
Jaune Arc and the Fields of Valour

Jaune had never been a hero and yet he found himself in a situation that certainly a hero would find himself in. The universe had once again pushed him to the edge of his seat and this time he was to become a 'Walker'. An entity who walks through the Gates and the Fields of Valour exploiting its fruits. But before that... '06 : 23 : 59 : 59 Wave 1 : 0/100 Please survive the Trial Grounds to prove that you are worthy enough to inherit the title of the Walker. If you lose, you die.' ... This has got to be a joke... right? ------ Notes: 1. AU Universe, may have crossover in future. 2. Has elements from other anime. 3. OCC Jaune. 4. Harem. 5. Lemons... a.k.a Smut. (....maybe?) 6. A big fat disclaimer below. So don't sue me. DISCLAIMER! I do not own RWBY or ANY of its character or elements. What I own is my own plot, my own elements and my OCs. Thankyou. Enjoy Reading~~~

Kain_J_Demon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

CRDL: Wasted

Vol. 1 – Reset | Ch. 7 - CRDL: Wasted

Come on now. I didn't hit you that hard." Jaune said as looked down at the downed form of Cardin.

"Y-You bastard! Waste him boys!" He yelled in rage.

Cardin's bitch wail of pain from hell seemed to have shaken his loon out of their shook induced state.

Sky rushed at him aiming for his face but Jaune ducked under the swing and swept him off his feet with a swirling kick. Exhibiting impressive upper body and core strength, Jaune twisted his body like a professional B-Boy, and with the momentum let his knees land onto the downed form of Sky knocking the wind out of him.

"Agghh!" Sky screamed in pain. While Jaune sensed Russell trying to hit him leaned back avoiding the hit. Jaune threw himself back and out of Russell's hit zone and with a flip landed on top of a table.

Jumping once again he avoided Cardin kick. Mid-air he pulled a stick out of his inventory and reinforced it with mana.

"What the-Is this guy a fuckin' monkey or something?" Dove asked out loud dumfounded before he registered Jaune heading strained for him. "Wha-How did he get a sti-"



"It's magic bitch." Jaune said landing with a smirk.

"Aaaaah!" Cardin who was positively pissed swung his mace at Jaune who leaned back to avoid the hit. Before jumping over another strike and landing a kick on his face which sent him to the ground.

Twirling the stick. He spun on his heel and deflected at Dove's slack and immediately hit him in the face which earned him, another broken nose of his victim.

Grabbing the screening guy by the neck he threw him into Cardin who was trying to get up.

Flipping backwards and over the combined attack of Russell and Sky, Jaune threw the stick at Russell which hit him in the jugular.

Landing, Jaune engaged Sky in an epic H2H combat sequence.


My bad. It was just a boring one-sided beatdown for Jaune. Jaune chained as many as 15 combos and Sky was overwhelmed and bloody by the end of the beatdown and landed on the floor out of commission.

Seeing that all of his team was out made Cardin lose all his reasoning and made him rush at Jaune once more like a mad bull.

"I will kill you Jaune! I fucking will!" He screamed at Jaune who just flashed him his most charming smile.

"You will try."

Jaune simply raised his hand and blocked the punch. He snaked his armed around Cardin's offending arm and between his body and twisted it with a sickening crunch.


"And you will fail."

Jaune punches Cardin in the face and then in his gut. Then in the face and then in the gut. He kept punching him and Cardin had almost lost his conscience from the overwhelming pain.

"Wha?! Stop this at once Jaune Arc!" Jaune sighed as he heard the melodious voice of the most beautiful professor of beacon who now has become an annoyance for him.

"Of course you'd come NOW." Jaune sighed before grabbing Cardin by the hair and bringing him down before burying his knee into his face.

Cardin had already lost consciousness before he was allowed a rest from the thrashing.

"There, you happy now?" Jaune asked raising his hands in mock surrender.

Jaune calmly stepped back then as Glynda tried to grab him.

"Uh-huh. Hands to yourself lady. Can't do on anything indecent on school grounds." Jaune said wiggling his finger as if reprimanding her. Glynda saw red and tried to use her semblance on Jaune.

Jaune just smiled as he felt the force of Glynda's telekinetic semblance trying to manipulate him but he had other plans.

'Rune Magic: Soteria'

Mana flared around him as a barely visible spherical shield manifested around Jaune protecting him from any influence.

Glynda's eyes widened but she narrowed them and put more effort but it was for not. Glynda growled trying to calm herself. 'Breathe Glynda, Breathe.'

"Jaune Arc. You are coming to Headmaster Ozpin's office to decide your punishment for assaulting a fellow Beacon student and injuring them to a disgusting degree." Glynda said sternly after calming down.

