
Itas Adventure

Itas died and met god a got too many merits so he could choose ten wishes for donating his company for charity this story is about how he uses his wishes and his adventure through ​Nobuna no Yabou world​ This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Nobuna no Yabou. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existents of pre-existing characters or content or picture ---------------------------- Donation I'm an inspiring author who likes to create fan fiction with harem content and training to become good enough to create my world with my characters I Don't need money, but it will help with getting more time to focus on my stories. I'm not selling my content Patreaon: https://www.patreon.com/imatapans ---------------------------- Discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/5dyaagk ------------------------------- I don't want to fill my chapters with unnecessary things: Read latest news, schedule, and update at ITapan News (Just search for it) I'll try to keep it updated

ITapan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Growth

In the wood, with a chilly breeze going between the trees, a seven-year-old boy is seen with a trench forged like a spear. He is wielding it while dancing back and forth while the footstep is steady and powerful; he is full of sweet and panting hard, if you look far away it would look like a raging dragon battle, this is also the power Itas decided to use for his spear mastery.

Itas keeps stabbing and swiping it right and left trying to maintain balance of the dance, if he fails he would lose all the two year progress that he has struggled so hard with.

Itas looks a lot stronger after two years of training. He got a bit better build then before, his muscle is clearly showing through the cloth, and his hair have grown down to his knees, he has decided to not grow it longer than there since it will interfere too much with his moments, and his eyes have gone from pure to full of fighting spirit, and when moving you can see muscle pumping at his arm clearly showing how heavy Itas is straining them.

After doing it for five hours a strong wind and red aura surrender Itas and forming a dragon shape and slowly going around Itas before fusing with him and Itas start feel clear energy filled with power running trough his body, this is a sign of success from the memory he got from his spear mastery memory, after a while Itas start to slowly walking to the end of the wood and is in fantastic mood.

The village women have often come to visit the last two years and play with him no matter how much he complains he has enjoyed their company and earnestly start adding them in his plans for later, and he has been trying to open up a little more for them, but it's kinda hard, he still is scared if someone finds about his reincarnation, and might use him or experiment on him, or be treated as a monster, so he has been trying to act like a child when people is around him, and he has learned more about this country and main warlords that exist in this age that is almost all the time at each other's throat struggling for power and finals winner will become ruler of japan.

After walking a while and see his home he smiles and walk to the garden, and he sees Ena and Etsu is playing GO and Ena looks happy, it looks like she has been winning a lot lately against them in chess and GO, as he walks pass them he greats them, and continue going to his room he looks at everything and think back to the past 2 years, his training has been going well, and he has gotten to know 5 friends, well can't fully call them friend since he feels they are more like his children, who are Haruto, Kaito, Mammon, Akane and Eiko he also wants to train them to become his generals or important subordinates, but he's not sure if he can trust them fully yet since everyone background in the village is mysterious.

Well, only time can tell on that, if he believes them enough before becoming 20 he will try to make them semi-immortal, maybe immortal if they are lucky, he still can't control it, but he has a feeling that Ena become an immortal later, since, he transferred Ena her speed, reaction, strength and smell have become much stronger have he noticed, and it might be more that is transferring since he has notice she gets stronger each time she drinks animal blood, since her family got a habit of drinking animal blood wine since ancient it seems she brought it with her, he is too young to taste it but when he smells it weirdly he feels hungry and almost loose control of his body.

He had also planned out a way to make a spy network come out, but it's still under constructions in his mind, and training system he has implanted with Haruto and Kaito, Mammon doesn't want to train, he only plays around and uses his brain instead, but lately it seems he has become a bit interested, not that I can't understand him it's hard to train and take a lot of willpower not everyone can make it, so Itas is trying to help him read some strategy books that Itas have read in his past life and written down on sheepskin that is The Art of War, Strategy: A History and pleasant strategy and Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters, Itas have simplified them a lot, I removed a lot of the modern terms in them, and made it look more like a book for children and put some extra stuff in them that he has comprehended from reading them. (a/n they are an actual book if you want to read them, they were good. Going to reread later, I'm busy with rereading the Nobuna Light Novel to understand some of the important event that I don't remember fully)

