
Izuku Midoriya: The Incredible Hulk

In a different world, Izuku Midoriya was just a quirkless nobody but in this one, he's much more than he could've imagined being, he is, The, Incredible Hulk!

Justsomedude · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

First day

After the entrance exam Izuku headed straight home where his mother was anxiously waiting for him, she was, of course, relieved when she saw that he was unharmed but being the helicopter mother she was she still fretted over him and had him make sure he was unharmed, not as some flimsy robots could hurt him.

It took one week for Izuku's letter to come, he hoped that he would be accepted but who was he kidding he already knew his score because he counted every robot he destroyed which was 15 one pointers, 30 two-pointers, and 20 more 3 pointers which are a total of 135 points so he was positive that he had the most points in the exam.

the letter came with a metal disc, which was a projector of sorts.

The projector turned on as soon as it fell on top of Izuku's desk, and to say Izuku was surprised is an understatement after all the number one hero in the world was currently in front of his eyes.

"HAHA, Young-Midoriya, I come with great news! You have passed the entrance exam with flying colors! You got 100 percent in the theoretical part of the exam which is quite rare of an occurrence and you blew away the competition in the Practical exam! You scored 235 points which surpassed even my score, now we weren't only looking at your fighting capabilities, We were also looking at your heroism that is why we gave out rescue points which you got 100 of even I only got 80! You, of course, got first place in the entrance exam, Young-Midoriya this is YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!

Izuku almost couldn't believe his ears as he listened to All Might, after all, he got first place!

That night the Midoriya family celebrated and went to sleep late at night, which was kind of a mistake as right now Izuku was running full speed towards UA high school, he almost considered going beast mode, but of course, that was illegal.

Luckily he still managed to get there with 5 minutes to spare, even though he was standing outside the classroom he could already hear Katsuki shouting at someone, he cracked a small smile at that.

"So are you gonna enter?" a tired voice said from behind him, and when he looked around he only saw a yellow sleeping bag on the floor, though no one seemed to be in it, that is when his senses screamed at him to move, which he did, and to his surprise, a very scruffy almost homeless looking man dressed in all black and a white scarf was punching at him coming straight from the ceiling.

The punch just barely missed him and the man with surprising agility turned in the middle of the air and continued attacking Izuku, by this time the students in the class heard the commotion outside, while most of them stood up to check what was going on Izuku was still being attacked by an overwhelming amount of fists, and they packed quite the punch too, so even though his skin was stronger than normal he would probably have some bruises the next day, that was until the man's eyes started glowing a menacing red while his hair started floating, Izuku started feeling a little slower and weaker than normal, and the man was getting faster, while Izuku could still block the punches he had a harder time dodging them he almost couldn't dodge them at all, this all took less than 15 seconds to happen.

While Izuku and the man were fighting the other students were looking at their display of power, with Katsuki smirking at Izuku a certain red-haired guy going on about how manly this fight was some students were concerned while others realized that they needed to get stronger while one guy was full-on fanboying over the fight.

Izuku was getting more tired second by second, he was also panicking as this had never happened before, he tried using Beast Mode but his quirk just wouldn't listen to him it wasn't even responding, the punches also started to really hurt, 20 seconds later he was on the floor with the man standing over him breathing slightly harder than normal while having Izuku in a deadly looking arm lock.

"Hmm, you need to train without using your quirk, your fighting techniques and ability is acceptable but will need some refining, instincts are great, but you are rather slow, even if you have the strength I could still dodge your attacks easily," Izuku was instantly amazed by the man's analysis, he listed things Izuku never even thought of and that was rather surprising

"Uhm Sir, May I know who you are?" Izuku asked rather fearfully

The man looked at Izuku and then turned towards the other students "I'm your homeroom teacher Aizawa Shouta too tired to meet you," Izuku chuckled at the man- no Aizawa-sensei's pun and quickly stood up as Aizawa had released him.

