
Itas Adventure

Itas died and met god a got too many merits so he could choose ten wishes for donating his company for charity this story is about how he uses his wishes and his adventure through ​Nobuna no Yabou world​ This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Nobuna no Yabou. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existents of pre-existing characters or content or picture ---------------------------- Donation I'm an inspiring author who likes to create fan fiction with harem content and training to become good enough to create my world with my characters I Don't need money, but it will help with getting more time to focus on my stories. I'm not selling my content Patreaon: https://www.patreon.com/imatapans ---------------------------- Discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/5dyaagk ------------------------------- I don't want to fill my chapters with unnecessary things: Read latest news, schedule, and update at ITapan News (Just search for it) I'll try to keep it updated

ITapan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Owari

After Akane and Eiko walking in the streets for about ten minutes, they catch up with Itas who is holding 3 horses, a handsome king seized on in the middle, a brown one at the side and a white on the other side again, they stand with the gate he prepared for the occasion, after Itas turns around and sees two beautiful women walking to him, he's momentarily stunned and fluster a bit before returning too normal so they don't notice anything weird, after that he waves to them with a bright smile ¨You are finally here Eiko and Akane, I have waited an hour¨

Eiko embarrassed giggles and Answer ¨I'm sorry we forgot a couple of things to pack with us that we forgot to add when packing yesterday¨ then she goes over to the brown of the horses and takes her things and fasten it around the horse before patting the horse head before going on her and preparing to ride out.

Akane doing the same but with the white horse, after doing that she takes her foot on the foot holder and stabilize her body before, slinging her body over gracefully and smooth motion, Itas looks at it and can't help but be amazed at the motion, no matter how many time he sees it he can't help but be a bit stunned by their motion since he can't do it as gracefully as them, afterward Itas smiles and does the same, after looking over he sees Eiko looking around embarrassed and ask ¨Is there something Eiko? ¨ Eiko cough embarrassing ¨I need to go to the bathroom¨ Itas and Akane is momentary and turn a bit red and Itas says ¨You can go we can wait some minutes while going¨

Eiko says thanks before leaving for a bit

It took some time but finally time to travel when everyone is back there, afterward Itas goes on his horse again, and they start slowly galloping for Owari, they started slowly but after 3 hours they have somewhat got used to riding long time on horse but probably will take some more time before they are proficient in it since they need a 15min pause every hour since it hurt when doing it long time, and they start to slow the horses down to walking speed when they enter a highway and then continue riding for Owari, but after a long time of riding the horses is tired and need a break, they also start feeling it in their body, so they go off them and prepare some food with herbs and berries they have collected on the way while Eiko goes and make the fire while Akane goes and prepare some food for the horses. After eating, they go over and comb the horses and prepare to -start riding the horse again.

After riding for another six hours, it's getting a bit dark and a bit hard to see, so they are prepared to stop for the evening and rest for the night.

After they find a good place they are looking around the wood for a place that is hard to catch them off guard, after finding a cave surrounded by trees, they go of the horses and prepare the tent, it's a 3 person size tent also got a room divider so Akane and Eiko get their own space for sleep, and get some privacy, even they are preparing for 3 man shift, every 3 hours a person wakes up the other and take their place, with this system they can have guarded and got a sufficient rest for next day, after eating night food they go into their room to sleep, and Itas sit guard outside the tent, he said he will take the first turn, but thanks to his healthy body he doesn't need as much sleep anyway, so he had planned to have them sleep for six hours before switching with him so he can sleep for 3 hours since it's all he need.

Standing outside a cold breeze hit Itas after standing there for 5 hours danger alarm hits him suddenly, so he hurries to wake up Akane and Eiko ¨I feel danger around us¨ after hearing that they put on cloth fast and pick their Swords up, after they pick it up they go out and look around in alert, and they see six people come against them, their body is full of muscle that their cloak can't hide, and a Katana on their side, Itas prepares his spear but ask out of courtesy since it's not smart to conclude that they are enemy, he is also somewhat praying that they are not ¨What are you doing here? ¨

After they spot Itas with the tents and 2 pensive girls, they put their hand on their sword and without saying anything they rush against them with drawing motion, after split second after Itas sees it he orders fasts ¨I take 4 of them, and you take the other 2¨

before rushing against them and hit their sword away first, after he hits them Eiko and Akane attack one of them at each side, but it's like they noticed it and started their sword away prepare to strike again, and Itas takes his spear and puncture against the heart of the strongest looking one, and after doing that he takes a small knife and throw it against another one that good a bit smaller figure then the other, after he looks there Itas takes his spear and punctures the enemy throat, it misses so he uses the moment and slashing it against another one, after hitting the small enemy artery by luck he looks at the 2 strong one left, and then look over to Akane and Eiko fight and is surprised by that they have somehow have killed 1 and Is team fighting the last one, but he can't lose concentration for too long put more strength in his hand and puncture against the second medium sized one person, then he takes a sword from the dead one and hit against the other one, with learning parrals thinking he has learned to use both hands steady, after killing the big one he looks at the medium sized cloaked enemy.

A fierce atmosphere is running trough the air around, and after looking at each other for a couple of seconds Itas goes first, he takes his spear and hit against the left hand, but before he noticed it a sword punctures his right hand, Itas flinches before looking around a split second and takes his spear and puncture it against his head, but before he blocks it he retrieves it fast and pierce against the stomach while also using a hidden knife, after puncturing the enemy stomach he pushes it down, and retreat and he sees all the organ of the person falling out and flossing blood out, he sees him trying to take a sword and take the last slash against him, but after thinking he takes the previously hidden knife and throw it against him, after hitting him with the knife he falls and dies.

And Itas takes his time and look on where Akane and Eiko is fighting and sees Eiko slashing him shoulder down, and enemy falls ¨Good work Eiko, Akane¨ Then goes over and look at them throw up, and slowly pats their back ¨Its fine, Its fine¨ and after 5minutes they calm down and return normal, but their face is still white, and Itas takes his spear cut into them for double checking that they really are dead as they can be, after doing so he starts packing up their camp ¨We have to go now, we don't know if there is more¨ and sure he was right, after they go into hiding, shadow of twenty people shows up and look at where the battlefield was ¨Nr fifth, authoritative, Thirty-two, Twenty-nine, Eighty-four is dead, lets report back to headquarters¨ then they start running back from where they came from disappearing into the night.

Itas look at there and sigh in relief ¨Luckily they didn't spot our secret hiding spot¨

Akane looks back at where the camp was and takes her sleeve and wipe the sweat away from her forehead ¨Luckily¨ then helps Eiko stands, and they take their horse and start their fresh day of travel.

After they leave not much happened in their journey as they enter Owari, after coming he goes to the register and prepares to register as a citizen, and starts a shop, after entering he asks for an application for living here

Itas looks at the Register person ¨I want to register as a merchant¨

Register Guy looks at Itas and give him a sheep skin ¨Take this and write down, after checking that you not danger, you get a place to stay for 24 Hours while your application is checked if correctly, and then a person will come and ask you questions, and then you can application for lands or work¨

After sitting down he gives the application he leaves his weapon there, but Itas hides a small dagger in his sleeve, so he got a chance if they get captured. Or surrounded by enemies.