"Oh? Well, I don't think I'll be going anywhere." Jaune simply shrugged off turning back and walking towards where Shizue was sitting. "And maybe next time try to inquire before giving people the guillotine."

"Who hell do you thin-"

"Where the hell had you been?" Jaune cut her off sharply. Turning to look at her with a glare.


"I said where the hell had you been? Sleeping? Fooling around? Seems like that to me cause you are neglecting your job." Jaune said blandly. "Where the hell were you when this asshat was bullying that girl over there? Pulling her ears and calling her animal?! Where the fuck were you?! Not just you, are all the authorities in this school dead?! I had always wondered why a 'prestigious' school like Beacon was full of bigotry and racism. The answer is right in front of me. Such sorry excuses of teachers."

"How dare you?! I assure you Ozpin will be hearing about your disrespect and I'll have you expell-"

"Just fucking do it and be done with it." Jaune said crossing his arms. Not only Glynda but everyone else was surprised by his words. "I will let y'all know something. I have no particular interest in becoming a Huntsman anymore and if I was, Beacon is not the ONLY option for me to get a license from. Instead of constant threatening me just do the deed and be done with it. It's exhausting to put up with you every time."

Jaune said as helped Velvet up, smiling at her which she shyly returned, Jaune waved at Shizue before leaving quietly.


Jaune sighed as he laid on his back on top of the clock tower watching the clouds. His mind was still occupied by what had happened and Jaune had mixed feelings about it. He was annoyed that Cardin ruined his time with Shizue when he was genuinely enjoying someone else's company.

Fucking Cardin up helped Jaune throw off much of his grudges off the deck and into depths. Jaune felt annoyed by the bias, whether the students or the teachers, had against him. Faking transcriptions? That was not allowed while being a racist asshole and harassing Faunus was allowed?

Jaune decide not to think about it and just laid back trying to calm the fire in his chest.

"Troublesome." (A certain Nara smiled proudly somewhere far away.)

"That you certainly are Mr Arc." An annoyingly familiar voice was called out beside him. "Always creating problems for me. Anyways, how did you get up here?"

"The same way you did, Ozpin." Jaune said not really answering. "And it's you who's being a pain in my ass."

"You have changed Jaune." Ozpin said analysing Jaune who just gave him a bored side look. "And I don't know if it was for the better."

"Yeah, you are right. I should have stayed the same old whiny piece of crap and should have let people walk over me. Really? Sure, let's roll with that." Jaune shrugged. "Sadly, I had enough of it."

"Hmm. Point taken. At least you are more confident than before." Ozpin nodded to himself while just shrugged it off. "You also, haven't been quite... respectful lately. I heard much from Glynda."

Jaune just rolled his eyes as he extended his hands towards Ozpin who looked at him with a confused stare. "Give me already."


"My expulsion letter...? I was honestly waiting for it. Do you not have it?" Jaune asked genuinely confused.

"..." Ozpin looked at Jaune with an exhausted look before sighing. "Lucky for you, you won't be getting one."

"Awwww shucks. I was looking forward to it." Jaune whined which made Ozpin twitch in annoyance.

"I have decided to pardon you and let you off with only a week-long detection with Glynda." Ozpin said before looking at Jaune with a stern. "As noble as your intentions were, you still assaulted Cardin, a fellow classmate. It was irresponsible of you to hurt Cardin so brutally in front of so many Huntsmen-in-training. You should think about-"

"Gimme a break will you? I never had any good intentions or anything. Don't get it twisted. I wouldn't have fucked up Cardin and his loons if you and your assigned teachers and just their fucking job properly." Jaune said in an annoyed tone while levelling an icy glare at Ozpin which seemed to shut him up. "Also, I'm not your mascot or poster boy. I don't care what people think about me or my actions. As look as I don't have to go down and square dance, it isn't my concern what people do."

"That's is a dangerous philosophy to have, Jaune Arc." Ozpin said sternly. "I think you need to calm down and think through what you are doing. Being a Huntsmen isn't just about fighting monsters and slaying grim. But-"

"Yeah, yeah. But being kind, saving people's lives and all that noble shit." Jaune sighed before getting up. "Heroes right? But sadly that part has no appeal to me. While it's nice to have that kind of mindset and all but on the battlefield it means nothing. You'll only end up getting killed. It doesn't fucking matter in the end."

"What matters then?" Ozpin said looking him in the eye not backing down.

"Survival." Jaune simply stated and Ozpin was taken back. "Glory is shit to me if I can't revel in it."

"...You talk as if you have seen war." Ozpin said mocking Jaune.

