
Jack's Sister -Rise of the Guardians

This is a Fanfiction about Rise of the Guardians. It is a cartoon movie that came out years ago staring Jack Frost, North, Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy. The story I started in 2013 and finished 4 years later, is revamped with longer chapters, more complete story arc, and a happier ending! Yay! ***This story deals regularly with topics of suicide, death, and depression.**** It is a Tragedy (with a happy ending to come). Original introduction: What happened to Jack's sister after Jack fell through the ice? She is left alone on a frozen lake after witnessing her brother drown. Jeannie, Jack's little sister, makes a new friend, someone no one would have ever guessed. Jeannie would do anything to see Jack again. Characters; Jack Frost, North, Pitch Black, Sophie, Jamie, Claude, Caleb, Baby Tooth and more! I would classify the different parts as Jack's Sister- Tragedy/Jeannie's story. Takes place only during the movie. Tragedy/action/drama. Daydream- Daydream/Katherine's story. Takes place before the movie. Tragedy/romance. Fire and Water- Daydream and Tragedy together. Takes place after movie. Comedy/Girl flick/Drama. The Miss Guardians- The whole crew. After the movie. Romance/Drama/Happy Ending. Eclipse- New Characters. A continuation after movie. Romance/Drama/action/ maybe a little horror and a little tragedy. I hope that sums it up well. Although, I love this story so I am biased.

Poetsoul61521 · Films
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39 Chs

Tragedy's job

**Suicidal topics discussed, please read with caution**

Tragedy walked thinking about what she would do. Should I go home? Should I find Pitch? Should I tell Jack I am his sister? If I did would he accept me? Would he be angry that I pretty much killed myself? Would he wish I had told him sooner? Would he be angry that I work for Pitch the man that pretty much took everything good from him but also gave him everything good? Oh, why am I so useless!?

"Oh! Why am I so useless!?"

Tragedy jumped as she heard her thoughts echoed. Her cruelest thoughts none the less!

"Maybe they would be better off if I just died," the voice said again. Tragedy jumped up through the hole under the bed of the speaker. To her surprise the speaker could see her. She knew this because the young girl screamed and backed against the wall behind her bed. "What the f***!?"

"Now there is no need for that. Goodness the way children talk these days! Have you never seen a spirit come out from under your bed? I mean come on! If you can see me you must be pretty weird. Usually only people about to…" Tragedy realized before she even uttered the words. "Why?" she whispered, tears ready to form in her eyes. She fought them back.

The girl looked at the table where the paper and a pen sat. She knew what the demon girl meant without even needing it explained; she relaxed on the bed and threw her legs over the side. "Well, you said it yourself. I 'must be pretty weird.' I just cause everyone stress. My family doesn't need me, they have my perfect sister!" the girl yelled then lowered her eyes almost ashamed she even said it. "I know they would be happier without me. Okay? They wouldn't have to ground anyone anymore. Who are you anyway?"

"I am the Angel of Death," Tragedy used her given name over the one she preferred. "I help people who are ready to die find the light on the other side. I mostly help people over sixty with illnesses and loved ones long gone that they miss. I have never been seen by a child."

"I am not a child! I am fifteen!" the girl yelled.

"Yes, I am sorry. You would be married by now if you were born the year I was. Well since you want to die I am going to give you a special gift," the girl's eyes lit up, "My cloak." Tragedy took it off and threw it around the girl. The first time it had ever left her back in almost three hundred years. She looked at herself in the mirror in the girl's room and saw her burnt back for the first time. It had a moon and stars made with black brand like marks on the golden canvas of her skin. She then turned back to the girl. "Well if you pull your cloak hood up no one will be able to see you, go see your family for one last time and then we will go," Tragedy said calmly like she did this all the time. The girl pulled up the hood and was gone. Tragedy sat on the floor waiting for her to return.

The girl did and when she pulled the cloak hood down she had tears in her eyes, "they said they were putting money back for my college fund. They said that I am so smart I probably won't need any of the money. They smiled and said all children mess up, even Jen did. They decided to save money anyway if I wanted a car of my own when I go to college," the girl mumbled and cried, "They weren't mad that I stole the car and backed it into the fence. They weren't mad about my boyfriend. They weren't even mad at all!" the girl removed the cloak and handed it to Tragedy. "I can't leave my family. They do need me. I just have to try harder. I think I will break up with my boyfriend. He is an idiot even though he is eighteen and he will only hold me back now that I am going to college. He wants too much from me, anyway. I don't need anything to hold me back from my future, well now that I have one, thanks to you!" she wrapped her arms around Tragedy and Tragedy hugged her back.

When Tragedy left, she no longer felt like she was that bad off. Young girls were still dating older men and doing stupid things. She knew she did not have to worry about what had to happen because if Jack was supposed to be with her again then her parent, Manny or Pitch, would take care of her. She then realized what she had just thought. She had never had any doubt that Pitch was the father of her new self until she saw the moon branded on her back like James was on her ankle. She belonged to the Moon. She wondered if Pitch knew that Manny had even stolen her from him. Pitch! She ran beneath Moon's glow until she vanished through a blood splatter.

I don't talk about Tragedy's work as much, mainly because it is sad. Jack gets to play with kids and make snow days. Tragedy gets to help people pass on and find the light. She is the light at the end of the tunnel. She does more than that but they are minor whisperings.

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