
Jon Green the ninjutsu master in Hogwarts

A young man who died because of saving others, he was awarded by Ninja Gamer System, and sent to Harry Potter World. Lets see how the world changes as he show ninjutsu power in Harry Potter World

Raj · Films
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9 Chs


At this moment, Jon's heart was filled with infinite joy.

Being a ninja is definitely good.

But living in the world where only you have super power is pretty boring.

Now Jon's physical strength is around 5 Tons. But not once he used in last 2 months.

You can run so fast... so what?

But if others can also use powers... then it became interesting.


Open the letter carefully, first page:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry, principal Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Wizards, first class of Sir Merlin, great wizard, chief wizard of Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Green:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

A list of required books and equipment is enclosed with the letter.

Semester is scheduled to start on September 1st.

We will wait for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Vice Principal (female) Minerva McGonagall

The second page:


Freshmen need:

1. Three-sided plain work gown (black)

2. A plain peaked hat for day wear (black)

3. A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar materials)

4. A winter cloak (black with silver buckle)

Please note: All student attire must have a name tag


All students need to prepare the following books:

Standard Spells, Beginners, by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

A Theory of Magic by Adebe Woflin

The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Swich

A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spohr

Magic Potions and Potions by Arseny Giger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Arts: A Guide to Self-Defense by Quentin Trimble

[Other Equipment]

a magic wand

A crucible (pewter, standard size No. 2)

A set of glass or crystal vials

a telescope

A brass balance

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad

Parents are specially reminded that first-year freshmen are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.

Two sheets of parchment paper, very thick to the touch. Holding it in your hand can't help but make your heart surge.

In that place, I can train however I want, and no one will care about my differences.

I am going to learn magic!

The four colleges in Hogwarts have a strong relationship, and the ten professors are strong in technology.

Hogwarts has a large scale, with 2,000 students from all over the world.

The job is stable and the income is high, and lifelong employment is guaranteed.

Plus best place to level up.

I have been tired from completing small quest, and earning little exp.

Just entering into Hogwarts gave him 10000 EXP.

So, how much EXP I earn when I attended magic class.

"Googoogoo~~" The owl on the side looked a little impatient at the excited boy who had fallen into fantasy.

Owl: I don't work overtime, let me tell you.

"Excuse me, please wait a moment." Jon was awakened by the owl, took out a pen and paper and began to reply.

Of course you can't just say: I agree to enroll, let Dumbledore pick me up!

You have to pretend to be hesitant and suspicious, and your words fit your age...

"Ah, then please trouble Mr. Owl."

Jon took out his biscuit and crushed the impatient owl postman who bribed him. Don't lose your reply!

Looking at the owl flying away from the window, Jon once again returned to bed, and started making handseal.

There are Twelve Handseal, and literally all ninjutsu were displayed using handseals.

So, if you are able to use handseal faster than others, you have an advantage in fight.

Like signature jutsu of Uchiha Clan, the Great Fireball jutsu.

It has 6 handseal.

So, if Jon want to display it, he needs 3 second of time.




This is enough time for someone to come and slice of his neck.

Or maybe even cast Avada Kedavra.

So, I plan to increase my handsealing speed as much as possible.


The next day Jon told Nanny in a joking tone that a school of magic and wizard that claimed to be Hogwarts sent him a notice, and he replied.

Nanny naturally didn't believe it, "Oh, Jon, don't worry about it. Maybe some naughty kid played a joke on you."

Jon continued to exercise.

Jon plan to purchase a Treadmil, and put it into his inventory space to take it to Hogwarts.

After all, daily running for 100 kilometer is really huge for him.

But for that, he needs money. 

Although his orphanage Nanny give him some pocket money when he do some work for her.

But this is not enough to buy me.

Just like that, 2 weeks passed.

His DEX finally reached 100, and he unlock a new perk.

[Eyesight - Grants you an almost telescopic vision that also sees great in the dark.]

As for why I stopped putting points into VIT, instead choose DEX.

Because he want DEX to reach its limit as soon as possible.

After all, Handsealing skill also provide 1 DEX, everytime he level up.

Now after reaching 100, he can't put any more stat points into DEX through physical training quest, but Handsealing will kept on increasing his stats.


Handsealing (Lv22 - 45%)

This determine how fast you able to make handseal to perform jutsu.

Current Speed: 5 Handseal per second.

+1 DEX per level up


Jon soon gonna reach atleast Jonin level handsealing speed.

Its just the higher he reach, harder it is to level up.

For the last 2 days, he was constantly training his handsealing skill, but he have not levelled up at all.

While Jon was sitting in park, and constantly making handseal, a tabby cat was squatting a bit far, and looking towards Jon who is making handseal, in confusion.

Yes, she actually have humanly emotion in her eyes.

Jon kept practicing as he was not tired at all.

After a while, when cat turned bored by looking at the same moment, she walk towards him.

Jon on the other hand busy with his training, it just suddenly a strict and serious voice came.

"Why are you making those handsigns?"

Jon stopped moving his hand, and turned to look towards the person who talk.

This is a old woman, who was wearing glasses. Just from her face, you will feel that she might not have smiled for centuries.

"Its none of your business. And our nanny told me to not to talk to the strangers."

Old Woman heard the word, but instead of getting angry, she have some appreiciation in her eyes.

"Mr. Jonathan Green, I am the Vice-Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Minerva McGonagall..."

Jon instantly stand from his place, and greeted: "Professor, Good Morning. Sorry for the rudeness, I didn't know who you were before."