
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Baraka_Onyango · Autres
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16 Chs


In a cave relatively deep into the forest, inside an inconspicuous cave a gigantic tortoise shell is seen glowing an eery green glow. Waking up from my sudden sleep I glanced around, 'my, did it really work' I questioned my ability even though it probably did what I wanted and even beyond for I could feel my eyes have some intrinsic similarities to my shell 'the only probability I can account to is that fox I predated on' for I took not only Its capabilities but due to the unique situation I found it in I probably got its reward from the world more like potential though for the eye only.

My shell now can function as tool other than a shield for if there was anything I could be jealous of is the morales body armor but I already got that and another function too.

'Now this will be my first step in this cruel universe' turning on my sage ability am surprised to find the goodies that old neighbor left me was that good and if I think it was what It is then that means I lived with the greatest genius around and didn't know, I could feel my past self probably killing me right now, I cry to myself while going over the effects of the nutritional mix I drank for it didn't just give me my current size but a gift I'll probably remember forever, the function of the shell that I chose was to allow it to act as a conduct to a certain force of my choosing allowing me to understand it through its connection to me but the solution I drank enhanced its purpose almost close to the working of an innate node and my eye mutation luckily also benefited from it, 'this is what's called protagonist luck' I smugly praised myself forgetting the almost insurmountable mountain of a genius called Leonel and the father maniac.

'Now that I have two options I don't have to choose anymore', my mind relaxed for my heavenly luck turning for the better, I had been thinking about choosing which force to seek after dream force which is already a miracle and I was pretty sure that my talent will not be what I would wish for, my two choices were soul force and time force as they were the most intriguing to me and now with two options I can take both, I immediately got into a meditation zone with the help of my dream force and sage my index ability, on my shell I choose time force and took my whole past life as a source of inspiration to the inevitability of time's effect on existence and complex force runes started to draw themselves on it finalizing everything I planned and with the eyes being the windows to the soul, I felt it quite beffiting to continue to apply the concept death and rebirth into my eyes introducing force lines into the eyes, not knowing that I just shoot myself a large amount of energy was swept into the eyes without me knowing affecting the forest and an old man sitting on a throne in the accension palace looked towards the direction of the tortoise and smiled at the anomaly before ignoring it.

My mind felt as if I dodged a bullet but I could never find the meaning, this continued for a half a day and with the forest now awake, the more powerful beasts within were agitated and the weaklings just came closer to the rich force environment not knowing they were matching to their doom. As the sun was setting I finally got a chance to see my rewards and it was exquisite for if one were to look straight to my eyes they would falter and question the reason for there existence and my presence increased causing the animals around yo scamper away, until now I haven't felt an increase in my dimension for what happened was just a boost from the world an innate advantage from it as opposed to the humans, I could tell I was lucky for if it took me as an intelligent species I would have been way weaker, settling my thoughts down I started feeling my connection to the two new forces I could feel, the dream force sort of mingled in between the two connecting them wothin my being allowing me a close uptake to its secrets and uses. Smiling to myself I felt contented with the foundation I set for myself for although it was not the best I would argue that I have the best start in this forest, now I only had one final step before starting my conquest in this fledgling animal Kingdom for I am a cowardly person that prefers being overprepared than anything, I closed my eyes with the darkness coming over knowing that if a predator comes it would get scared with my presence alone thus I went over my next plans peacefully without much happening. Another day spent without doing much but I was satisfied, I smiled to myself contenly.