
Journey of the dream tortoise

A lonely soul finds its way in the body of a tortoise in a complete new world and just when he gets used to the life of a pet his world comes crashing down causing him to readjust his priorities as he finally recognizes the world he is in is from a popular novel in his old world. Find out how he navigates through this cruel world and how it is that his soul finds its way here. P.s Its a dimensional descent fanfic And its my first work, please be gentle [^°^]

Talio_quin254 · Others
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16 Chs


My ears kept ringing, I had crashed landed from the floating tiles that was my home luckily I had my shell to break the fall and with my not so light weight, I got out Scot free. I looked around to see any movements, I remebered the citizens who did not adapt turned into zombies on steroids and it wasn't pretty.

I spent a moment emersing myself in my memories as it was the first time I could think this much without my thoughts straying, 'first I came to this world as a tortoise and the only time I realized it was after I was taken in by the two smelly brats then I spent almost half a year and during that time I was always too lazy or too tired to think and would most likely fall asleep so I didn't realize it until I drank that hot soup. After that I didn't have time to review everything before the acension occurred right now ' It seemed to take sometime but the thought process took less than five seconds to go through it, my eyes widened as I realised that this was one of the cases Leonel went through before realizing he had a dream force talent. My thoughts swirled to the green soup and the face I saw before being taken to the miller's after I woke 'don't tell me I was leaving with that monster as my neighbor', my skin crawled by the thought that I was near a universal powerhouse.

Forcefully pulling myself out of that thought process I had to think about how I can safely maneuver myself from m this point foward, 'as it looks, I expect to have a talent in dream force thus I can easily survive but I want to thrive, my thoughts went to the abilities I had now, as a member of the beast kingdom, I had more advantages than the humans now and I intend to use it.

My body feels powerful rightnow and as I looked at myself I realized at how humongous I've grown as I can see the top of the table right now, 'guess I was to focused on what was happening to my mind' I new that this was not a big advantage as I can rember there being lotss of talented beasts in the acension empire after the descent but thinking of the ability I got am pretty confident in survival.

The ability that came to me was complex and I know I can't use it to its full potential right now but it will serve its purpose. The most accurate way to describe it will call it sage, it allows me to kinda control my growth in the most suitable direction while giving my body proper adaptations, I think?

'yeah that's probably it' I say to myself as I start moving out of the wreckage that used to be my 'lab'.

'Now what', I asked myself feeling lost as my body instincts tell me that it would be nice to dig a hole and sleep but I don't think I can do that right at the moment as there was no way I will survive later with this laziness. I look to the horizon and see that there was a lush green forest, pretty unexpected due to the living costs of land and the floating houses but its nice, Its decided I'll move in there and start focusing on my circumstances, as I dragged my now gigantic body towards the forest I remember about how the failed humans give out some shit after being killed but that was only humans, right now with my face I'll probably not be confused by them most likely be hunted down for sports once things calmed down.

After sometime of walking into the forest am starting to realise at how everything seem too silent, 'maybe the carnage had already passed' I entertained the thought in my head while moving towards a low hill looking for a place to lie down. After checking my sorroundings I came across a fairly large cave just enough for me to settle down, as i moved in I got ready to snap at the first thing moving around in the cave but when I finally got in, my green glowing eyes glazed over an oversized red fox sleeping with some fog around it, my mind snapped as a memory came to me about how Leonel woke up before everyone else and his potential rating due to it, I smiled at the advantages of the dream force as my memory became so clear the images of how I grew up in this world came to me. I neared the fox and activated my ability as although it could adapt my body to my goals or vision it will still require some nourishment and what's better than a body full of untapped potential.

After some minutes my eyes stopped glowing signaling the end of my ability as I had dined on a creature like a cold blooded carnivore but I just ignored it waves of fatigue hitted me as I closed my eyes and started to sleep. Little did I know that my body continued to absorb the fog around me absorbing it into my shell turning it into the greatest weapon I would ever use turning the fate of the whole existence.