eyes. He heaves a sigh of relief to steady his emotions. It's not the time to linger on the past.

He manipulates the layout so that they could have a better view of the premises.

"I have no ill intention mentioning about it, so let us just focus on this matter." the elder said.

They once again observe the status around the area. Divine Lord Foeni's expression turns grim as his resolve waver.

They cannot save the Holy Guardian Lord Black Turtle without a fight. In fact, it is extremely risky.

'The mastermind is very cunning indeed. He sure has thought of everything.' The Divine Lord pondered.

"That is the current status and whereabouts of Lord Black Turtle. Rushing into Themis is unwise, so I advise you not to be impulsive." Grand Elder Enoch calmly said.

He stood up as he approaches the counter and pours himself some sugarcane wine.

"Thank you for the advice, Grand Elder. I'll put your words into consideration and figure something." the Divine Lord responded.

"Always remember that. Little Eu will be troubled if something bad happens to you." the Grand Elder said with a threatening tone.

He didn't specifically explain why he suddenly said that, but he doesn't need to ask. He just froze in his place as he gulps.

For some reason, his heart starts pounding rapidly, leaving him truly restless. His face is ashen. He is an Oracle and probably has foreseen his bold move as he avoids the elder's knowing gaze.

The Grand Elder has left the study and gave him space to think of his next move. His face twitched as he looks back at his pale and blank expression as his eyes shoot daggers at him.

"I can't believe this Divine Lord is stealing my beloved granddaughter like a criminal! Does he really think I won't figure it out? The nerve of coming here..." he murmurs.

After he secretly lashed out his grievances, he reenters the room with a peaceful smile as if everything is normal. The Divine Lord can't help gulping once again as cold sweat runs on his spine.

He could feel that this Elder will overlook his status for his inappropriate action and deceiving the little girl. The Grand Elder adores this little girl, and he expects to feel his wrath.

No one should underestimate an Oracle inside their territorial grounds.

The Divine Lord doesn't know how to defend himself from this angry Elder. As her elder, he should have at least consulted him before he initiated the Blood Contract with Little Eu.

It's late to regret as he shivers in anticipation of what he could to him.

Before anything commences, Little Eu came in that gave the Divine Lord waves of relief.

The knock on the door has dispersed the tension between them. Seeing the little girl enters the room, the Divine Lord can't help thinking he is saved.

He might be more powerful than this Grand Elder, but how can he fight back knowing he is at fault? He deceived his granddaughter to a Blood Contract.

He has all the reason to beat him up as her grandfather.

Meanwhile, Grand Elder Enoch knits his brows as he eyes the girl's impeccable timing. He is about to cast an array formation and beat up this shameless Ancient being for deceiving her.

She is so young to get involved with anyone, and yet this person disregarded everything so selfishly.

"Why do you look disappointed to see me, Grand Elder? Did I come at the wrong time?" The little girl asks innocently and curiously.

The Grand Elder didn't answer her inquiry. He shrugged the idea she has foreseen what is about to happen if she didn't come.

Yes, he wanted to beat him up badly that can cause him amnesia and forget his evil intentions with his granddaughter!

But of course, the Grand Elder pushes all these thoughts as he innocently smiles, denying there is such intention.

The Little girl smile as innocent in response.

"Then, I guess we take our leave now. We have been out for so long, and we need to head back to Limes Temple. You two have finished your business, right?" She asked.

She turned to the Divine Lord as she notices his ashen face. She could tell that these two were definitely engaged with something she still barely understands.

Since the Divine Lord doesn't like receiving the Elder's fury, he decided to play along with Little Eu's suggestions as he voiced out.

"I'm truly sorry, Grand Elder. I forgot that my aides are looking for me and should immediately smooth out our misunderstanding." he carefully chuckled as he tries to act coolly, "Let's just have this conversation some other Grand Elder..."

The Grand Elder praise the Divine Lord's luck and escaping his wrath. He won't forgive him for exploiting his granddaughter!

