
Journey to high wire

Alicia is a funny and bubbly girl who goes to Delux High school.She gets good grades and has a caring heart. Max is the most popular and cute boy in the whole school.He is caring and lots of girls want to be with him.He is a football and basketball star. What will happen when they cross paths??

poppzie · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs

Biology week.

They woke up when someone called Kira.It was really late and they had to hurry up or else the principal would get so angry that he would almost blow up.The went to their seat and the principal entered."Right on que."Kira told the girls and they all smiled.The principal walked around then went away.They ordered their food and Alicia was hungry like ever,so she started stuffing herself."Hey guys"a bunch of girls joined them.Layla was planning to do something to Alicia."Girls I have a plan,I will do something to Alicia that will prevent her from ever showing herself here."Layla said with a smirk.The group got up and left.Alicia noticed and she thought that it was odd , she didn't care anyway but she had a bad feeling about it.They laughed until bedtime then parted ways.Alicia did not feel like sleeping so she decided to go for a walk in the garden.The breeze was so cool and it made her hair go in all directions."How's the view?A familiar voice asked her."It's amazing beast,what are you doing here?"I come here to relax?""U'm ok."Alicia answered then looked at him.They decided to go for a walk and she stepped into something and accidentally slipped.She fell into Max and they stared at each other for a long time.Alicia realized she was staring and was on top of Max and she panicked.She woke up and left not even giving Max a chance to talk.She headed straight to the dorm and she immediately fell on her bad.She stared at the ceiling and memories of a few minutes ago rang in her mind,she was smiling and it left her friends in wonder.

Max Dormitory.....

Max was also staring at the ceiling and smiling.His friends wondered and decided to tease him a little."Did you flush that new girl inside the toilet?"His friend Liam said while laughing.Max gave him a cold shoulder then fell asleep."Good night Melificent."he uttered to himself

Alicia's Dormitory

"Good night Beast."She uttered to herself then fell asleep.

Days went by so fast and the more they got close,the more their feelings developed.Finally, biology week was here.Alicia was excited because she knew that they will pass and she will get away from Max.He was really getting into her nerves and he was proud of it."Miss Snow and Mr.Blake,it's your turn."the teacher told them.They went upfront and presented their project.Everyone was fascinated and they passed."I only have the play then I can get Max out of my life."Alicia told Amalia and Kira.It was time for sports and Alicia frowned,she did not like sports even if she was good at it.They went to the bathroom and put on their gym clothes.They ran to the field and found their grumpy coach waiting for them.She started talking and Alicia got bored so she decided to look around.The teacher noticed her and got really angry"You,run around the field a hundred times."She pointed at Alicia.She started running and everyone thought that she will not survive but she kept on running.She fell down and hurt her knee but she kept on running."Bro, that girl is hot headed."Liam told Max who was looking at Alicia.At her final lap,she fell and twisted her ankle.Kira and Amalia ran towards her and she was heavy to carry so Max stepped in."Need help?"Max asked."No, thank you."Alicia answered sarcastically."You know,for someone who is hurt you sure are hot headed."Thanks"Alicia answered then rolled her eyes.Max carried her and Kira and Amalia followed behind.Max and Alicia kept on arguing while going to the sick bay,Kira and Amalia just enjoyed the scene and promised to make fun of her once they are alone.He laid her gently on the bed and the nurse examined her."It's nothing serious,it's just a sprayed ankle,you will be fine."The nurse said then left."Why did you run,do you know you could have hurt yourself badly."Max said worriedly."I am fine, don't worry."Alicia said as she stood up.He helped her and she was leaping so he carried her to her room.He let her down at the doorstep then left.Kira opened the door and helped her get ready.They went for supper and she leaped all the way through.They finally reached and they found Amalia has already ordered their food.As they were leaving,a sharp pain hit her ankle and she almost fell down but someone caught her.The cafeteria was know silent, Everyone was watching including Layla who felt like she could burst."Be careful Melificent or your going to be broken."Haha very funny."Alicia stood up straight then left.When she fell on her bed,she slept.BeepBeep."Alicia,shut that annoying alarm of yours or I'll hit it on your head."Kira said in a sleepy voice."Wake up sleepy head or we are going to be late for class."Alicia told a sleeping Kira.They hurried up and went to class.Alicia's ankle was healing pretty quickly and she was glad because she would get a chance to go to the gym the next day.At the end of the day,she was feeling much better."Tommorow is on Saturday I am so happy."Kira told Alicia as she was jumping on her bed.They did all they had to do then the day was finally over and they were asleep.The next day they woke up late than usual.Kira and Amalia went home so Alicia was left alone,she decided to do something fun to distract herself.She went to the gym and she was not familiar with what was happening there.She got on one of the machine and she fell down making everyone laugh at her.She was so embarrassed and felt like crying so she left.As she was going out,she saw Max and his two friends Liam and Leo.She left and Max tried to chase her but he could not find her.He just hoped that she's ok.

New chapter hope you like it

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