
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Baraka_Onyango · Autres
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16 Chs

08:first champion

**08: First Champion**

Facing these beasts I have to instill fear in my presence but due to their large numbers in the valley, I cannot utilize the trick I created. But with the roar, the rowdy beasts are now much more calmer, the weaker have resigned to absorbing the fourth dimensional force in this rich environment.

Looking closely now, I can now tell the number of four dimensional beasts are more than I presumed. Looking above me an unusual sight of a giant white dove that doesn't look like it's promoting world peace clearly exuding a fourth dimensional presence. I gotta say I am impressed with all of 'em & finally taking a look at my first target.

I look towards our wannabe fenrir who I'm sure will take advantage of the chance that appears when I fight the others.

When facing it, I employ a discrete taunt using dream force making it irrational and causing it to make a move.

{wolf pov}

The wolf now looking at the strange beast blocking it from its prize he growls pleading its pack while confident with their chances to come out victorious for they were the only pack around it just naturally right.

While waiting for an opportunity it suddenly feels that the weird creature is abt too ugly and with the roar before though scary I think I can take it on with the help of my pack plus its just another one of those weaklings that's good at posturing.

Looking back at my pack I raise my head and release a howl angry at how I've been tricked by this weakling,' to think this alpha was almost fooled at your posing', releasing a burst of speed that am sure he got scared of, I leave my comrades behind to showcase my strength to the new cub joining us today. Instantly am upon him, with his frozen expression, I doubt that he would even know how he died and with a swipe I slice his head off. Is what would have happen for I seem to suddenly feel the air frozen with my paw wading through thick mud. {end pov}

Watching the beast attack me at a fire high speeds I release a domain filled with time force stopping the angry wolf's charge, finally moving about I leave it frozen while closely examining the energy emanating from the claws, it was a dark corrosive energy force. The other wolves frozen with fear all stopped their charge from a distance.

Looking at my first champion I let out a scary smile and with a ghastly growl, I speak for the first time in this world, "I will make you my first champion" and with a tap of my claw on its forehead it closed it's eyes as I look towards the other fourth dimensional beasts.

With the sudden action the beasts are left stupified and without giving them a chance to rationalize their actions my shell gleams with an eery glow as my domain exapands engulfing the beasts near me, moving slowly I watched as the beasts' eyes are filled with despair as they move slowly though looking above I could see the dove with its wings shining with creamy white as it moves away wanting to escape the domain, looking at it I could Imagine how fast it would be without my force domain affecting it suddenly, beating it would have been a pain on my backside. Slowly I utilize dream force finally naming my attack, psyche piercing, through my eyes. With the sudden attack the dove falters in its escape and its ability is diasabled and it releases a cry falling, chuckling I watch as tge dove is suspended on a metre from the ground falling 'tragically' most likely its wing will be broken at this rate. Moving towards it I picked it as my second choice mainly due to its speed and also I thought the first flying contender will be a hawk or an eagle, too bad they lost the race, this beast was the fastest to react and turn on its index ability. Watching the effects of the time force around me as I move I can feel the novelty inmy actions as it has all been too quick of a change for me since the fall upto now. Looking around again I gain an indepth understanding of what my time force can do as though it is powerful its restricted and a name came to the tip of my tongue at the moment still force.