
Jack-of-all-trade, The Skill Borrower

Warning I lost most of my work for this, just the writing would have sucked but I also lost my huge amount of planning and its too much work to try and rebuild what I was writing, so I’ve stopped writing this and started a new novel. It’s very different from this one though, but if you’d still like to support me it’s called “For I will be the war Empress.” I am a student though so posting stories won’t really be on a fixed day but I’ll try my best. Anyways, thank you for reading this. The world is at its peak of technology, Many things that seemed unachievable were now at arms length. Yet even now, Money is still what really controls the world and the people. Those who have too much time began to spend time in a virtual reality game that is so vast and open, that there are still many places that haven't been open. This game was called The Lands of Oasis. L.O for short. Like many others, this man has a hard time with money, earning minimum wage from a local convenience store, which he hates, but he needs to pay rent after all, but he's not self absorbent, he was also working to pay off his dead father's debt, and mother's hospital fees. He was once a top player in RPG games but now, he has no choice to live by working until he spotted a great deal with the game he has always wanted to try, A boarding house for gamers, specifically for L.O players. The male managed to get a deal with only having to pay 30% the amount that was meant to be paid for half a year, room and gaming equipment and food included, he rushed to take the chance. Earning money however he could within the game, Even getting a legendary and one of a kind class. Without realizing it, his job slowly became something he truly loved, now slowly aiming for the title of number one player. Yet what if there was something else that was brought with his luck, while in a random party, a member suddenly acts weird before logging off. The next day, they were found killed. At first, the boy wasn’t going to mind it, but the moment he witnessed his own companion, he himself felt he had to find out what happened, both inside, and outside the game.

Lo_ngl · Fantaisie
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67 Chs

01 17 - Things Will Get Brighter

I was back in reality, no beautiful landscapes, no beautiful sounds, all I could hear was the honking of cars from the distant highways and roads. I got out of the machine taking a stretch. My body felt pretty still considered I pulled an all nighter in the game.

"1 pm, I should hurry over to visit mom."

I went to take a quick shower which helped to wake me up more, but the dark circles could be seen. Wore a black t-shirt and some sweatpants and I was on my way, looking at my phone to make sure the money was in my card so I could pay of most of the hospital fees. It was the first step to a happier life.

I headed off to go on the bus, and on the way to the city, I began to think, this city feels so fake. It wasn't long that I spent in game, but it felt more real, I felt more alive within L.O, but I can't confuse reality with fantasy. This is where I was born, Seoul. It's not like I have bad memories of this place.

I chuckled as I stared at the bustling streets outside, people walking around laughing and smiling. This place has it's own beauty, and I can't just leave it. I have my mother after all. I'm alive here.

Well, I got deep into my thoughts, pretty strange for that moment, but I can't help but think a lot, I just like to appreciate what I have now. I didn't appreciate things enough before, I can't end up doing the same thing now.

Soon I reached the bus stop that was near the hospital, seeing the flower shop.

"I should go see if Jeung is working, might as well get something for my mother."

The closer I got, the clearer the sign was, they were closed.

"I guess it's not open on Sundays. What else can I get something for mom?"

I looked around while walking closer and closer to the hospital, until I spotted a small bakery, looking through the window, I could see the small cute cakes in the display, seeing a small slice of a cherry and dark chocolate mousse cake, I decided that's what I'd get for her since she likes sweets and cherries.

It's not like she eats sweets everyday right? It probably won' be bad if I bring her a small slice of cake, the nurses will see me anyways and if it's a no, I'll take it home for someone else. The only reason I won't eat it is because I hate cherries. I should also get a cake for the nurses who had always been nice to me and my mom, for people who were in debt, they were still nice.

I walked inside and waited in line for a bit, it was a nice little cafe as well. Once it was my turn, I was quick to pick the cake slices I had seen. I watched them place it into small cake boxes, and once it was given to me, I was back on track to go to the hospital.

Heading inside, there were people waiting in the lounge area, bowing time to time to the people I walked by, my first step was to pay of the debt, taking a big gulp, I went to the front desk to pay off some of the money.

"Oh, Mr. lee, welcome back, here to visit your mother?"

The nurse spoke and I replied with a nod, as she was writing down on her computer that I came to visit, I waited until she was done. When she was done, she looked at me confused why I stayed there and I gave her a pretty proud smile.

"Also I'd like to pay off some of the hospital fees, I can't pay for all of it right now, but I can pay for most of it."

Even though we had a pretty big debt to the hospital, they still treated us kindly, but I guess even for her it was surprising since I could suddenly pay for most of the money I owned to the hospital.

"oh! oh yes, hold on."