Still, he truly needs to let go and say goodbye to them. There is plenty of time to bring forth his wrath.

When they entered Limes Temple, three battalions have assembled and waiting to be dispatch. The aides are engaged in a debate while Captain Jairu tries to hold them back.

It was indeed a chaotic scene, and they were simply awestruck.

His aides could be worrywart sometimes that their actions may be overboard and unnecessary. Still, calling forth three battalions seems a really inappropriate course of action.

He turns to them in disdain.

"What is the meaning of this? How come you are causing these kinds of disturbance? Am I not capable enough to be on my own?" he coldly asked.

The Divine Lord seems to release his earlier tension with the Oracle's Grand Elder. They are genuinely unlucky to be in the range of the Divine Lord's wrath...

"Master, being alone is dangerous. We…" one of the aides tried to explain and stutters.

The aides don't know what to say as they were only doing their job. He might be a capable person, but having extra precautions are not a bad idea.

"I'll be away for a while, and I am leaving you in charge of Limes Temple." The Divine Lord pats Little Eu's head as he chuckled jestingly, "Don't go out waging war now that you have your small army, okay?"

She looks up to the Divine Lord's smiling face. His rarely visible dimples are showing, and his gaze is as gentle as ever.

"Wage war? Really? We are situated in an isolated area. Why would I even leave and bring out troops to do such a thing? Do I look like an evil conqueror?" She let out a snort as she replied.

She responded as she rolled her eyes, yet deep inside, she contemplated the situation.

It is not a secret that there are really plenty of disturbances happening around Mystic Spirit. Wild beasts are becoming more aggressive too.

She already foresaw the events and prepared countermeasures. She looks at the three new squads under her command as she remembers them vividly on her visions.

They are still not ready, but everything is slowly falling into place. It's happening earlier than she anticipated. They've been granted a longer time to prepare.

What could have caused these minor changes?

She can't help knit her brows as she began a trail of thoughts and starts planning for her next course of action. She has immersed herself completely, forgetting her surroundings and everyone else.

"You look like you are planning world domination, Little Eu..." the Divine Lord spoke, breaking her long train of thoughts.

She was taken aback as he has voiced out something close to her intention.

"Don't worry too much… I can handle it." He continued.

He left with no other words as he pats her head before retiring to his quarters. The men in charge approached her to give respects.

They are high-level Mystics and can transform into human forms with a few traces of their ancestry.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity.." She smiles at them, and she bows her head to give respects.

"The pleasure is all ours." he looks at the sky through the transparent dome ceiling as he continued, "Its already late, young miss. It is best if you retire for now, and we will discuss things tomorrow."

She calmly smiles as she nods her head in agreement. She excuses herself after as she retires to her quarters.

Tomorrow, she plans to set things in motion.

Before dawn break, the Divine Lord left without alerting anyone. The Little girl already anticipated his move as she watches him with a pained smile.

Eu knew that they have parts to play, and she has to endure this separation. She has convinced herself that things are better this way.

He left riding a mid-sized airship as she watched it disappears cruising the skies.

"Farewell, my Lord Brother…" he heard her voice through his mind.

He looks back at the disappearing image of Limes Temple. He can feel Little Eu's sadness upon his departure and wished that he could have at least said his goodbyes.

He started regretting leaving discreetly and without her knowledge. He clenches his hands while gritting his teeth, and he suppresses his emotions.

He can't shake this feeling he has done something he will regret for a long time. He then saw his Dragon Ring emitting a somewhat faint, bluish glow.

His face has a pained expression.

"Little Eu, I'm sorry... Wait for me... I'll see you soon... I promise..." he murmurs.

The story might sound too dramatic and tragic but it's not. I promise. I am not a fan of tragic love stories. ^^; I am just a dramatic person....

I hope you are finding my work worthwhile

as I try to convey and deliver this story...


I am truly trying my best to correct all of my mistakes.

Please feel free to point out my mistakes so I can improve ^^

Thank you for reading...


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