
Journey to high wire

Alicia is a funny and bubbly girl who goes to Delux High school.She gets good grades and has a caring heart. Max is the most popular and cute boy in the whole school.He is caring and lots of girls want to be with him.He is a football and basketball star. What will happen when they cross paths??

poppzie · Teen
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15 Chs

Romeo and Juliet.

"Thanks,Layla is going to kill me!!!"Alicia said and she was trembling."Wait Supergirl, didn't you say that you are not afraid of her."Kira teased her.Alicia gave her an evil glare and it sent chills to her thighs."Ok Melificent,I'm sorry."Kira went and hugged her."It's ok."Alicia said then went outside.A question came in her mind,why am I afraid of Layla?I don't even like Max.She gave herself confidence then went to class.She sat and put on her headphones and started reading her book.Kira and Amalia saw her and decided to just let her be for now.Lessons began and it was time for English and she was happy.They read about Shakespeare and it was interesting.The teacher saw that her students were enjoying the topic,so she saw why not do it practical."Students,an idea popped in my head.Why don't we act Shakespeare during opening night?"The teacher said excitedly.The students squealed because of joy and some girls hoped to be matched with Max Blake.Alicia loved Shakespeare but she did not want to be matched with Max."Students,keep quiet,I have already pared you with the perfect match."Kira and Vincent,Layla and Kevin, Amalia and Steven",as the teacher continued talking,Alicia got nervous."Alicia and Max."Alicia froze,then her and Layla asked in unison"What?"This was really not her day.The teacher finally finished and gave them scripts.They went to a corner and started rehearsing."So, we are partners again?"Max asked in a joking matter."Alicia stared at him as if she was going to swallow him whole."Ok,I'm sorry don't eat me."Max said ."So I'm Juliet and you are Romeo right?"Right."Max let's start"Alicia said and they went to the library.They researched and when they were done,they went to the cafeteria.Alicia was so hungry that she could eat a whole elephant by herself.As the walked across the hallway, everyone stared at them and girls just giggled and it annoyed Alicia.Max saw her angry face and decided to tease her a little.He whispered in her ear"Don't worry,I won't look at them."Alicia became red because of anger and Max laughed his head out.She left him and Max followed her behind trying to reason out because she was becoming stubborn.They entered inside the cafeteria and she went to her normal seat.Her friends were laughing but when they saw her annoyed they kept quiet."What's up? Kira asked."Max Blake,that's what wrong."Alicia answered and then started eating.The bell rang and because she didn't have any more classes,she decided to cram her lines and prevent herself from always being with Max.She fell asleep in the middle and she woke up when Kira jumped on her bed.She freshened up and they went to take their dinner.Alicia prevented herself from seeing Max or Layla.She sat down and started eating but someone couldn't let her be."Excuse me,what did I tell you?Layla looked at a eating Alicia angrily.Alicia tried to ignore her but she would not leave.Layla was just throwing words at her and she got angry and finally said something."Why don't you go and ask the teacher,and pls get your ugly face from my food or it will loose it's taste.You know what I've lost my appetite why don't you eat eat."She poured food all-over Layla's face."You witch,you ruined my clothes,do you know how much they cost?Layla wiped herself angrily.

"oops!sorry."Alicia said sarcastically.Layla went away with her accomplice's Alexa and Jessica trying to calm her down."Damn girl,what was that?Kira asked Alicia.Alicia just laughed then continued eating."Is this what Max is making you to be?Amalia asked."That boy really brings the worst in you."Kira said then they left.Alicia woke up earlier than usual the next day.She went to the library for a quick study sech.She found Max in the library,she tried to run away but he noticed her before she could get the opportunity to run."Morning Melificent,how was you sleep."Alicia glared at him then answered"It was awesome Beast,I dreamt I killed someone then fed them to the mice."Ok"Max was confused and she was happy with that."Are you prepared for our Biology project and the play.Shoot she had forgotten about Biology."May I sit down Beast?"You may Melificent."They laughed then they started studying.Alicia looked at her watch and realized that class was about to begin so she left.This time she managed to find a seat and she was happy.The day went by smoothly and Layla looked really angry at her.She just hoped that nothing bad will happen to her. The final lesson was English and the teacher wanted them to present the little they had cramed.Everyone did their roles perfectly and Alicia became tensed.Max held her hand and she cooled down.They did their short part and it was perfect.Everyone except Layla and jealous girl gave them a heart belly clap.They sat down then the bell rang.They took their bags then left.The three girls went to the dormitory and Alicia was tired so she took a nap.Amalia and Kira decided to join her and they all fell asleep.