"Funny. Cause you talk like you have not." Jaune said with a smirk which made Ozpin take a step back. "All I see is a naive kid ignorant to horrors of war and evil of worlds."

"Bold of you to assume I don't." Ozpin was getting ticked off big time.

"Bold of you to act like you don't." Jaune wasn't going to back down. "Where are you anyways when you precious students are getting bullied and harassed?"

"If I solve every problem for you then you younglings wouldn't ever learn about the harsh realities of life. Which is quite contradictory to the statement you made about me being a naive kid."

"That's hilarious cause it's contradictory to the statement YOU made about be being an example for others to follow." Jaune filled it up which shut Ozpin up. "What? You think kids to their problems would egg them on to solve it themselves or do you hope that the problems would solve thems or it will just work out and that's the reason you don't even prove guidance to those who need them except for those you spark your interests?"

"I..." Ozpin was speechless as he looked away.

"Yeah. That's what I expected." Jaune smiled smugly before sitting down once again admiring the sunset. "Maybe now you'll see the toxic environment around the campus and take necessary to educate them well."

"What about yo-"

"Don't even think about it. I'm beyond saving at this point." Jaune just looked at Ozpin with a dull look. "Just stay clear off me and let me be."

"Do you hate Jaune Arc?" Ozpin asked. At this moment his voice seemed to be filled with genuine sadness. "I understand that if you-"

"I don't."


"I said I don't hate you." Jaune said blandly. "Cause if I did you'd be dead by now."

"Excuse m-" Ozpin felt goosebumps for the first time in a long while as felt a sharp object poking his neck from behind. The good thing was that Aura protected him or he'd be bleeding a fair bit. Suddenly he felt to more on his neck from the right and left and then both of his kidneys, on his back aiming for his heart, one at his living. He began sweating but didn't attempt to move as suddenly thought of swords materialised before him. Gleaming with murderous intent. "W-What is this?!"

"A part of my power you could say." Jaune shrugged. "I'm thankful to you I guess. You helped me discover myself in a way so thanks. I have only become stronger since I got kicked off my team."

Jaune snapped his finger and the sword dematerialized into thin air.

"If you are going to give me detention, place me in the Workshop of the school or something otherwise I won't comply with it. You can expel if you don't agree." Jaune shrugged as he got a curious look from Ozpin. "I need to switch weapons. I feel like Crocea Mors isn't the one for me so I'll be making a new one for me."

"Alright. I'll grant you access to the workshop and all the resources you might need. Just don't go creating trouble for me." Ozpin sighed in exhaustion while massaging his temple.

"Sweet and look I don't wake up in the morning and be like, 'I'll fuck somebody or two today.' Shit just happens, I have no control over it." Jaune raised his hands in mock surrender. "It's them who come looking for trouble and I just comply to their wishes."

"And you don't think your ways are too barbaric?"

"As a wise man had said; People think they want this problem until they get it." Jaune said quoting King Marshall Bruce Mathers III. "And what are you crying about? You run a fricking school which essentially teaches children to kill and maim."

"Monsters. We teach them to kill monsters."

"And how are humans any different?"


"Also are that positive that all of your students are going to end up being respectable Huntsmen who are the epitome of this image that is in your head." Jaune looked at him as if he was talking to a child. "Are you sure that that none of them will... Ya know? Stray off the path? I mean look at Cardin... Just give that asshat a short knife to play with and boy will he turn into the next Richard Ramirez killing Faunus left and right."

"... Who's Richard Ramirez?"

"... Someone like Torchwick just on too much LSD and full of too much shit." Jaune said stretching his back. "Anyways you have a nice evening. I'll go and train for a bit. Tata~"

"Wait! Dont-"

With that Jaune just jumped off the Clocktower before Ozpin could even finish saying nearly giving Ozpin a heart attack.

Jaune dived towards the ground without care before flipping and straightening himself, bracing for landing.

"Rune Magic : Superhero Landing."

Jaune landed on the ground like a badass creating a mini-crater.

"Neat. Just have to do something about the joint pain." Jaune mumbled to himself before walking towards the emerald forest leaving Ozpin on the Clocktower sighing to himself for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"*Sigh* I really hate my job." (A/N: I do too T_T)

Sorry. Had hectic week or two. Money problems and all. Felt stuck. Realised writing is my only outlet. Hopefully, I'll be able to make some money out of it to sustain myself someday.

Anyways, thank you for all the support and love you have shown me. I will try to be as consistent as I can but I'm an asshole so...

Nvr Mind. We are pushing 30K. Hopefully we'll make big waves.

Kain_J_Demoncreators' thoughts