
Japan's Only Male Hero (MHA Fanfic).


The_Eldritch_Troll · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


A few hours past


UA was in shambles because of one thing: their only male student was kidnapped earlier today, and people were panicking, and heroes were trying their best to find him, including All Might. ' How could I be such a idiot? Leaving him alone with his girlfriend! I should've been there! All night was on her mind, and she made her way towards Nighteye because she perhaps knew something about this.


She landed on the entrance of the building and made her way in, and she spotted Nighteye. "Ah, All Might have yo," she said. "No, this isn't about that; it's about the boy. Do you know where he is right now?" All Might said, and Nighteye adjusted her glasses. "I may have a clue to where he is, but it's just a theory," she said. "Then I need to know," All Might said.


"No, you need to stay out of this and let the other heroes handle this; your power is weakening," Nighteye said.


"Fine, then we are having a meeting now," All Might said, and Nighteye sighed and sent an email to all heroes.




Nighteye walked to the stand. "Alright, I was gathering information about the yakuza, and this proves my point, and we have evidence to get an arrest on them since they stole the boy," Nighteye said.


"When can we go?" Momo said, and she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head around to see Izumi there. "Don't worry, I'll get him." Izumi said 


Mirio stood up as well. "I promise Yaoyorozu-Chan, I'll get him back," Mirio said.


Momo shed a few tears. "Thank you, Mirio-senpai," Momo said.


"This is a world-wide emergency that will risk everything; are you ready?" Nighteye said, and most heroes nodded. "I will be on my last legs to save that boy," Kugo said.


"That boy saved me from the hero Goroshi, and I want to save him even if it costs me my life," Ryukyu said.


"Then let's make haste and go." nighteye said 


Time skip


Izuku's pov 


"The heroes are already going to come here; you stand no chance," I said to her. "Ah, here's where we're coming in," she said, showing me a red case. "This is what will break down the hero society as we know it," she said as she touched my chin. "And you will be my king," she said, and I moved backwards. "You'll get used to me soon, boy, or should I say izuku?" She said, "You're not allowed to call me that." I said to her, "Then call me overhaul, Izuku, because we will be together, won't we?" Overhaul said 


She shut the door as I held Eri tightly as I whispered to her, "Don't worry, the heroes will be here soon; I know it," I said to her, and she looked up at me and said, "Really?" Eri said, "Yes, I'm sure. My name is Izuku Midoriya. Just call me Izuku." I said to her, "Okay, Izuku." Eri said, still holding onto me as I hugged her tightly.




"Come on, we need to go." overhaul said, "Why should I go with you?" I said, "Follow, or Eri gets it." overhaul said, and I gritted my teeth and followed her.


An hour has passed, and Mirio came up behind us, punches us in the face, grabs me, and says, "Don't worry, I'll save you guys!" Mirio said and continued to speak, "I will become your hero!"


"How annoying. Give him back or else," she said as she touched the ground, and Mirio threw us into the air as the spikes went through her body as we landed safely in her arms again.


Overhaul begins to move things around, so we can't escape. "What would you do if Izuku or Eri got injured?" "I'm the only one who can heal them," overhaul said.


"I can heal," I said quietly to Mirio as she nodded.


Blockhead stood up, shaking her head, and aimed the gun towards us, and I positioned myself to cover Eri's body.


No one's pov


'Is that drunk guy quirk still in effect?' Mirio said in her mind as she bent over, and the bullets missed her as she placed Izuku and Eri down in her cape. "I thought Hero's caps were supposed to look cool!" Chrono said and overhauled, widening her eyes. "Chrono!" she said as Chrono jumped out of the way of Mirio's punch, and that sent the gun flying.


Mirio went behind overhaul and punched her in the face, and she was sent flying. "A hero uses her cape to wrap up the boy and girl who're suffering and in pain!" Mirio said.


Overhaul stopped herself by planting her feet into the ground as Chrono went for the gun, but Mirio punched her in the face and stomach twice as she was knocked out for good.


' Look carefully at your opponent and predict her next move!' Mirio said in her mind as she destroyed the gun and kept punching overhaul.


"Master!" Nemeto said as Mirio and overhaul looked over at her in shock, 'I thought I knocked her out for good!' Mirio said in her mind, "Nemeto, shoot!" overhaul said as she threw the bullets to Nemeto, grabbed them, and put them into her gun.


She thought about what could make Mirio hurt, and she thought back to what Mirio said about Izuku and Eri and aimed the gun at them.


Izuku saw this and covered Eri's body with his, and he looked at Mirio, who was covering his body with hers, and he heard a shot. He looked in horror as Mirio fell to the ground.

"Its funny! Everything that you worked so hard on was smashed into bits! Because you chose to save her and the boy!" overhaul said as she slammed her hands into the ground, but mirio threw the unconscious body of chrono as overhaul threw her body out of the way as mirio punched her in the arm.


"Mirio-snepai! Ack!" Izuku said as he clenched his arm, which was still healing slowly. He looked forward, seeing Mirio struggling to keep them safe. He shook his head in horror as he slowly got up. "Eri, stay here," Izuku said as he rushed in there.