Also he has tried to get my hand in some medical books if some people have gotten ill he can help treat them, but somehow Itas can't seem to comprehend them fully, it's like his modern knowledge is blocking him to learn old knowledge again, maybe I chose wrong with eidetic memory, it keeps everything in there but longer time to comprehend something that he have learnt in his world, he can remove them as he will but he could have felt like he will lose a bit of himself if he removes memory of his old world, he has gotten an idea if he finds a way to suppress memory he can block all the medicine from his world and learn the one from here and after learning it he removes the suppression, and then he can mix them both and create a new medical system in this world, and since he chooses to keep his memory, he got a lot of memory of different blueprint that he gathered from books and internet in his old world, like nuclear plant and each but he can't understand them but he got memory of them for the future once he got the power to invent or people to teach them too., if he gets far enough he wants to start the electric period in 100years, so he's thinking about buying oil regions up and sell them to big city later and earn a lot of money that way, but that is still a long time for.

Well, he got a lot of beautifully plan, but he's still too young and not enough people to help him do stuff, well not that it will do any damage if I ease a little, after entering the room he closes the door and pick up a paper he had written, it's filled with food recipes that he has been trying to mix with the stuff he can get his hand on, and the tools he got access too.

After looking through them he takes a flint and stone and start a small fire on stone and burn them all, while saying ¨It is not the time for the world to know about them yet, I don't want to make the world find about him by accident, and he has listened to the grown-up saying there Is a lot of ninjas around here lately looking for something or someone, after burning them he turns around and look outside the window.

Two years later in summer season a young boy is sitting in the garden with a book in his hand, this is a novel he had created when I got little things to do on, it's called The Immortal Escape, it's about a Man that got sent to a world and he has to make something, do something or make a food or he will die in 24hours at start and every time he finished his life span is increased by 48 hours, or he can choose a reward, woman, power or money (a/n it's a book concept I was going to write before deciding on this one and it's not a fanfiction)

After closing the last page *sigh* ¨I have been selling it for one year trough a proxy merchant but it still few that have read it, maybe I should give up¨ but after saying it he regrets it ¨Why would I think this, wasn't it always my motto in past life to always finish something when starting it¨ then he closes his eyes and lays down and think to trough everything that has happened the last year.

Ena has been growing more and more apart from Bravos, I think he has noticed it too since he is more silent than before, and his 5 friends he has been together with and they are growing stronger Eiko have taken warrior path and Akane have decided to take literal path and economy path, with some training for self defence, so Itas written typed some books that are useful for them, and the other is heading the right way too, and Aimi, Aiya, Etsu, Fuji, Gen, Gina, Haruko, and Haya have been coming a lot lately, supposedly their husbands have been working too hard and have started to ignore them, and sad thing is Ryo have cheated on Haruko with a whore and got caught in the act by Gen and Gina and since then have been in a cold war, afterward everyone of them moved out of their house and into a shared one, supposedly the villager calls it heavenly house since they are all top notch women's and no men have ever enters but the exception of Itas when he got tasked with bringing medicine there once, not that he can understand why they call it heavenly palace since he feels it more like a motel, but it's not much to think about anyway.

After thinking through everything he rises and goes to the wood for his training, he has become a lot stronger lately, and has come through the second threshold with the way of dragon spear.

After training many hours of training, we see slow Itas walking on the way home.

Three years later a twelve year old Itas is standing and looking out of the window he has been growing more restless lately after his momentarily awful feeling seven years ago, it's like something terrible will happen to some important people around him.

Suddenly the door burst open, and Ena runs over and grabs Itas arm and pulls him with her ¨Come now bandits are coming! ¨ then runs out and run for the wood as fast as she can possible run.

Itas looks blankly over to the village with a panicked look ¨Why come now? ¨ He has only heard critical information about bandit so he is a bit afraid.

Ena while running with a stony look says ¨Bravos captured a bandit minion walking around. He didn't speak tough, but he found a letter on him, that is telling about a planned raid coming to the village now¨

Itas takes his eyes from the village ¨What about Aimi, Aiya, Etsu, Fuji, Gen, Gina, Haruko, Haya, Aoi, Hibiki, Hiki, Shou, Katsuo, Nori, Ryo, Shin, Haruto, Kaito, Mammon, Akane, and Eiko? ¨ (a/n I want to kill them off, so I don't need to remember so many names)

