
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Talio_quin254 · Others
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16 Chs


Ever since I got it I've mostly used it instinctively to slow down my opponents or slow down their perception, today after utilizing it in large scale I came to understand its underlining qualities. Still force allows me to negate speed and I think if I try really hard it may start reversing it but I don't think I can see myself doing that soon. Looking at the rest of the beasts I can't see any redeeming qualities apart from being talented as fourth dimensional beasts. Due to the extent of the domain I can feel that it would not hold for long so using another new technique, spirit pulse, I overload their souls' sensitivity and knock them out leaving only the dove who appears startled, tapping on its head it too falls asleep.

I turn back and go to the cave to assist the snake in dealing with the core of the force spring.

Returning to the cave I found it biting on the crystal core trying to eat it. Though my memory is clear due to the dream force's influence I don't remember it beimg something one can eat though beasts were never featured that much in it I trust that the snake's instinct as a beast will not lead it to harm, I can tell that it has not matured due to me prematurely sucking large amounts of force to my body its also stuck so it can't exactly be of use to me. With my traveling ways the ores that were forming will not be of good use to me but thanks to this chance encounter I've learned how I can raise my body quality to demigod or near before I am surpassed by the beasts in the forest in strength. I'm going to seek out more of these force springs and suck the life out of them to boost its speed and judging by the rise in quality I'll have to be quick, waiting for the snake to finish its deluxe dish I go and drag the two would be champions in here while dragging a deer back as a snack, 'seems this guys are ill fated when they meet me' dragging them in I start to think of how I can improve them as I don't have the ability to change an index ability as it is given by the existence I will have to tune their comprehension towards it but judging by how they looked outside, I don't think they have a problem with the way to combine their abilities. Checking through their memories I find the wolf with a rather basic ability that also fits its style of fighting, its to increase the sharpness or piercing effect of objects and it also works on its claws and bites combine with its corosive darkness force utility it can be quite lethal as was shown, on the doves side it has a light affinity that is supported by its index ability, on its wings it can materialize the light element to form sharp feathers which it uses as an attack and defense but its much more than that just that this beast cannot use its potential fully. With my ability I can expend the force accumulated in the sorrounding to boost their bodies natural affiliation towards their affinity and using it I can also flood their minds with energy from sage so that it raises their potential to weild dream force, its one of the bottom line qualities I've decided on for my little 'organization' to have a chance and negotiate with the emperor to not be termed as a threat without any chance of cooperation.

Quickly activating sage I feel a pull of the force from my sorrounding as it converges towards our three bodies and with my sage ability and soul force I already binded their life to mine thus a feeling of servitude will naturally arose and they won't betray me thus my confidence in calling them my champions. After tagging them I start upgrading their bodies according to the resources available and making the necessary changes, though I can instill potential it is still upto them to discover theor new talent in dream force, setting that as their first test I feel a stare hard on my head, turning I see that the snake has already swallowed the core and its now being crashed at a first rate, after about ten minutes we can both be done with our accounts.

Finally settled I can now feel that the beasts outside are now waking up in their dazed state while running away recalling their moments of despair.With the way things are I will probably move alot faster now and though I have chosen them as my champions I will not nuture them now besides me as I need fighters not disciplined disciples I will relase them to hunt while near my proximity to rescue them so that my investment won't be wasted infact with my search of the force springs I doubt they will lack fights in our journey deep into this forest.