"Now this may seem random but get changed into your PE uniforms and meet me outside" and with that Aizawa was gone, once Aizawa left the hallway Izuku could feel his control over his quirk coming back, and it seemed even better than before this was something that he'll have to look into later"

The students started talking to each other while walking towards the locker room, they were all amazed by Izuku's 'ripped' muscles or manly muscles as the red-haired boy Kirishima said, while there were many other boys with muscles in the class few of them had muscles as strong as Izuku's.

The class then headed outside towards the training ground, there they saw Aizawa with a watch waiting for them.

"Hm, 7 minutes and 38 seconds this needs to get done faster the next time if you don't get here in 5 minutes everyone is staying for extra speed training, now we will be having a Quirk Apprehension test,"

The class was more than surprised after all who expects a test on their first day? "B-but Aizawa-sensei what about orientation and the entrance ceremony?" a girl with brown hair that reached her shoulders asked.

"It is a waste of time, now Midoriya-san please stand in the circle" Aizawa swiftly answered the question while pointing to a white circle on the ground.

While walking towards the circle Aizawa threw a ball towards Izuku, "Now, Midoriya-san what was your high score in ball throwing at middle school?"

"Ah, it was 134 meters, sir."

Aizawa quirked a brow at this but continued, "We will be doing a total of 8 fitness tests, just like you did in jr high, Midoriya-san you can throw the ball but this time you are allowed to use your quirk"

So Izuku did just that, he went beast mode, most students were surprised by his change especially the girls who before his change thought that he was pretty cute of a guy, so to say the least they were extremely surprised when he changed into a hulking beast of muscles that seemed even bigger than All Might's, a boy was shouting about home manly he looked and a girl even blushed as he only had his pants that didn't rip.

Izuku didn't pay them any mind and flexed his arm holding the now very small ball, his muscles hardened even further and he threw the ball with all the strength he could muster, before anyone could say anything the ball shot out of his hand like a rocket creating a sonic boom breaking some windows that were rather close to them, every single student was sent flying backward onto their asses, even Aizawa had a hard time staying on the ground.

Izuku with a seemingly happy smile turned around only to be shocked at the damage he caused, especially seeing everyone on the ground looking at him with comically big eyes, "S-so sensei how far did I throw?"

Aizawa held out the small phone-like device that showed a ∞ symbol shocking both Izuku and the rest of the class, "The device could track the ball as long as it doesn't leave the thermosphere so you threw it straight to space, while impressive you will need to learn how to control your strength and no buts" Aizawa quickly praised Izuku but at the same time berated him for not holding back even the least bit, although it was kind of his fault as he told Izuku to go all out.

The rest of the class continued doing the test, the speed test was first, here Izuku scored 4.34 seconds and got 4th place in the speed test first place went to a boy called Iida Tenya not surprising as he was speed based surprisingly a girl called Setsuna Tokage who could split her body into multiple parts got second place with katsuki coming in third"

for the other test Izuku basically aced all of them except for the seated toe touch there he couldn't bend over all the way, there was a guy who could manipulate the wind around him which he used to throw the ball 963 meters away, Katsuki got 876 meters and a girl with a gravity quirk got Infinity just like Izuku not surprising, to be honest.

The overall score was like this:

1st place: Midoriya Izuku

2nd place: Yaoyorozu Momo

3rd place: Yoarashi Inasa

4th place: Todoroki Shoto

5th place: Bakugo Katsuki

6th place: Setsuna Tokage

7th place: Tenya Iida

8th place: Fumikage Tokoyami

9th place: Kosei Tsuburaba

10th place: Jurota Shishida

11th place: Shiozaki Ibara

12th place: Juzo Honenuki

13th place: Mezo Shoji

14th place: Yui Kodai

15th place: Asui Tsuyu

16th place: Mina Ashido

17th place: Yosetsu Awase

18th place: Eijiro Kirishima

19th place: Ochaco Uraraka

20th place: Denki Kaminari

So I changed the classes, I will introduce class b some other time but don't worry everyone from class A is still present and I think only a single person from class B was removed for Inasa cuz I want him in UA if u don't like the class... well you will have to deal with it.

Justsomedudecreators' thoughts