Ena while running to a hideout looks back with a sad face ¨We could only save Aimi, Aiya, Etsu, Fuji, Gen, Gina, Haruko, Haya, Haruto, Kaito, Mammon, Akane and Eiko the men stayed behind to try to keep them away from them and children so they can run¨ (a/n look how nice I am, now I made it a lot easier to remember)

When they come close to the village hideout that is built for times like this he sees everyone there with a sad or worried face, after couple hour of arriving there everyone tries to hide their sorrow around him, but he can still feel sad aura flowing from them, so when everyone looks away he sneaks away from the place and run to the village, while walking he goes past the armory in the villager and sees 2 bandits, while they look away he takes a small knife he has in his pocket that was a gift from his birthday and he sneak behind one of them and sticks the knife in his neck while throwing another one hidden in his boots at the other bandit there, after killing them he feels a strong urge to drink their blood, he feels disgusted and try to walk into the village armory that is filled with different weapon, Itas goes and look for spear, when he come to the last spear he wants.

After taking the spear he goes to the square and looks at the villagers and there, he sees a big fight between bandits and the remaining villagers that have survived so long, while they are fighting he walks behind the person that looks like a chief, with muscle full of strength, while he not looking he thrust the spear at him and with a spear and shoves it in the chest, but before it hit the bandit, the bandit notices it and dodge to the site, so it misses and hits his left arm and blood seem flowing out, but he takes a step back and looks intensive at the bandit, and same does the strong looking bandit, the bandit picks up a saber he got at his waist with his right arm, and rushes at Itas with a strong slash, Itas counter it with Dragon spear thrust «Pang» «Bang» «bing» «pash».

What they didn't notice was that people around them are peaking at them and the villagers try to get closer and save him ¨Save Itas and get him away from here! ¨ but the bandit chief looking0 person orders ¨Keep killing the villagers, this person is mine¨

¨Yes¨ and they start fighting the villagers again, after a while they stop and takes breathe and looks at each other. Itas is this and shocked by everything is happening, and tries to calm his heart, after staring at each other for 2 minutes they lash out on each other again and clashes with powerful sound «clash» the saber and spear meet and sparks flies, and they pace around each other looking for weak points and sometime clashes with each other «pang» clash again and it keeps fighting for a couple of a minute before the bandit start to noticeably whiten with a lot of blood coming out of his wound, Itas is also slowly losing momentum ´I need to finish this soon ´Itas think before rushing at the strong looking bandit, as Itas is rushing the bandit takes some powder from a package looks like Owari mark on it, and takes a flint and burns it, Itas sees this and is shocked for a moment and tries to stop him by taking a spear and cut at the flint spark comes off, but misses and uses all his power and roll to the side, on the side the flame have burnt to the black powder «booooom» an explosion come from the side

At the side Itas is seen pouring sweat, and he is gulping for air tries to calm his nerves after almost not escaping the explosion, and looks at the side and sees the strong looking bandit while thinking this is last chance if I can make it I will die, he got no strength for more fighting with him, his wrist is hurting, his legs is cramping from pushing himself to the side and it hurts everywhere.

After thinking for a bit he lashes out with the spear while throwing the knife at his head, after missing the spear lash, the knife throw also misses, Itas rolls at the side and take a knife hidden in his boot and throw it at the bandit throat, and it hits his throat and blood flows out of there and he gasps and tries to say something the lips was like he was saying ¨You lost¨ and it gives Itas goosebumps and it makes Itas looks around but sees everyone in village was dead and bandit was surrounding him and looks at him with glittering eyes full of hatred ¨Attack him¨ and all the bandit rushes at him to attacks him, Itas tries to muster the strength left in him for getting away.

After fending and killing 10 or so bandit he is almost out of strength and can't seem to muster much more strength, Damn, ´If this goes on the have a feeling that he will be tortured a long time´, after a while a voice comes ¨Son of a bitch¨ and a person leaps on and kills them like a wild beast with a form that looks like Bravos, Itas looks at this and thinks I'm finally saved but muster all his strength and kill some bandits, but after everything was done Bravos goes over and slaps Itas ¨You idiot! You should have waited¨ but the only response he got was Itas throwing up and looking at his hands before fainting.

Bravos looks at him and sigh ¨Well at least you did an excellent job for first killing and keeping up with someone with strong caliber it looks like you got some strength in you after all¨ then put Itas at his shoulder and goes back¨

(a/n this is my first time typing a fighting scene, please don't be too hard on me)