
Jaune Arc and the Fields of Valour

Jaune had never been a hero and yet he found himself in a situation that certainly a hero would find himself in. The universe had once again pushed him to the edge of his seat and this time he was to become a 'Walker'. An entity who walks through the Gates and the Fields of Valour exploiting its fruits. But before that... '06 : 23 : 59 : 59 Wave 1 : 0/100 Please survive the Trial Grounds to prove that you are worthy enough to inherit the title of the Walker. If you lose, you die.' ... This has got to be a joke... right? ------ Notes: 1. AU Universe, may have crossover in future. 2. Has elements from other anime. 3. OCC Jaune. 4. Harem. 5. Lemons... a.k.a Smut. (....maybe?) 6. A big fat disclaimer below. So don't sue me. DISCLAIMER! I do not own RWBY or ANY of its character or elements. What I own is my own plot, my own elements and my OCs. Thankyou. Enjoy Reading~~~

Kain_J_Demon · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Cat Invasion

Vol. 1 – Reset | Ch. 6 - Cat Invasion

"I can not believe that he actually hurt you this bad." Ren calmly commented as he crossed his arms.

Team PRSN had retreated to their dorms after Shizue had been discharged from the infirmary. They were dressed in their sleepwear as they sat discussing the events that took place earlier today with Pyrrha and Nora applying medicine to Shizue's bruises and nursing her.

"I can't believe it either." Pyrrha added neutrally.

"Yeah! We should totally break his legs for that!" Nora chirped as she accidentally applied pressure to the bruise on Shizue's abdomen.


"Oh my god?! I'm sorry!"

"Ahahaa. It's alright. I will be okay in no time." Shizue displayed a strained smile as she dismissed their worries getting a suspicious look in return. "Seriously guys... It's not a big deal."

"How is it not! He just hurt you so badly! You are our team leader! We can't let him off just like that." Pyrrha opposed strongly which earned her a stern look from Shizue which caused Pyrrha to flinch a bit. It may have only been a week but Team PRSN was well acquainted with Shizue by now. While the girl was calm and easygoing most of the time but when it came to certain matters she wouldn't tolerate any kind of bullshit. "I... I'm sorry-"

"As I said, it's fine. I wanted to fight him in the first place and I would be mad like you if he hadn't taken me this seriously." Shizue sighed leaning back a bit. "Also, I think your anger on him is a bit misplaced."

"Huh?! What do you mean?! That guy lied to me?! To us?! He lied to his team?! He didn't even belon-"

"Did you ever try to know his side of the story?" Shizue's single question put a stop to Pyrrha's whole argument. "Maybe ya know... Try to know why he had to resort to this? What was the reason for him to do this? No?"

"..." Pyrrha just looked away.

"He might just be a dickbag who was fooling around and just wanted to try his hand at being a Huntress? Maybe he was forced to do this? Maybe he had no other choice?" Shizue shrugged. "He may have done it for whatever reason but that doesn't mean anything to me. I fought him and I know just how capable he is. I'm definitely going to try to get close to him."


"Just a heads up. I'm interested in Jaune Arc and I'm telling you this now because I don't want any unnecessary issues later." Shizue stated calmly.

"You don't mean..." Ren was astonished.

"Yep. He is the perfect partner candidate." Shizue grinned. "And think he is interested in me too. If not I'll make sure he'll be soon."

"You and Jaune?! How?! I mean... He's just 'Jaune'. What's so special about him?!" Nora was baffled.

"He's hot and sexy for one." Shizue deadpanned causing Nora to blush. "Have you seen those muscles when his shirt had clung to his chiselled ab-"

"Alright! Alright! That's beside the point!" Nora said with a red face. "Aside from the muscles, he gained what is special about him?!"

"Well, those muscles certainly aren't for show." Shizue said as she pointed at her bruised abdomen. "Not to mention his strange semblance. But if you are want to know the most attractive feature of him... It's his eyes."

Hearing Shizue Pyrrha looked at her with a strange look.

"Those cold sapphire eyes of a war-hardened warrior who has seen much. Much of the world at its worst and most importantly has seen himself at his worst. He knows his worth better than anyone else and doesn't care about proving it to anybody else." Shizue sigh with a strange smile. "Honestly they remind me of my father's and that is enough for me to believe that he isn't a bad guy. So I'm interested in him."

"Hmph!" Pyrrha stoop up abruptly and left the room.

The three teens were left alone looking at each other awkwardly.

"I think... Pyrrha just needs time." Ren said.

"Well, she can take all the time she needs it's just that I'm not going to waste mine and let anybody else hijack my dreamboat."

"Oh my gosh! Stop! That was too cheesy!"


The three teens laughed inside while Pyrrha who was outside the room gritted her teeth while clenched her hands.



"Hmmm?" Jaune who was in an arcade looked around in confusion. "Someone called me?"

*Game Over!*

"Ahhh! Shit! I got distracted!" Jaune cursed. "Alright! Another one!"

After the fight, Jaune was not in a mood to interact with anyone so decided to get away from the classes and what better way to dive straight into the Gates and blow off steam while evading all unnecessary human contact.

