
Itas Adventure

Itas died and met god a got too many merits so he could choose ten wishes for donating his company for charity this story is about how he uses his wishes and his adventure through ​Nobuna no Yabou world​ This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Nobuna no Yabou. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existents of pre-existing characters or content or picture ---------------------------- Donation I'm an inspiring author who likes to create fan fiction with harem content and training to become good enough to create my world with my characters I Don't need money, but it will help with getting more time to focus on my stories. I'm not selling my content Patreaon: https://www.patreon.com/imatapans ---------------------------- Discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/5dyaagk ------------------------------- I don't want to fill my chapters with unnecessary things: Read latest news, schedule, and update at ITapan News (Just search for it) I'll try to keep it updated

ITapan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Training

In the evening a couple weeks later Itas seen walking into the bamboo wood, he sees beautiful bamboo trees and a warm breeze hitting him in the face, after walking half an hour to the middle of the bamboo forest he slowly starts to start to run around the forest for warming up. Then he notches up the pace a level until he is running as fast his body can handle for a fifteen minute before Itas stopped and hold his waist while panting and out of breath trying to regulate his breathing he sighs in relief that first step of daily training is done.

Itas looks up with a smile and says, ¨Finally can start strengthening my body up to become strong enough to use all my wishes¨

After that he lays down on his stomach and start doing fifty pushup, afterward he uses his hand to spin around and lay on his back and contenting with fifty situp, then he finds a branch that's on his size and looks like it can tolerate his weight without bending too much or breaking, then he climbs on the trees and slowly goes to the middle of the branch, takes his hands on it and fall down so he lifts himself up with his hands and he starts to slowly lift himself up and down 10 times then lift his foot on it and lift his body for 20 seconds break, afterward Itas repeats the exercises 3 times before climbing down again, then he takes a heavy stones that he found in the wood a couple of year that fit him perfectly for lifting exercise, then he lifts his hand and start to lift them 20times and yet again 20 second break before he reaped 3 times again

After lifting he starts to run again, after thirty minutes of running in the forest for balance training, he then starts doing flexibility training that he learned when he was a chef in his past life since it's heavy hours, a lot of lifting pans and a pan can weight a lot, and not least it need good coordination in the body to keep up with the speed needed, before Itas put branches for his business he used five hours a day to train, but this type training can't take long or be pushed to hard because he has to keep the sensitivity in his hands or coordination will go out of balance when cutting vegetable, so that he also can utilize his muscles fully so he can work longer times without being too tired, he doesn't want to become a shower that only build muscles but can't use their potential fully and just be wasted goods.

So Itas started his motion training with pressing his hands in to a fist for thirty seconds up to sixty seconds, then he released his hands full and stretched them out for twenty seconds, before repeating this exercise five times with both hands, then he takes his hands on a surface without forcing his hands, and hold them there for 30 up till 60 sec before releasing them and repeats its four to five times before doing it with his other hand, then he holds his hands in front of him and presses his fingers down and makes it look like a claw, he holds them like that for 30 to 60 seconds before releasing them and keep doing it four times.

Then Itas starts with his grip and pinching training, so he takes a softball he found in the village shop and begged Ena to buy for him and after many days pleading finally relented and bought him it, and then presses it with all his might for a good thirty seconds before releasing it and repeats it fifteen times, then he does the same with pinching, and then he does some other training to train flexibility and strengthening the muscles in his hands.

(a/n I found these exercises on internet when trying to look ways to train grips and flexibility since I needed it at work since I work in the kitchen and got weak hands since I got really sick when I was little so I needed to train up again, so I'm using it as a reference, and I can't find the website again)

While exercising his body he also tries to use parallel thinking as much as he can so he can train it up and use it flexibility when he needs it later and so it doesn't put too much strain on his body later since it will be something he really need later when planning, He can use three tough process at a time for about thirty to sixty minutes now before a painful headache kicks in, but it feels good after straining his brain, since becoming a kid his mind regressed somewhat, he's looking forward to growing up again.

While doing so he uses first thinking process to plan up ways to train other people later when creating his army for his merchant utopia, second thinking process for ways to improve his training to become stronger without too much side effect, and third thinking process to find better way to take modern food recipe back to this time, since the kitchen utilities isn't the same, and a lot of modern stuff can't be made since there is missing the technology level for it, sadly he isn't allowed near the knife yet or close to the fire since he is still technically a kid in the eye of Ena and Bravos, Ena keep nagging on that's it too early for him and wait until he is at least eight, but he tries tell her that other children at my age also start doing it at early age, well lets just say it, he never wins an argument with Ena, he got punished by having to stay in house for asking all the time for it.

