
Mantra And Black Tantra

Akali deactivated his Seneruka. The transparent white dragon wrapped around Akali's body slowly disappeared.

Jomon rubbed both eyes. "The dragon in your body disappeared." He was amazed.

"Of course it disappeared. I've disabled the Mantra that belongs to me," Akali replied. "You definitely don't have a Mantra, and you don't know anything about Tantra or Mutanro, but this is quite surprising, because you can see my Seneruka. Hmm… It's so weird."

"You… Akali Seiya! Explain to me what Mantras and Tantra are. Does everything have anything to do with today's events? I want an answer about brutality Okas and my cat friends who suddenly turned violent and became a monsters? You must know the reason, right? What happened?" asked Jomon. Many things confuse him at this time. Jomon wanted clarity from Akali. He thought Akali had an answer to all that.

"You want to know why they all became like that? Well, I'll explain to you. I'll start with the simplest explanation related to what you don't know yet. It is quite strange to find that there are humans in this world who don't know what Tantra is. All humans on earth can exploit Tantra for their lives. Light a fire to cook, blow the wind to dry the laundry and to cool down, or run the transportation cart automatically."

"Where do I know all that," Jomon said. "I've never been to Polis. I rarely observe how humans live in the city."

He was indeed a primitive Jomon, Akali thought. "Even though you live very close to the Babylomania Megapolis. How long have you lived in this hill area? Until you don't know all that and are blind to civilization?"

"I don't know," Jomon shrugged both shoulders. "As far as I can remember, I've lived here for a long time. Living together with my family. Those cats, some of them you've killed here." Jomon looked at the bodies of his fellow cats very sadly.

"You don't remember your whole life?" Akali asked seriously. "Was there anyone like you before? I mean… your human family, besides those cats."

"I told you they were just my family. My home is here, on this hill. From the past to the present, I have lived here with all of them."

Jomon's words didn't answer Akali's question at all. It's not known how Jomon's life was before this. About his parents, family or background.

"Hey, you haven't answered what Tantra is, Mantra, and its relationship with all these events." Jomon again asked for an explanation. This time Jomon sat on the ground cross-legged.

"As I've explained to you. Tantra is the most basic element used and utilized by all humans on this earth to help and facilitate their lives. However, it is only a basic utilization. Tantra has the deepest essence, powerful and much greater than what humans can take advantage of. Tantra holds a unique and extraordinary secret associated with its advanced use. This is called Tantra extraction. An activity of unification of energy, nature and Tantra itself. And not all human beings have this ability. Only a small handful of them."

Jomon looked very confused. From his silly expression, Jomon tried to absorb and digest Akali's very complicated explanation according to the level of his stupid head. He is Indeed an innocent child as well as a fool. It is unlikely that he can understand all that.

"So, what is Tantra?"

Akali sighed. "Tantra is the reading of nature. A book of life scattered throughout the universe. I say a book, it doesn't mean that Tantra is a physical book, but a metaphysical book that only talented souls can read and realize."

"What is a book?"

"Huh!" Akali hit his forehead hard. He let out a long breath once more. Explaining everything to this uneducated and primitive boy seemed useless, Akali thought.

"The point is, not all humans can form and create a Mantra from Tantra. Only a small handful of humans can do it. People are talented and special. Those who can perform tantric extraction into a Mantra, these people are referred to as Propheto. Humans are rare in the world."


"Yes, and I am one of them. There are a few in our family, the Seiya family. Our family is indeed known for being great and wonderful."

"I don't want to know about your family," Jomon said, prying into his nostrils with a little finger. "I don't quite understand the Tantra and Mantra you mentioned yet. The dragon wrapped around your body is Mantra?"

"That's right, it's Mantras that belong to me." Akali replied.

"Tantra allows a person to extract his essence according to the degree of ability of the person. The stronger and more talented a Propheto is, the higher the power and level of the Mantra he creates. Like my seneruka. He is very powerful, the most powerful in the entire Yayoi area and in the Seiya family. You can see it for yourself, right?"

Akali is confident enough to boast of her own strength in front of Jomon. "You as a human being who doesn't know about Tantra, definitely don't have a Mantra of your own. But, the fact that you can see my Seneruka, even if it's a bit vague, is proof or indication that you might be talented. Jomon, you might as well be a Propheto. One of the few rare humans endowed with the ability to extract Tantra. You don't want to try it? You could have created your own Mantra.

"No, I'm not interested in any of that." Jomon replied. "I just need instinct, and have had enough of it. For me, instinct is everything."

"Yes, I can see that. Even though you don't have a Mantra, your strength in hunting and when facing Mutanro Okas is quite great. How you utilize your animal instincts to survive and convert them into stamina. I think it's pretty cool, but it's not great enough when compared to the Mantra you can have."

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Jomon just realized that Akali had mentioned his name earlier.

"I've been paying attention to you for a long time, Jomon."

"So you, that stalker and intruder…? You are the one I feel lurking in our residence these days. Yes, right?"

"You're great, you can feel the eve of my being. Though I've been careful when I do it. Observe you guys from a considerable distance. But do you still notice it? Crazy. That instinct of yours is indeed wonderful."

"Why are you stalking us, then why are you here? What do you need,"

"Hey, hey. You should be thankful I'm here. Had I not been here and hadn't come to help you, you would have been torn to death by those Mutanro cats."

"I thank you for that. Because of you, I can survive. You're right, I'm so scared and cowardly to fight my friends who have already changed." Jomon uttered it as he rose to his feet. "But I just want to know what you need and why are you stalking us? You must have a certain purpose by coming here. It's just a hill and forest area, it's rare for people to come here."

