
Jomon Urameki

"By the way, why did you say your name Jomon?" asked Akali curiously.

"As far as I know, Jomon is the name of a tribe. The tribe that is currently said to have become extinct."

"Jomon is my name. I was given the name Jomon Urameki." Jomon asserted.

"Who gave you the name? You said you've lived here with the cats for a long time. Don't you remember there are people like yourself? Family maybe,"

"I don't remember who gave me this name. But this is my name from a long time ago."

Akali then again tried to invite Jomon to join him in the Mutanro exterminator squad. He didn't know what Akali Seiya's true purpose and intentions were, so that he suddenly approached Jomon, then asked him to join Taboot's squad.

"What about my offer just now? Do you want to join the Taboot squad? When you have joined into part of Taboot, you will be able to master your own Mantra. There you will be able to deepen about Tantra, then develop your strength. You can learn Tantric extraction from the great Propheto there. Come on, aren't you interested at all in learning to develop your strength?"

Jomon's nose can be seen sniffing from afar. His nose tried to recognize the scent of Akali Seiya.

"Hmmm, you look so suspicious," Jomon said. "My nose smells like you're not telling the truth. Most of what you said is true, you're honest, but… Not all of you told me yet. There is still something you are hiding."

"What...!?" Akali gasped and was astonished.

"Hey, I've helped you today. You still don't believe me? What did I hide from you?" Akali was a little nervous.

"I don't know, but I'm sniffing the irregularities here." Jomon said it while crouching down, scratching the itchy back of his head with his right leg. Just like a cat when scratching its itchy body. Akali seemed to be sweating.

"What did you say?" he asked. Damn, how great is his smell? Akali thought in his mind. "Your nose can also sniff if someone says a lie or hides something?"

"Of course," Jomon firmly looked at Akali. He stopped his leg, which had been scratching his head for a moment.

"I can obviously sniff it out. Besides, what's in it for you if I join that Taboot? I really want to join the Mutanro exterminator squad. In addition to me being able to help humans fight them, I will also eventually be able to provide proper food for my cat friends in here. We are already almost out of food supply. Okas is getting rarer. I will definitely get paid if I join to become that Mutanro exterminator, right? It's just that… What's in it for you if I join? And why did you take me? We don't even know each other." Jomon finished off a strange activity scratching his cat style.

"Of course we will be paid if we join," Akali said. "I want to join that squad, because I want to finish off all the Mutanro. I want to know how far the limit of my own ability is. I want to challenge myself by actively engaging in the face of Mutanro. And yes, of course, because I also want to protect the whole of humanity from them. Then for the reason why I took you, because on my way to Babylomania, I happened to pass this hill. I saw you. I thought, you're quite unique. As a person about the same age as me, I think I can invite you to join Taboot. That's it."

"Hmmm, we're the same age huh?" asked Jomon silly.

"Isn't it very clear? Oh yes, I've also been eager to ask this since just now. How old are you?" asked Akali.

"Me?" Jomon pointed his right forefinger at his face. "I'm 12 years old, maybe. I don't know, I never counted it."

"In that case, I am a year older than you. I'm 13 years old," Akali said. "You seem to be indeed 12 years old. Our age is not much different. Therefore, since I saw you, in these few days I have been observing you. I thought, you have a great Mantra. It turns out that you don't have a Mantra at all. About Tantra itself you don't know. But I'm still interested in getting you to join Taboot."

"No, thanks." Jomon still refused. "You're the only one who joins. I see you are very strong. Taboot will have no shortage of people to eradicate Mutanro. Humans can survive if a strong guy like you joins that squad. In that case, I want to go home first. I have to go back to see my herd of cats. I'm so worried about them now." Jomon walked, moving away leaving Akali.

"Wait, wait, Jomon!" Akali was still trying to stop Jomon. "Why did you refuse? You can earn a lot of money, it you can use to feed those cats of yours. You're still not interested? Again, I seriously want to invite you to join. Come on, we're both go to Babylomania and join their Taboot." For some reason, Akali really wanted to invite Jomon to join Taboot with him.

"I said no and still not. Thank you," Jomon said, waving his hand and then left.

Seriously, he had to do something. Either way, Jomon had to join him in that squad. There is no other way, this is the only way out that he can find at this time. Jomon is the key, only he can solve Akali's biggest problem. Akali fell into deep thought. He was very uneasy when Jomon refused his offer. It can be seen that Akali really wants Jomon to join Taboot's squad along with him. Akali does seem suspicious and seems to be storing something he didn't say.

"If you don't want to join, then I have to finish off all your cat herds there!" said Akali loudly. Suddenly Jomon's steps stopped. He was shocked by what Akali had just said.

"Did you say it?" Jomon was silent, then slowly turned his head with an annoyed look on his face.

"Yes, I will finish off all those herds of yours if you refuse to join." Akali Seiya was resolutely accompanied by her sly smile.

"You're kidding me, aren't you?" muttered Jomon seriously.

"I'm serious. You come with me, or I'll finish off all your cat friends with my Seneruka." Akali threatens Jomon. "You've seen for yourself how powerful it is, right? You won't be able to stop me. The only way to save them is to follow my orders. Come with me to Babylomania, and we will join the Taboot squad to save the lives of all human beings."

"Don't mess around. You're threatening me?"

"I have to threaten you so that you want to join the Taboot squad. They really need people like us. I'm not messing around now. I'm serious about killing all those cats if you reject my offer."

Suddenly Jomon's expression changed. Both hands were clenched into fists. Jomon grinned, indicating that at this time he was upset to hear Akali's threat. The atmosphere suddenly turned unpleasant between Jomon and Akali. Akali, who had come to Jomon's aid, immediately turned into a young man who looked evil and unfriendly. The figure who was mistaken for Jomon was a good person, now appears as if he is a villain.