She grabbed the card machine, and I took out my card, placing the cake on the counter as I started put my card in to pay.

"Did you get a new job? You usually only paid little by little."

I put in my code, nodding and continuing the processes until it said it was confirmed and transaction was complete.

"Yes, you could say that, I hope I can earn enough for the surgery and to pay off all the debt."

I smiled bowing in a way for thank you.

"Oh and here, even though it's you job, you've been kind to us even though some of the doctors see it as a bother."

I placed one of the cakes onto the nurse's table before waving goodbye and heading up to my mother's room. I was feeling proud and I felt I was finally doing something great and I was slowly going up from here.

I also hope that my mother will feel happy about this, though I feel she'll give me a lecture once she sees the black bags under my eyes.

I knocked on the door of her hospital room, the nurse letting me come in and I gave a small wave to my mother who was laying down, her black hair on one side of her shoulder, her dark eyes looking towards me with a soft gaze while she was getting her check up.

"Hey mom, I have some good news."

I said with a smile, bowing to the nurse who's been helping my mom for a while.

"oh but first, ma'am, here. Would it also be okay for her to eat one as well?"

I spoke and gave her one of the boxes of cake, she was clearly pleased, also saying yes to my question before leaving and giving us a moment to just talk.

"Well, isn't that nice of you hun."

She spoke with a smile as I sat down to the side of her, grabbing the movable table and placing the cake box on it.

"I was thankful for them since they were the kindest, I got you a cherry cake one."

I smiled as she grabbed my hand and patted it gently.

"Thank you son, even though I held you back from being able to go to college, really, thank you."

I shook my head with a small smile.

"It's the son's turn to help you and it's my turn to take care of you the way you took care of me."

I grabbed the fork and placed it on her hand so she could start eating, she really did like cherries considering how happy she got from the first bite.

"mom, I paid off most of the hospital fees, I'll earn more money and I'll get the money for your surgery on your liver, then when you're better we can move into a new house, okay?"

She stopped eating and looked at me with large eyes. She grabbed my face with both eyes starring at me, yeah this was going to be the part she tells me about self care, or at least I thought it would be but her words were something completely different.

"I am so proud to be your mother, I'm sorry for all the money you've been working for used up right away because of your father's debts. Thank you."

I hugged her tightly, smiling.

"Don't worry, I'll make it so you live a happy and stress free life."

She then grabbed my face again, now looking stern.

"You should start by making sure you don't over work! I'm happy that I might be able to leave this bed and actually help you as well, but you should always think about your health. Look at you! those eyes! You look skinnier too!"

The wholesome moment was gone and now I was being lectured, but we just laughed and smiled, I'm happy she's feeling better at least. I guess knowing that she can help carry the weight with me soon, she felt a bit happier. I never liked it when she considered herself dead weight.

We talked about what's been happening everyday, I told her about how I earn the money to prove I didn't do anything bad and the people I've met.

"I'm happy you're enjoying life again like before."

She spoke to me so gently. I smiled with a nod before looking out the window, it was getting darker now.

"I need to get going mom, I'll come visit you next time, take care okay?"

We gave each other one last hug before I waved my goodbye, and off I was back to my home.

While on the bus, the tiredness was coming to me, I had to slap my face a few times to stay awake, not even caring if the other passengers thought I was a weirdo. I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky, it was clear and slowly becoming orange as the sun was going down.

Today felt surreal, one weight less off my back, I felt relieved that I was finally getting somewhere with having a better life rather than working and working. I mean it's still working, but at least it's something that makes me happy.

I let out a huge yawn, just trying my best to get home already, maybe going to a nearby convenient store to buy a quick meal to eat at home, but I was just focused in getting home, struggling to go up the damn hill.

Once finally at the house, I took a small breather while waiting for the food to finish up in the library, I was tired, but with paying off most the bill and seeing my mother more hopeful to be able to move around much more freely, I knew I could keep going and I had to work hard.

After eating and taking a quick wash of my body, everything felt heavy. I wanted to go check up on Less, that merchant and to see how Leaf was doing but I couldn't stay up. the moment I saw the bed, I just fell on it and passed out. I had work too, so I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow night to see them again.

To be continued...

I'm sorry if the sudden amount of words went lower, currently I feel less motivated to do this but even with only a few people, I still want to create the content they're here for, but also the fact I'm creating something new, a new story that I haven't published and just creating chapters.

Once again sorry for the short chapters but I hope you all will still read this because even with less motivation, I still feel very happy to be making this novel!

Update: I didn't want to delete this but two days ago it was only 10 people who saved this, now 102!! Holy shit- thank you, I hope how I write won't get too confusing and you'll still like it! Thank you!

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