
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Baraka_Onyango · Autres
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16 Chs


### 11

Wandering through the thick forest has brought me a lot of surprises. With the two beasts and my buddy Morsnake, I'll call him Medusa for now, it's not been quiet. With every force spring core I unearthed, we got deeper into the forest. By now, it's almost time to find a place to settle in here. I've chosen not to add any more champions; with the two, it's sufficient for them to grow from the fights we've been through.

The two were a pleasant surprise with their attitudes. With the aptitude towards dream force being raised significantly, they have formed almost humane characters with the wolf ditching like an abandoned child most of the time and the dove getting a taste for blood. Though it came a bit too rushed, I feel like there is something more to it. She still maintains an odd outlook for other things. With her index ability being more inclined to require intelligence to maximize its use, I think she will be the first to awaken her dream force and taught.

Looking at them dragging back their game, I smile. Glancing at the beasts they are dragging back, I have developed a taste for exotic beasts in this forest. A passion from my past life, being a food enthusiast, that I developed reared its head after many battles with mutated creatures.

My two champions are now at the peak of the fourth dimension, just waiting for the opportunity to rank up. I can feel it in the horizon, looking at the huge mountain ahead. I determined that as our residence, I can feel an adequate amount of force bubbling underneath it. With the coming of the ascension being days from now, I can feel that it would be enough for me to step into that platform once I can rise my status to demigod. Trouble will come knocking, so for the new fight coming, I will choose some new champions for it.

The best earth force user, Medosa, will be our constructor, but knowing his aesthetics, I feel better being the designer of our new 'cave'.

During our path here, I got over my fear of getting involved in direct combat and started to train with my new body. Coupled with the dream force and after sparring with the sage, my sweep of the floor with them could probably become relevant. The face my Fenrir made, though unexpected, I learned pretty quickly at the start. Just by my fourth force spring, my body was crossing mortal limits, entering stages never seen, with the exercise already becoming redundant. I keep what I've managed to learn and continue with my setup. I can't slow down the rise to my demigod status for some experience that can be gained later.

Pondering on my force path, I will try to form a core. I remember it was the reward given to the last mythical zone before ascension. It also had some secrets inside it. It was a path confirmed to reach the peak of an incomplete world, and even later, it offered some surprises. Mimicking a medred, I found a mutated plant with a relatively high dimension mutating under the effects of sage. I conform it with characteristics similar to my body but nerfed and use it as my wand, as its being washed all the time by my forces, its quality rises while being compatible with me.

Concerning my champions, I decide not to try to raise their status to demigod this soon, there is no need to attract the whole universe to hunt me down. Already me being a demigod is already stressing, even now as it is by the time the earth raises its dimension to the sixth it would already not be suitable for me to stay here and I'll curve my path out of hear soon enough but within its boundaries.

Fantasizing about my future troubles, I could already see the mountain standing tall rising above the clouds, it would seem to pierce the sky, using a mental link I notify miss to look out for anything unusual while cleaning up the sorroundings of small beasts, with medusa coiled on my neck I continue to approach it with a slow pace that has become part of me after so many days, I had sent mr. Fenrir to form another pack but this time only choosing the best, meaning the alphas, while giving him only a weak to complete the assignment, he left looking like a prodogal son that he is. With his force type already in the darkness realm you would think they mixed personalities with the cold beauty up ahead.

By the time he returns I would have already finished my tango with fate, and with all kinds of things I have prepared for, I am ready to see it through heck there was a time I almost encountered brazingers scions but luckily I noticed them before they saw me, a little manipulation here and there we bypassed them not wanting to attract attention at a sensitive moment like this. With all my preparations done I hope my stars are aligned.