
Itas Adventure

Itas died and met god a got too many merits so he could choose ten wishes for donating his company for charity this story is about how he uses his wishes and his adventure through ​Nobuna no Yabou world​ This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Nobuna no Yabou. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existents of pre-existing characters or content or picture ---------------------------- Donation I'm an inspiring author who likes to create fan fiction with harem content and training to become good enough to create my world with my characters I Don't need money, but it will help with getting more time to focus on my stories. I'm not selling my content Patreaon: https://www.patreon.com/imatapans ---------------------------- Discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/5dyaagk ------------------------------- I don't want to fill my chapters with unnecessary things: Read latest news, schedule, and update at ITapan News (Just search for it) I'll try to keep it updated

ITapan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Inn

Seven years later, in a backside of a small inn in Mino, a young man is sparing with a woman they both are Itas and Eiko, after clashing many rounds Itas looks deep at Eiko at give a small laugh ¨You have become better with the sword¨

Eiko looks at Itas with a small smile ¨Of course¨ afterward Itas takes time and spares with all the women that is in the inn, after he is done sparing with them he thinks back to when they came and they asked to spar with him to train up self-defense for their future safety, at first he didan't want to since he didn't think they could handle it at first, but after thinking about what happened to the village and see their effort he finally relented and accepted it, he didn't want the event to happen again to someone he cares about when he is traveling and setting up plans merchant city or when research new stuff.

But today is also a particular day, its first time since he come here, that he goes outside Mino, these years he has been setting up the inn and restaurant so that they can self run with only 2 trusted people being there hopefully in a year no one need to be there,, he has planned to have them stay here and he and Eiko goes to Owari to set up a branch service, and set up a cooperation with them, but it's still a couple of weeks before he had to leave the city, he has to prepare to do some stuff, like setting up some youth he has picked up and trained to start a small spy network, he decided that Haye will be in charge of it, and, also he has to application to have the inn for a couple of more years since the time that they contracted is also running out, they will probably agree since he has paid more taxes than needed and supported many building project in the city and donated for the city guards.

After thinking through his plans until he leaves, he stands up and pat his ass and goes outside the inn and walks for the application house to ask for new application, after getting there he sees a woman at the desk and calls the women over, when Itas go over to the desk he asks for an application for renewing lease, after getting it he writes down different things like who is the owner, since Bravos decided he will inherence it, it would be his name from now on, and also how many workers, and how much they earn and work hours and each person, this, of course can keep it blank but guard will come, and indigo check at the inn to make sure, they will probably do it anyway since many lie on it, after writing it down he gives the application back to the desk woman, and walk out of there and heads for the market, since it's twenty four hour to a week before getting answers, can go and get the food for the supper at night.

After the start walking he slow pacing back and forth looking at different stalls while going to the food market, he goes over and buy some meat, grain and rice before leaving for the inn, after entering their inn he goes to the backside and sees everyone busing around, he feels terrible for slacking of at put everything in a room before going out and goes to the kitchen for the restaurant and helps out, after many years of making it, he has to say he created something really efficient; he rebuilt the ground for better one that observe less liquid so it's easier to slide it away and less slippery and also a little more comfortable to walk on such interminable days don't hurt their backs.

He also remade their rooms and the guest rooms, so it is much cozier for them when sleeping or relaxing from a hard day at work, it was really costly and they had to stop business while they were doing it, they were really lucky first couple of years so it didn't hurt their pocket that much, so that's also why before he leaves he's rented an extra couple of house and is going to fix some of the extra room in them and adds extra beds in there, since they run often at full capacity.

After thinking through this, he goes and says to the server at front ¨What's the orders¨

A sweat voice comes through the window, ¨Omelet with rice and vegetables¨

¨Understand¨ then takes some vegetable from the side and cut them up before putting them at the pan with some fat, then he takes 2 eggs and knocks them and put it in a bowl and some water, homemade sea salt and then mixes it before heating and put it in the pan with vegetable, then he continues with chopping some herbs and after cooking it he put some fat on it before taking the batter into the pan he heats it while mixing it before it stops running and let it stay like that for 2minutes before rolling it carefully with a wooden spoon and then putting it on a plate and throw some herb on top of it before giving it to the server ¨next¨ ¨Fish soup¨, then he takes some stock from a big pot at the side of the fire, and put it in a small pot, and then he cuts some fish and put it in the pot with some vegetables and heat it for 5-6minutes then takes it in a small bowl and put them at the table before going back. (a/n basic fish soup recipe)

Itas shouts ¨next¨ and a sweat voice come trough ¨Biff cooked in wines¨ Itas prepare before answering ¨yes¨, then he takes a little biff from a barrel and cutting some of it before heating it in a pot and then waiting 4minutes and flips it before letting it go on for 2 more minutes, then he pours some red wine in it and let it cook for 5minutes before plating it and some herb on top and giving it to the servers, this continues for a couple of hours until late at night and everyone is tired,

After finishing Bravos comes over to change shift with Itas ¨It is my turn¨ ¨Yes¨ then Itas goes out of the kitchen and bypass Ena room and sees her crying and goes over ¨what happened? ¨

Ena looks over at Itas and hugs him, ¨Noting just a nightmare¨ then forcefully suppress the tears and smiles at Itas ¨So when are you leaving? ¨

Itas a bit shocked that she knew but suppress it ¨In a month or 2 I'm leaving for Owari with Erika¨ then smiles and helps Ena sit down on a chair and continues ¨We will set up a branch there and hopefully can come back here in a year¨

Ena looks up at Itas and asks sadly, ¨Do you have to go? Can't we hire some other people to do it? ¨

Itas looks at Ena and says ¨No, I have to go there to make it so no one else can create the system we have worked so hard on creating¨

Ena looks out sadly and says, ¨Take Akane with you to set up accounts. She has learned enough to fix account records for you¨

Itas looks out and sees Akane passing by afterward says, ¨Why not keep her here? She can train sentiment with Kaito. She has been in love with him for a couple of years now¨

Ena looks out and silence a while before saying ¨You know that it's impossible, she has said it herself, she doesn't want to start a family, but Kaito want to start a family with a woman, he has also found someone he likes it would be too hard to change his mind, she has been more focus on work tough after knowing it¨

Itas looks and sees Akane and Eiko meeting walking into the inn ¨Guess I will take them with me, but remember to hire two chefs and four guards when I leave, remember women guards, less risk that they will betray and greed for their beauty¨

Ena looks at Itas with an icy look ¨What are you saying¨

Itas looks at Ena ¨If men see you are and the other women its little chance they can hold back and do something, and for doing it they will probably team up with someone else and destroy our inn from inside out¨

Ena calms down ¨Probably a little truth¨

After saying that Itas goes out of the room and start preparing everything for going, and 21 hours later a person comes and inform that the application has been accepted, and they got 7 more years to run the inn, but a clause in it says that it is the last time they will extend the lessee, after hearing that Itas ask ¨Why last time? ¨

The person looks away awkwardly at Itas and says ¨The original owner of the area is coming back for taking the inn back, he got a message of how well it is going and probably got greedy, they probably want to take the business from you¨

Itas calmy looks at the person and then goes back while thinking about a way to fix it, after going back he orders a person and says ¨Suspend all the rebuilding and focus on earning more money. We are going to buy lands instead and build it from scratch¨

One month and two weeks later Eiko and Akane stand at the gate and prepare to go to Owari for the first time in their life, while Ena, Bravos waving after them.