
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Talio_quin254 · Others
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16 Chs


Foosh.....a light passed inbeteween the congested trees twisting and turning between the branches a blurry image of a bird could be seen vaguely, behind on the ground a giant balck wolf chasing hoping to catch up and up ahead a black panther could be seen racing through the carpet of trees.

Feeling a cold sensation deep at the back of its head it swerved to the side trusting its instinct allowing it to escape a dark disk but with that it lost its speed that it badly needed right now and within a second the forest went back to its quiet nature. Now that there is not much of a difference between the predator and prey, the competition has suddenly become much more tougher and the meals have become an ever challenge to one's life in any moment, this cutthroat environment is steadily weeding out the weaker who deserve no remose in this coming era.

With that a dove could be seen with an unusual sight covered in bright red blood from its unusually sharp claws courtesy of mr. Fenrir who could be seen begrudgingly coming over to drag the hunt back to their keeper, wistfully remembering the days when he used to own a pack with everyone showing respect and admiration with dreams to lead his race to grandeur this days even waking up is something he really does not look forward to. Saying that its a change in the environment is the least one can expect, since the day he encountered that strange creature his bad luck always seem to accumulate. With the loss of his pack, he woke up to a cave filled with dreadful auras all over and without looking to confirm he knew he failed his hunt the last thing he remembered was everything in his perception moving super slow or is it that the creature moved really first, he couldn't tell if that was the case, with a tap he felt like all the weight in his mind was lifted but instead of relishing the experience he slept with a faceone would have thought he was dreaming something nasty.

Upon waking up his mind seemed more 'clear?' he couldn't tell, It felt like he was viewing the world through a pair of dull lenses before and with that came the body which now felt as if he was massaged on a rather hot day, with the passing of his force it nourished his body passively and he felt like the strength he could release right now could dwarf the past him thrice, that was ages ago and since then along with a weird bird that he always felt gave him the creeps they were brought along with that weird creature, that's when the days in hell started, battle after battle through the weeks we were thrown at, if it was just that then it was okay as ny whole life was fighting for survival but he was throwing us at unfair fights, we were being swarmed at as though we made an enemy out of every beasts in the group we entered, after a few days, we formed comradery with the bird who I later came to fear with the bloodthirsty aura she was forming through the battles, with her light element which I have a very weird feeling it was not how things were supposed to be with it but with paired with her ability she would materialize an armour which even I am starting to be scared of with its structural integrity, she was tutored by the creature who calls himself our keeper how to use it greatly, now she seems more of an assasin but she will always end up chasing them then finishing them later, It was all fine and good until she had that glint in her eyes back then upto now she would always stay silent after coming back from the hunts, keeper says that she is just talking with him and until I learn how he will not tell me but I guess I am different, back then I don't think I understood what the keeper spoke about before I slept in the battle.

Usually I and miss birdy will fight the keeper who will not be using his magic but body but we would always be overwhelmed and by the day he would always get better and better, the thing is how can he do that when the aura I feel from him is the same as those weaklings its just that his was a little different. His presence seems much deeper, one that cannot be ignored even while fighting with him my hairs are always upright.

He always seems to be moving, searching for those force geysers and springs, this is our sixth and he always has that snake that seems just as scary as he is but for this case its aura is much deeper than ours and now we are starting to get stronger than the average beasts, none can provide much of a challenge any more as it was in the beginning of the expedition but I still think that he will not miss a way to torture us again. He terms it force manipulation,I don't like the sound of that, it sounds painful.