
Japan's Only Male Hero (MHA Fanfic).


The_Eldritch_Troll · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

First Day of UA

Izuku's Pov 


"Hey, I-z-u-k-u, get up~" I heard somebody say as I slowly opened my eyes and saw Izumi looking at me, "You have a letter to open~" Izumi said as she handed me a letter, "It's from UA!" I said, "Yup, better hurry~" Izumi said, and I rushed to my desk and opened the letter. A disc fell out, and it opened with life, and some sort of animal was looking at me.


"Hello! What am I? A dog or a cat? No matter, I'm the principal of UA! Nezu! To say it another way, Mr. Midoriya, I'm quite pleased that you chose my school out of any other school out there! Here at UA, we will do our best to protect you! Now on to your written exam. You passed with flying colors, Midoriya! And also, here's your score; you and Momo are a force to be reckoned with!" Nezu said. 


A score ranking system was shown, and it had me and Momo up there in 1st place together. "Uh," I said.


"You two are the representatives for our freshmen here at UA; we hope that you didn't regret coming to UA; you'll be in class 1a along with your girlfriend," Nezu said as the hologram dissipated.


"Yosh!!! I did it!" I said, almost screaming at the top of my lungs, "Yay!" Izumi said, hugging me, and mom came in my room and said, "I'm so proud of you." Mom said, hugging me.


Mini Time Skip 


"I got into UA too! This is truly a moment to remember". Momo said as we sat on my bed cuddling, "Who do you think will be in our class?" I said to her, "Hmm, I don't know, actually, but we have to find out tomorrow, right? Or in the next few weeks?'' Momo said, "Right." I said to her.

No one's Pov


While at UA


"Alright, the reason we are having a meeting right now is... we have the only boy joining us to become a hero," Nezu said. The majority of the teachers gasped. "Eraser head, I'm assigning you to protect Izuku Midoriya," Nezu said.


Aizawa looked at her like she was crazy but sighed anyway. "Yes, mam, I'll do my best to protect him," Aizawa said, "and also make sure if his quirk goes out of control, you need to step in." Nezu said, "He has a quirk." Aizawa said, and Nezu pulled out Izuku's file.


"It says here that his quirk is called counter; he could counter any attack with just a finger or any object, and he also has a high state of regeneration and another power called pure strength, but if he uses too much power, he could break his bones. That's why I am assigning him to you, so you can keep track of him," Nezu said.


"Thank you for telling me this; it's my priority to protect my students and also him. I'll do my best for sure," Aizawa said.


Nezu nodded. "Also, on this note, if any female bullies or discourages Izuku Midoriya, then they will receive a harsh punishment. Is that clear?" Nezu said all of the teachers nodded their heads.


"Also treat Izuku Midoriya like he's your own student; don't play favorites, got it?" Nezu also indeed "yes mam" Aizawa said. 


"Right on to classes 1a and 1b; are we going to merge them together to create a huge class?" Nezu said. 


"It will be beneficial, and make sure this boy is protected." Kan said, "Right, same here," Aizawa said.


Nezu clapped her hands. "Alright! Then it's settled!" Nezu said while looking at both Kan and Aizawa. "Class 1a and class 1b will be merging together! Also, you two will have the same homeroom teacher," Nezu said. "When school first starts, Aizawa will be the homeroom teacher, and then the next day will be you, Kan. How does that sound?" Nezu said "good," and both of them said.


Time Skip 


"Come on! 1a, 1a! Where are you?" Izuku said, running through the halls as he accidentally bumped into someone, and they both fell down. "Oh geez! Im so sorry!" Izuku said, standing up as he held out his hand as the girl grabbed it as he pulled her up. "Thanks, dude!" The girl said, "Do you know where class 1a is?" Izuku said. 


"As a matter of fact, I do! It used to be my class there, but I'm in class 3-A now!" She said, "Oh, so you're my senpai?" Izuku said, "Yup! My name is Mirio Togata, at your service!" Mirio said, and Izuku chuckled at her attitude. "Can you take me to class 1-a then?" Izuku said, "Mhm! Anything to help the boy here!" Mirio said as she marched towards class 1-a, and Izuku laughed.


Mini Time kip 


"We are here!" Mirio said, "Thank you, Mirio-senpai, for taking me here." Izuku said, "No problem!" Mirio said as she left, running down the halls, as Izuku smiled and opened the door.


"Take your feet off of the desk now!" Iida said, pointing at Katsumi, "Child girl, I ain't doing anything wrong, right?" Katsumi said, and Iida was shocked at her attitude. "*breathes in Alright, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Iida Tenya, and I am from Somii Academy," Iida said.


"I'm Katsumi Bakugou, and I'm from Aldra Middle School. Nice to meet Cha," Katsumi said.