It worked out just fine and now Jaune was unwind playing games in an Arcade with the local of Vale. It was nice to get away from all the glares and gazes every once in a while.

Fooling around for an hour or so Jaune returned to his room around 8 pm managing to sneak around the security.

Opening the door Jaune enter his room with a genuine smile.

"Home sweet hom-"

Jaune came to a sudden halt. His eyes darted left to right, scanning the room as his smile transformed into a grin.

When he left the room it was around noon when Glynda hijacked him and now the lights were on.

"Looks like someone had decided to vandalize my property." Jaune said out loud but got no response in return. "So it's gonna be the hard way huh?"

'Rune Magic : Pathfinder'

Jaune supplied mana to his eyes as they began to glow. His vision shifted as the world around him lost all colour and only the outlines of objects and structure had a minuscule white luminance. His eyes as two trails appeared around the room. One was azure, this trail was his. The trail was all around the room as it should be as Jaune spends all of his time here aside from when he is training or 'Walking'.

Every person leaves behind a trail which has the essence of their signature, which is indicated by the colour of the trail. Jaune's signature is a bright azure. Trails usually disappear after a day or to but a skilled tracker can sniff out trails even if they have gone cold after weeks. Not everyone can see these trails, and as far as Jaune knows, he is the only one who can see these trails as he can.

The point is. In his room are two trails, one was obviously his but the other dark coloured one was not his and it was fresh. Tracing the trail Jaune's grin turned savage.

"Getting antsy aren't we, Belladonna?" Jaune smirked before quickly ducking under an attack aimed for his neck.

"Jaune Arc..." Blake hissed as she emerged from the shadows.

"Good evening." Jaune smiled politely before it turned icy. "Now get out."

'Rune Magic : Barrage.'

Swords and lances made of mana materialized from thin air and were shot at blake at neck-breaking speeds. Blake's eyes widening as she was forced to dodge but Jaune had already predicted this as he was in front of her as soon as she moved.

Grabbing her by the neck Jaune tossed her out of his home and slammed her into the ground outside. Regaining her footing Blake straightened up while glaring at Jaune.

"Who are you?" She hissed.


Jaune was genuinely confused.

"Who the heck are you?" Blake asked glaring at Jaune. "There's no way you are Jaune. That wimp could never acquire the level of strength, finesse and skill you possess. Who sent you? Are you with White Fang?! Have you come to infiltrate the academy?! Or have you come to take me back to them?! Answer me!"


"...Erm... what?"

"Here." Jaune tossed her a card which she caught warily.

'Dr. Joaquin Phoenix, MD. Board Certified Psychiatrist. Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm.'

Blake blanked out as she read the details of the cards.

"I know that you are hurting alone but understand that you are not alone. I will stand by and cheer you on as you recover. But Blake... You have to take the first step." Jaune said in a sympathetic safely manner. "Please get some help."

"You... YOU ASSHOLE!!!" Blake screamed in rage which sent Jaune rolling in laughter. "I don't need any help! I'm totally fine!"

"Bwahahaha! Man~~ You should have seen your face." Jaune wiped the tear from his eyes before smirking at her. "Bold of you to assume that the White Fang sent me. As if your brothers and sisters would ever seek out help from a 'human' like me."

Blake flinched and took a step back in fear as Jaune grinned like a loon.

"A bow can only hide so much Belladonna." Jaune stated. "You coming here and babbling about White Fang just confirmed that my eyes don't deceive me. You are indeed a cat faunus."

"Wha-?! How-?! It doesn't matter! I'll have to make you shu-"

Before she could do anything Jaune just smiled as his eyes gleamed with hostility. Blake froze as a foreign heavyweight settled upon her.

'Rune Magic : Vile Intent.'

Jaune snapped his finger and thousands of weapons materialized around Blake as she unknowingly began to quiver in fright.

"You'll do nothing but maintain distance between us and not babble about any of this to anyone. Cause if you do... I promise you, I'll hunt you down." Jaune threatened her. "My little secret will be sooner or later but I don't need YOU of all people spoiling it to other of your kind about my deception and shit... You'll keep your mouth shut... ¿comprender? Bueno, no go."

Jaune dismissed the weapons and yawned turning towards his room to get a well-deserved sleep.

"Wait... W-What about my identity? What if you-"

"I won't." Jaune said firmly.

"Why should I believe-"

"You don't have to. The way you run your mouth I'm pretty sure you will be the one to spill out your guts unknowingly." Jaune shrugged. "If you will be the one doing that job... Why should I do it for you? Goodnight..."

Jaune smiled at her one last time before entering his room and closing the door behind him leaving Blake out by herself with her thoughts.

"Rune Magic : Barrier." Jaune cased a barrier around his house. "Just in case... Now! Sleep time baby!"

Jaune loosened all of his clothes except his pants and jumped face-first into the fluffy heaven that was his bed.

"Iw spwnt... Nwed sweep." He mumbled out to himself and in no time he was snoring away into Lala-Land.


Morning came and Jaune after performing his early morning rituals was once again dragged back to classes the courtesy of Glynda.