"Izuku, stay back!" Mirio said as Izuku pushed her out of the way as he punched the air as a huge shockwave came out of it and it forced overhaul back as she widened her eyes to see Izuku's arm purple but quickly mending itself back together.


"I got this mirio-senpai! You go and take Eri out of here!" Izuku said, "But what about you?" Mirio said, "I'll be fine." Izuku said as he prepared another punch.


Suddenly the ceiling collapsed as Izuku saw Ryukyu, Nejire Hadou, and Gang Orca pushing a big girl into the ground.


"Ryukyu!" Izuku yelled as Ryukyu looked up and saw him. "Thank goodness you are alright!" Ryukyu said, making her way over towards Izuku. "Keep her busy!" Ryukyu said as she began to check on Izuku.


"Are you okay?" Are you hurt anywhere else?" Ryukyu said.


"I'm fine, Ryukyu." Izuku said.


"Come on, we need to get you out of here and that girl to." Ryukyu said she was picking up Izuku, and she got ready to fly off to the surface above.




"Young Midoriya, I'm so sorry to not be around you like I should have," she said as she bent down and apologized. "No, no, All Might, you couldn't have predicted this whole thing!" Izuku said.


"We should get you a license so you could freely use your quirk because of this situation," All Might said.


"I agree on that." Momo said, holding onto Izuku like he was about to disappear from her grips.


"I'll talk to Nezu about this." All Might said, "You don't have to, All Might." Nezu said, appearing out of nowhere. "I already talked with the hero commission, and they agreed to give you this," Nezu said.


Izuku took the license that was in Nezu's hand and looked at it. 'Izuku Midoriya quirk license' It said, "Thank you, Nezu." Izuku said.


Before he could talk, however, he felt someone latch onto him, almost making him fall over. "Izuku! I'm so glad you are alright!" Izumi said, "I'm fine! But how's Eri?" Izuku said 


"Well, she just kept asking for you honestly, saying, "Where's Izuku?" So I need you to come  here."Izumi said, grabbing him.


Mini skip


Once Eri saw Izuku come in, she practically jumped into him. "Whoa, Eri, I'm not leaving you, okay?" Izuku said, "Promise?" Eri said, looking up at Izuku. "Yeah, I promise," Izuku said.




"In order to not let this happen, you need to have a pro with you all the time, but since you got your license, that doesn't count, so Ryukyu decided to keep watch over you." Aizawa said, "Thank you, Ryukyu, for protecting me." Izuku said, "Just call me Ryuko from now on, alright?" Ryuko said, "I got it," and Izuku said.


"If you don't mind if I can be a part of your harem, I talked with your sister, and she said, Yes." Ryuko said, "You can," Momo said behind Izuku. "Yeah," Izuku said.


Ryuko brought her hands together and said, "Great! I look forward to getting to know you better." Ryuko said it with a happy look on her face.


"I look forward to it as well," both Izuku and Momo said.


After that, Izuku, Momo, and Ryuko walked home together, with Izuku holding hands and Momo trying to confront her. "Momo, it isn't your fault; you know that; it's just the law saying you can't use your quirk," Izuku said, "but still, I felt like I couldn't help you at all; I felt so useless then, so please, don't do that again, okay?" "I'll try," Momo said, and Izuku agreed.




Izuku opened the door to his house for Momo and Ryuko, and they went in the living room with Momo putting Izuku on her lap, kind of protecting him so she doesn't lose him again, and Izuku just let this happen as she started to message his crotch.


"Why are you messaging his crotch?" Ryuko asked, and Momo looked at her. "Well, to be honest, we haven't had sex in a while," Momo explained. "Do you mind if I join?" Ryuko said, and Momo looked at Izuku. "Sure, you can," he said to Ryuko, and she smiled at him.


"I looked up this on the internet a while back, so I think this might feel good for you," Momo said while pulling off Izuku's pants and then setting him on the couch. She placed her legs in between Izuku's dick, right above her pussycat as well, to make the feeling extra good for him, and started to move up and down with her legs. Ryuko stood up, walked towards Izuku, and leaned over him. "This will be my first kiss, Midoriya-san, so please make it good, alright?" Ryuko said, "Call me Izuku, and I'll try my best!" Before he could finish, Ryuko placed her lips against his, sealing the deal as he felt her long tongue in his mouth exploring it. 'Oh god, so aggressive. Is this really her first time kissing?' Izuku thought before he ejacuated between Momo's thighs and Ryuko, and he broke the kiss as he panted.


"That was a good kiss, thanks," Ryuko said. Izuku could only nod. "Izuku, let me clean your little izu." Momo said, moving towards his dick and starting to lick it clean, just like Ryuko used her long tongue to go around his dick.


He shivered at the sensation of their licking together, and soon he ejaculated his sperm everywhere.


He leaned his head backward and saw his mother standing there, looking surprised. "Oh! I thought I wanted to let you know that food was ready... so clean yourselves up and head to the dinner table, okay?" Inko said, leaving them looking at her, and Momo shrugged and sat up, grabbing a tissue nearby and cleaning her face. Ryuko licked her face with her long tongue, and Izuku slipped his pants back on.


"Let's go eat then," Izuku said.


Mini skip


Now in bed, they had more fun to the point where Izuku couldn't feel his legs anymore, and they decided to have fun tomorrow night.