"Oh, hey, Izuku! Over here!" Momo gestured for Izuku to come over towards her, and most of the girls in the class looked at Izuku as he was walking towards Momo and sat down behind her. "Nice to see you here; what took you so long?" Momo said, and Izuku stretched his forehead. "Haha, I sort of got lost, and Mirio-senpai found me and took me here; she's a nice girl," Izuku said.


"Ah, I see," Momo said as she laid her head down on Izuku's desk. "Pat me," Momo said, and Izuku chuckled and patted Momo on the head.


"Alright, class," Aizawa said, coming into the room. "I'm your teacher, Shota Aizawa, and I'm your homeroom teacher for today, so get changed into these and take your asses outside," Aizawa said.


"Izuku Midoriya, you're coming with me; we don't have a changing room for you for right now," Aizawa said. "Yes, mam," Izuku said as he stood nearby. "Get your asses changed and meet us outside," Aizawa said.


UA grounds-Outside 


"It took you 15 minutes to change and to get here; be faster next time. You never know when a villain attacks and you are needed, but it took too long to change; be faster," Aizawa said, and she threw the ball at Izuku, who caught it. "What was your score in middle school?" Aizawa said.


"If I'm right, then about 80 meters." Izuku said "Good, now throw this ball with your quirk and don't hold back," Aizawa said. "Are you sure?" Izuku said "positive," Aizawa responded, "alright, just everyone hold onto something," Izuku said.


He walked into the center of the circle, powered up at 100 percent, and crocked back his arm. "Air bullet!" Izuku said as he threw the ball into the air as it was soaring through the air and creating multiple sonic booms.


"Here at UA, you are going to break through your limits to be the best you can be," Aizawa said as she held up her phone. "200,000 kilometers?!" Most of the class said.


"Damn, he's strong. '' Tokage said "I know," Uraraka said, "this is going to be super fun! We get to use our quirks!" Mina happily proclaimed.


"If you think that this is fun, then you are deadly wrong; the last person who places last will be expelled here from UA," Aizawa said.


"Eh?! You can't do that; we worked so hard to get here!" Uraraka said.


"Hungry villains, discrimination against boys, and natural disasters are all things that's unfair, especially to the male population. We rarely see males, so do you think it's fair that males get to go die off because our genes are superior?" Aizawa said, slightly pissed off by what Uraraka said.


Most of the class stayed silent until Aizawa spoke. "In UA, you are here to become heroes, so don't make me expel you on the first day because you didn't have any potential, so show me that you can become a hero starting now," Aizawa said.

50-meter dash


"Iida and Izuku are up," Aizawa said, and Iida and Izuku stood at the crossing line. "Best of luck," Iida said. "Right back at you," Izuku said to her. "Start!" the robot said as Iida dashed towards the finish line. "4.5," the robot said, and Iida smiled at herself. "2.5," the other robot said, and Iida looked towards Izuku, and her face was shocked. "2.5 speed! "You are faster than me! Would you like to race sometimes?" Iida said while looking at Izuku. "Sure," Izuku said.


Most of the events were uneventful, so expect the ball throw.


"DIE!" Katsumi shouted while exploding the ball and throwing it farther. "750 kilometers," the phone said, and Uraraka showed up and floated the ball into space. "Infinity," the phone said, as most of the class was shocked.


Monama's ball throw was the same; she copied Urara's quirk and threw it and got the same thing.


"Alright, you weebs, here's your results." Aizawa said.


Izuku looked for his name and saw he was in first place right behind Katsumi, and right behind her was some girl called Kendo Itsuka. He looked at the ginger head girl and looked at the board again.


The last place was a girl with purple balls on her hair. "You're out," Aizawa said, and the girl cried and ran away.


"Huh," Izuku said, "I really didn't know if he was going to expel one of us; I guess I was wrong." Momo said, looking at Izuku, who just shrugged.


"D-Izuku, can I talk to you?" Katsumi said, and Izuku turned around and looked at Momo, who nodded her head. "Sure," Izuku said.


Katsumi and Izuku walked to a place where not many people were around. "Izuku, I'm sorry for how I acted during middle school and our childhood; I shouldn't have acted like that. I talked to my mother, and she beat the snot out of me. Izuku, could we start over as friends?" Katsumi said, closing her eyes.


Izuku stepped forward and patted her head. "It's good that you can see that you were in the wrong, and I'm happy for that, but you have to change your attitude during your time here at UA, and I forgive you, Kacchan," Izuku said, and Katsumi looked at him. "Thank you," Katsumi said quietly.


"Come on, let's not make Aizawa claw our eyes out," Izuku said.



"So, what did Bakugo want to speak about?" Momo said, and Izuku smiled. "She wanted to be friends again and apologize for the way she acted after her mom beat the snot out of her," Izuku said.


"Ah," Momo said, "I'm still happy to see you and her make-up for what she did." Momo said, "Yeah, I'm proud that she did that." Izuku said, smiling, "A lot more girls are going to fall in love with you if you keep on smiling." Momo said, "Eh, why?" Izuku said, "Sometimes, Izuku, you are a completely dense idiot." Momo said.