Then after flexibility training and hand muscle strengthening he takes a deep breath and does deep squats twenty times and repeat it three times before going for a last run to the end of the wood and he starts feels so tired that he want to puke, but he keeps running until he feels he will fall down and have to puke blood, but Itas clenches his hands and when he starts to falling down and stop since he has come to the entrance and he tries to regulate his breathing, he also uses all his willpower left in him to keep himself standing, then he suddenly feels a burst of power coming from all over his body and smiles before falling down ¨First time breaking the limit feels good¨ and start to fall down to the ground «boom» and he then takes a couple of deep breath before mustering strength in his hand and lift himself up from the ground.

After lifting himself up from the start to hobble back home slowly, still even though he has gone through the limit, his brain feels tired

After coming back at the house, he sees Ena and Bravos sitting with the fire and smiles before shouting ¨I'm back¨ (a/n its winter btw it's between summer and winter, so it's a little cold there if anyone is wondering)

Ena and Bravos look over and sees Itas and his cloth filled with dirt, Ena frowns before smiling dangerously and wave to him ¨Welcome back¨, and rises up and lift Itas with one hand and force him outside and ignoring his protest washes him before changing his cloth and they go back to the house, after everything is back to calm they pray to the gods before they start eating, afterward they prepare to go to the farmland they got and do the last harvest before winter, and as each year they take and calculate what they need and sells the rest, since they also sell meat and dried meat they get enough to buy a lot from other villagers to get other recourses they need, like medicine, rice, woods and some other thing they can't make themselves or they don't have time to make.

When everyone in the garden Itas is picking the carrots and plants some winter corps instead with Ena, Bravos is cleaning them and caring for them to the basement and preparing and divide them for a long time storage or selling, this is a practice they started last year, since they live most of the time by hunting and wild fruit, Itas accidentally said why not do 4 season farming, this apparently gave Ena inspiration and started testing it out.

so it has helped them get extra food each year since sometime the food they have stored goes bad or infected so they need to throw it out they at least won't starve, and they get extra money by selling them is a bonus, but this is the second year of practicing it so its relativity new (a/n I'm not good at farming stuff, so I made things up to fit the story)

After everyone's task is concluded for the day, Ena, Bravos and Itas are seeing huddling around the fire and Ena making supper for them, its vegetable soup with rice.

Ena looks and Itas and Bravos and asks kindly, but focus most on Itas ¨How was the day? ¨

Bravos cheerfully ¨Like before, fixed the last animal trap in the wood, it should be okay by just checking them once in a while, and finally carried the rest of the vegetables and dried rest of the meat and put them in the basement for long time storage¨

Itas looks at them and ponders on should he tell them he started training, after pondering for a while he gets his answer and with a bright smile ¨I want to start training¨

Bravos laugh cheerfully ¨So you finally want to start training, huh, that brings back memory when I was young¨

Itas awkwardly looks at Bravos ¨Can I get a spear to train with? ¨

Suddenly a fist hits his head *ouch* and he looks over and sees Ena fuming, and he regrets it ¨not happening before you are strong enough that it dosen't strain your body and create hidden wounds¨

Bravos looks at them in wonders ¨Why not? It is normal to start training in them when young, I even started when four year old¨

Ena looks at Bravos like she can swallow him whole ¨My little Itas is not going to train early, he's going to enjoy his childhood ¨

Bravos retreat in fear and cold sweat he awkwardly looks at Ena ¨As you say¨ then not mention it again

Itas looks at them in wonders before carefully answering sadly ¨Yes¨ then looks down, and regret he asked

Ena transforms to a kind nature person again, ¨That's good, at least you understand¨

Itas looks awkwardly away

Itas thinks he need to cut a branch into a spear form and train in it, at least Wolf God gave him all the knowledge to train to become master in spear and how to form my intent to strengthen attacks, but it's a big system he imprinted in his head, he can't understand a portion of it yet, even though he has pondered on it in a long time, well I'm young he still got a lot of years on him before deciding, and he added something to my immortal I can choose when to stop growing, but I can never start the growing process again after finishing it, luckily he saw it before accidentally stopping it when young, So he can train to become perfect form before stopping It.

Then he looks out of the door like window and it's very dark and cold win he says, ¨It's getting late¨

Ena and Bravos looks out of the door like window ¨Isn't that so¨ then takes all the plates and cups out for washing, while they are washing Ena learns Itas how to clean it ¨First you take some soap in it, and then you scrub them with the brush, then you take water to rinse the dirt away and then put them back inside and let the water clean it, then your done¨ (a/n again I couldn't find any information in it, comment if it's wrong and I'll try to check for the info)

After everything fulfilled Ena goes over to Itas room like overnight for tucking Itas inn and kissing him on the pan after done, Bravos enter and says good night too.

Itas smiles at them and with a bright smile says ¨Good Night¨

Ena and Bravos smiles and says ¨Good Night¨ before closing the door before going to their separate room

Tested new grammar program, did it become better?

ITapancreators' thoughts