"You're right, I do have a certain purpose for coming here."

"Say, what is your real purpose?"

"Mutanro. I want to save humanity from the threat of Mutanro."

"Mutanro again Mutanro again. Oh yes, you haven't explained to me about that Mutanro either. How come my cat friends can turn into such monsters? Does it have anything to do with the Tantra you explained to me just now?"

"Haaa, nice! I thought you were just a hill boy with a primitive and ignorant lifestyle. It turns out that you can think too, yes."

"Heiiii! I'm not stupid!" shouted Jomon irritably. "You're not as good as either. Just because you helped me and were able to master the Mantra or whatever it was, could you think of me as a fool at will."

"Calm down," said Akali with a sly smile.

"Explain about Mutanro. What happened to my cat comrades?"

"As I explained before. Tantra is used by almost all people in the world. Tantra was created by two of the three life-building legends, namely Nirvana and Mokhsa, when they first made space into reality. Tantra is the energy, essence of nature, and life source of the universe. Besides Mantra, which is the result of extraction from Tantra by empowering natural elements, there are other dark secrets that are produced by Tantra." Akali said with a serious look.

"Tantra dark secret?"

"Right. Tantra is known to have anomalies. A perversion or evil source capable of contaminating life. It's called Black Tantra."

"Black tantra? What's that?" asked Jomon.

"Black Tantra is a deviation from Tantra that is capable of mutating living beings. Mutations that occur in living beings due to black Tantra, will turn them into something else, monsters. The mutated living beings will lose their identity, become violent, wild and evil. Their bodies or physiques change, so do their minds. A complete change will occur, making them creatures that will destroy anything in their path. As you can see today, that's Mutanro."

"So, because of the black Tantra, my cat friends turned into Mutanro?"

"That's what it's like. I can't explain in detail, because I myself don't understand black Tantra and how it can form Mutanro."

"What did they do wrong?" murmured Jomon, returning sadly as he stared at the body of the poor cats. "They weren't malicious at first. They are just ordinary cats. These cats are all cats that I have known for a long time. They accompanied me under any circumstances in this place. Why did all this happen? Why did that bad thing fall on them?"

"I also don't know. But that's the kind of phenomenon that exists now, just so you know. Mutanro appears randomly, infecting living things around the world. Threatening the safety of mankind. That's what's happening out there, in a civilization you never knew about, Jomon. The Mutanro threat is being faced by humans."

"So the humans are at war with Mutanro?"

"Hmm, to say war… could be. But, it's not like that either. You can see, Mutanro doesn't always show up. The appearance rate isn't as massive as you might think. In a month, there may only be about 5 to 10 cases of mutation occurrence. Broadly speaking, humans can still handle it. They formed a special squad to handle that."

Jomon was very serious about listening to Akali Seiya's explanation. "Special squad...? "

"That's right, special squad. That's what I came here for, Jomon."

"It's the first time I've seen Mutanro and faced him. All this time I had no idea that humans were facing such a danger."

"Mutanro appears in almost all Polis and cities across the continent of Malkuth. They can appear anywhere and anytime, unpredictable. But actually, the emergence of Mutanro is a new phenomenon. In my hometown in Yayoi Land, the phenomenon of the emergence of Mutanro only started 25 years ago. In the other countries and Polis, the appearance of Mutanro began in different and not the same year. Here, for example, in the Megapolis area of Babylomania, the phenomenon of the emergence of Mutanro only occurred about 12 years ago. The case of the appearance of the first Mutanro in history, supposedly began half a century ago. Occurs in Sumer, a Polis located in the center of the continent of Malkuth. Since then, a special squad has been formed that recruits special talented people, rare humans who have spells. The Squad is called Taboot."


"That's right."

"By the way, you said just now what is your purpose?"

"I invite you to join Taboot."

"You're a member of Taboot?"

"Unfortunately, not yet,"

"I thought you were one of them, because with your great Mantra just now you could easily overcome the Mutanro. Sorry, but I'm not interested." Jomon refuses Akali's offer.

"But you have great potential, Jomon. You don't want to fight to save humanity? You've seen it yourself, how terrible Mutanro is. You don't want to stop them? Come with me. We're all joining Taboot together."

Jomon narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Hmm."

"Whatt? What is it?" asked Akali.

"Very suspicious. Why did you invite me? We don't even know each other yet. I don't know you, and you just suddenly showed up here and asked me to join—what's that called? Honestly, you're still a stranger to me."

"Oh my gosh, I have already helped you. You want to join or not?"

But Jomon suddenly fell asleep in front of Akali. Makes Akali shocked and very annoyed with Jomon's ridiculous behavior.

"Hey! I asked, why are you sleeping all of a sudden?"

The snot balloon in Jomon's nose burst, Jomon woke up. "Mmm, wait, what?"


"Sorry sorry, this is just my habit. Where did our conversation go?"

Akali Seiya lowered his head, his body and shoulders shaking in annoyance. "I invite you to join the Taboot squad to fight Mutanro," he grumbled.

"Again, why did you invite me? Don't you know that I don't have—what's that called? Mantra? Yes, Mantra. I don't have one. How can I fight Mutanro if I don't have the power like you."

"You said you were confident enough just by relying on your instincts, didn't you? We can use that against Mutanro. After all, Mantra can be learned. No one is born naturally by directly possessing a Mantra. Everything requires a process. Mantra can be made by those with talent. Jomon, I thought you were one of those humans who were endowed with that talent." Akali said with a smile.