Jaune was frankly coming to dislike her because of her pestering nature. He had to sit in the class and endure all the bullshit that goes on because of her.

"Life is like a d'ck... Normal, calm and relaxing. It's the women who make it hard." Jaune mumbled to himself quoting a legend. It was lunchtime Jaune had came to the canteen to grab some free food and get away from all the BS.

"Good morning Arc-san." Shizue greeted Jaune with a lovely smile as she settled beside him.

"Good morning to you as well, Kawasaki-san." Jaune replied with a strained smile.

"Just Shizue will be fine. No formalities. Also, you don't look so good, is Glynda-san that harsh on you." Shizue giggle as Jaune let out a dramatic sigh.

"You don't know the half of it. Also, call me Jaune then skipping all the formalities." Jaune smiled tiredly. "I'm honestly feeling like going on a rampage."

"Ufufufu. Are the classes that bad?" She smirked mischievously. "What me to make them 'fun' for you?"

"The classes themselves aren't bad." Jaune shook his head dismissing her seductive advances causing her to pout. "It's just that I could be doing something much better with all this time that I'm forced to waste! Like... Like training! Or playing games! Or just eating... Or sleeping ya know? But no... *MimicsGlynda* Have to be a model student. My ass..."

Shizue giggled heartily which made Jaune smile gently in return.

"I honestly agree with you there. While some classes are interesting and I get to learn something that I didn't know of prior but most of the classes are... Underwhelming I suppose. Certainly, a waste of time considering I can be out practising and training to perfect my sword arts."

"Finally someone who sees the TRUTH! Glad to have you comrade." Jaune patted her shoulder as if he was some Sergeant making her giggle once more.

"Ufufufu. Glad to be on board." Shizue smiled before she began inquiring. "Oh? By the way, I noticed that you were good back then, the way you executed your attacks and how you chained your moves was flawless. Is that the Arc's family-style or something?"

"That? No... Haha. It is something I came up with after swinging Crocea Mors for as long as I did." Jaune laughed remembering his Weapon Mastery grades. "It's nothing legendary but I can defend myself with it at least."

"Are you kidding me?! You are good with sword. I lost to you in a duel after all and I've never lost an official sword duel ever." Shizue argued.

"It wasn't strictly swords duel since You and be both relied on other means a lot more than the actual blade. Also, I'm better with a spear than with a sword." Jaune replied honestly. He and Shizue were having fun, unaware of all the eyes on them. It had been a long while that Jaune enjoyed talking to someone who didn't judge him or have any ulterior motives. Shizue genuinely wanted to get to know him and he had no problems with making a few connections and who was he fooling. Shizue was gorgeous.

"Ohhhh? Was that a sexual joke? No problem. Come on pierce me with a spear. I'm pretty sure I can handle it well." Shizue wiggled her eyebrows causing Jaune to almost spit his chocolate milk before he began to laugh.

"Pfff-You are unbelievable! Ahaha!" Jaune laughed.

"I'm inexperienced but I'm confident I'm that under sheets t-"


A sharp scream broke the beautiful atmosphere around them.

"Ohhh look Cardin it's the little miss bunny again."

"Ohhh~~ Quite the nerve you have to come, sit and eat among us you animal." Cardin snarled. "Oh? Does it hurt? Uhh? Well, I'm not in a good mood so why don't you just get on your knees begging me and I might consider letting you go? Huh? Ahahaha!"

"How vulgar and barbaric. He even ruined our romantic atmosphere." Shizue was positively pissed. 'Too spoil my chance... And at that by bullying a girl... You deserve a thousand deaths...'

Jaune sighed to himself before getting up getting a confused look from Shizue. He removed his blazer and gave it to a confused Shizue. Rolling up his sleeve his cracked his neck. "*Crack* Ahh... I'll be right back."

"Ufufufu. Quite heroic aren't you?" Shizue asked teasingly.

"I am everything but heroic. I was never meant to be a hero. It's just that I have a bone to pick with that asshole and his gang." Jaune looked at Shizue and smiled. "This is just an excuse to fuck him up. But if my action help straightens up someone else's life then why not? It's a win-win in my book."

Jaune grinned which was mirrored by Shizue.

"I see. Go now... I'll be waiting then."

"Yep... You won't have to wait for long." Jaune said as he began walking towards Cardin and his lackeys.

"Ufufufu... This will be quite the show. I hope Jaune breaks a bone or two or a hundred. It's good anyways." She smiled to herself.

"Umm... Excuse me?" Jaune said tapping Cardin on the shoulder. "Sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to say something real quick."

"Hmmm? Who the fuck is i-" Cardin turned and before he could finish his sentence Jaune clenched his fist and punched Cardin so hard in the face that it sent him tumbling into the floor with blood flowing out of his broken nose like a bloody fountain. "Ahhhh! M-My nose!!"

"Just that it's was very fuckin' rude of you to not come and say Hi to you old buddy ya know." Jaune smirked. "Since you were being such a miser I decided to come and do all the greetings in your stead."


"Come on... Get up now. We have much catching up to do old friend." Jaune said cracking his fists as his eyes glowed with malicious intent.