
Izuku Midoriya: The Incredible Hulk

In a different world, Izuku Midoriya was just a quirkless nobody but in this one, he's much more than he could've imagined being, he is, The, Incredible Hulk!

Justsomedude · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

lil izuku

It was a normal school day like any other, the sun shining children laughing and playing together, and Izuku Midoriya playing with his friend Bakugo Katsuki.

They were almost inseparable and became best friends as soon as they met, both Katsuki and Izuku were competitive the former more than the latter, yet Katsuki never seemed to win against Izuku, whether it was tree climbing, rock skipping, or hide and seek Izuku always managed to beat him in everything save for growth as Katsuki was slightly taller than Izuku but that wasn't enough for Kastsuki.

Luckily there was another thing he managed to beat Izuku in and that was gaining a quirk, his quirk which allowed him to secrete Nitroglycerin as sweat made it so that he could make explosions, although they were only small pops at first they kept getting stronger and stronger over the time he got it, with this he could finally beat Izuku.

Yet fate had other plans for him, it was a day just like any other but not for Izuku because it was finally his birthday which meant that he would get his quirk soon!

The first thing Izuku did that day was wake up his mother at the crack of dawn, he hadn't slept a single second just from pure excitement.

"MOM! wake up!" Screamed Izuku at the top of his lungs while jumping on his mother's bed.

"Ah, Izuku calm down! your gonna wake the neighbors up! How early is it anyway" Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother said while looking at her phone which showed that it was about 5 in the morning making her groan in tiredness.

Yet the mother gave in to Izuku's charging, just who could say no to this ball of sunshine?

Inko decided that they would eat out for Izuku's birthday so at around 10 they left the house and went to a nearby Japanese restaurant to eat breakfast, they ate traditional Japanese breakfast which consisted of mixed rice with uni, eggs with furikake, some grilled fish along with vegetables, and some miso soup to top it off.

Then they went shopping, this time Inko allowed Izuku to get whatever hero figurine or toy he wanted he ended up getting an All Might plushie and action figurine together with an All Might themed hoodie that was a little oversized.

Inko also secretly called her friend Mitsuki bakugo, Katsuki's mother to get Izuku a cake.

They were now heading home, it was approximately an hour after midday, and Mitsuki along with Katsuki and Masaru, Mitsuki's husband were waiting at their house to surprise Izuku who looked deep in thought.

And even as they surprised him he seemed to give off no reaction only when his mother shook his shoulder did he regain his awareness and was slightly surprised by the appearance of other people.

"O-oh hey guys!" stuttered out Izuku

The adults smiled at this while Katsuki glared at him like usual, they headed inside to celebrate Izuku's birthday, he got a couple more gifts from the Bakugo family which he was ecstatic about, he was also very happy with the All Might themed cake which was absolutely delicious.

Izuku and Katsuki went to Izuku's room to play with Izuku's action figures as he was an absolute hero fanboy, he had an action figure of almost every well-known hero, the two spent a couple of hours playing together and while they were playing their parents were chatting away like usual until a not so great topic came up, namely Izuku's father, Hisashi Midoriya, He left Inko when he found out that she was pregnant, this caused him to become enemy's with both the Bakugo family and Inko, Izuku was also saddened when he found out that he didn't have a dad but he got over it way quicker than Inko who still held some love for the bastard as Mitsuki said it.

After both Izuku and Katsuki both got tired of playing with action figures Katsuki's parents decided that it was time to go, Izuku who was already sound asleep was moved to his bed by his mother.

After a couple of minutes of sleep, Izuku started heavily sweating and turning in his bed, this continued for several minutes and Izuku now noticed that he was awake but not in his room nor anywhere he recognized.

Izuku stared into the darkness in front of him with fear in his eyes, he also felt like something or someone was staring at him.

That is when he heard footsteps coming from the darkness, he tried moving but his legs were frozen in fear, he noticed that dark green glowing eyes were staring intently at him and what appeared in front of him scared him very much.

What appeared from the darkness was a 9-foot tall humanoid being with dark green skin muscles bigger than All Might's and a couple of rags to cover his private area, Izuku wanted to scream for help but he couldn't even move a muscle from the sheer pressure the beast in front of him was emitting.

That is when the beast spoke, in a deep fear-inducing voice the beast said "Not ready yet, Host needs to be stronger, bigger, braver," And Izuku woke up and screamed.

When Inko heard his son scream she rushed to his room with panic evident on her face, she saw her baby hugging his knees, he was sweating profusely with wide eyes.

She rushed to him hugging him, "Izuku sweetie what is it?" asked Inko in a panicked voice.

"Mommy there was something in my dream, it was scary," whimpered out Izuku.

Inko tried to calm him down but it didn't seem to be working it was as if he had a panic attack, so she decided to call for an ambulance, the ambulance arrived in 5 minutes and they were shocked when they found out that it was a small child who was having the panic attack.

they tried to use a needle to pierce his skin to give him some sedative medication but the needle wouldn't go through his skin and when they tried to do it from inside his mouth they also couldn't pierce the inside, the skin on his eyes didn't work either, they asked Inko if this was his quirk but she quickly told them that today was his 4th birthday so she didn't know if it was his quirk or not.

Izuku fell asleep again still sweating and started thrashing around, his body seemed to be growing a couple of inches taller, his muscles were twitching under his skin, all in all, he didn't look good.

Izuku was back to where he was before, yet now there wasn't any darkness left, which surprised him as before there was only endless darkness, he appeared to be in a cave with an opening not too far away from him, he stood up wearily watching out for the beast who was also gone.

He walked to the opening and what he saw amazed him, there was a seemingly endless grassland with a forest at the very end of it, countless animals running around, and a big green beast running after one of them.

Izuku watched as the beast tore apart a huge deer, and almost got the daylight scared out of him when it looked straight at him, but this time Izuku looked back with determination in his eyes, in the short moment when he was awake he tuned out everything that was going on around him and went through all the possibilities of what this beast in his dream could be, the beast talked about him being a host and in the end, he theorized that this beast was his quirk and that the darkness from before was a challenge he failed at, this is why the beast said that he had to be braver.

Izuku was naturally smarter than other children his age and was more mature, but he was still just a child so there were many things he didn't understand, this is why he wasn't that scared of the beast anymore, his own quirk wouldn't hurt him right?

so I decided to make a Hulk/bnha fanfic, and there aren't enough marvel/bnha fanfics that I can read so I decided to make my own, also if you read my other fanfic you may know that my laptop broke and I'm currently using my phone to write, I've already ordered a new laptop so I will be updating again but it will take some time, and there are way too many ideas on my mind for both novels and fanfics so i need some time to write them all down

Justsomedudecreators' thoughts