"Don't you dare touch them. You hear me?" Jomon threatened Akali back.

"I thank you for helping me today. I also have no problem if you killed my cat colleagues who have changed. But if you threaten to hurt those who are there, I will not spare you." Akali grinned. Not afraid of Jomon's remarks.

"If you don't want that to happen, then come with me to Babylomania. There's nothing wrong with it. But if you refuse, I'm very forced to do that. Eliminated all the cats living in those caves. After all, they could have been a threat when they turned into Mutanro. How valuable are the lives of those animals compared to the safety of all human beings?"

"You bastard!" Jomon immediately ran towards Akali to attack him. Jomon shoots his claws at Akali.

Very easily Jomon's movements can be read by Akali. Akali dodged Jomon's attack so easily. He then kicked Jomon's body hard until Jomon bounced and landed on the ground with his face. In the fact, Akali is much more agile and strong than Jomon when it comes to the art of combat. Akali then climbs up the tree. Standing on one of the branches of a large tree.

"Hah, you're so stubborn. But I can't force you if you refuse. Too bad," he said. After saying that, Akali left Jomon. He suddenly ran quickly from one tree branch to another. So fast that you can't see it.

Jomon still looked annoyed at Akali who had left. He cleaned his dirty face filled with dust and dirt. Jomon wiped his mouth which also had dust in it. He then stood up while cleaning his shirt and pants. "What's wrong with that kid? Suddenly came to help me, then insisted on inviting me to join—" Jomon forgot the name of the squad, "whatever it is. He's so weird."

Jomon then looked up at the evening sky towards dusk. "I must go home. Dusko and the others must be waiting for me. But…" Jomon stared at the bodies of the cats who became Mutanro. He wore a sad expression.

"How do I explain it to them? This is very sad. But I have to go home. Forced to have dinner tonight, I'll just cook the Yoha fish I've caught. It's not as good as Okas, but I think it's enough for our dinner tonight." Jomon then rushed home, back to the cave where the herd of cats lived.

Meanwhile, Akali kept running from the branches of a big tree in the forest. Too bad, Jomon refused. He couldn't force the stubborn idiot either.

"I had to think of a way to get him to finally join. But I'm sure he's going to Babylomania. I could see from the look in his eyes that he was actually interested in joining. Perhaps without Jomon realizing it, his instincts and desire to be able to fight back against Mutanro was very strong. I can feel it. Huh, that brat really is a wild animal." Akali smiles.

In a different place, Jomon is seen running fast towards the cave area where his herd of cats lives. He ran as fast as he could. No, it wasn't that Jomon was afraid of Akali's threat earlier. Jomon realizes Akali is a good person, and thinks Akali's threat is just an unpleasant joke. Jomon was only afraid of one thing he had only seen today. A much bigger real threat that Jomon just noticed, namely the change of living things into Mutanro. Jomon witnessed for himself how Okas and his herd of cats suddenly turned into Mutanro. On his way home while running, Jomon kept thinking about that. About Black Tantra, and the mutation of living beings. So far, Jomon only knows a normal life that is comfortable and safe.

He just realized that events like today can happen at any time. That the world has been polluted by terrible evil forces. Jomon is really gaining a new perspective today. The world turned out to be much more threatening and annoying than he thought all along. Therefore, Jomon worries about his other cat friends.

Jomon was afraid that they would also become like that later. Now Jomon knows there is no guarantee that living things will remain the same. They could have turned into Mutanro and threatened the rest of the living beings. Jomon had already seen it for himself, how destructive that Mutanro was!

In addition to thinking about mutanro's threat to the ecosystem of all living things in the world, Jomon also thought about something else. One of them was Akali's words to him. Akali continued to mention the Jomon tribe. During this time, Jomon only knew that it was his name. He didn't know there was a tribe called the Jomon at all. For him, Jomon was his profername and identity all along. Jomon suddenly remembered his past memories. Deep in his childhood. No, not a child, but when he was a baby?

The memory flashed. He felt like he was in a warm, ticking balloon. A kind of transparent yellow live embryo. There, a Jomon toddler feels safe. Curled up in the cradle of a living mechanism filled with some kind of water. Quiet, comfortable and warm. Like a mother's womb. From the outside, when Jomon slowly opened his eyes, a handsome man stared at him. From the thin transparent yellow membrane, Jomon's eyes could see the man's face.

"Jomon… Jomon Urameki," he said.

From then on, Jomon assumed that was his name.

Jomon dispelled the vague memories again. Memories that he himself does not know about what, when, and where. He only knew that it was the earliest memory he could remember as long as he lived. Jomon continued to run towards the caves where he lived. The moment before Jomon arrived, he was very relieved. Because of the terrible and unexpected events that happened to him today, Jomon is very worried about the state of the place where he lives. He hopes all the cats in the cave area are okay.

Jomon's big smile bloomed as he almost reached the cave area where they lived. However, the big smile changed instantly. What Jomon was afraid of happened. The nightmare in his mind, presented before his eyes. When Jomon arrived, he immediately saw the bodies of his herd of cats had been lifeless.

"W—what… happened," Jomon muttered almost incredulously. Today couldn't have been worse.

"This is impossible. This is unlikely to happen," Jomon didn't expect it at all. That Akali's threat was not just a joke or an empty bluff. He really did. Jomon watched as all of his cat friends had died. The bodies of the cats were sprawled almost all over the lip areas of the caves there. The cat, known to Jomon, died before his eyes. Jomon immediately clenched his fists in both hands. Jomon's anger and resentment immediately rose to a young man named Akali Seiya.