
Itas Adventure

Itas died and met god a got too many merits so he could choose ten wishes for donating his company for charity this story is about how he uses his wishes and his adventure through ​Nobuna no Yabou world​ This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Nobuna no Yabou. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existents of pre-existing characters or content or picture ---------------------------- Donation I'm an inspiring author who likes to create fan fiction with harem content and training to become good enough to create my world with my characters I Don't need money, but it will help with getting more time to focus on my stories. I'm not selling my content Patreaon: https://www.patreon.com/imatapans ---------------------------- Discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/5dyaagk ------------------------------- I don't want to fill my chapters with unnecessary things: Read latest news, schedule, and update at ITapan News (Just search for it) I'll try to keep it updated

ITapan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: Meeting Katsuie

Two days later Itas, Eiko and Akane is sitting in a garden outside a japan styled house, with hedges all around and sun standing up in the sky filled with her ¨It's hot¨ Itas complaints and fall back and lay lazily on the grass.

Akane smirks and looks at Itas ¨What do you expect, its middle of summer¨ and brushes her pan and remove sweat.

Eiko look at them bickering and ask ¨When will they decide if we can immigrate here? ¨

Itas looks up in the sky for a brief period before answering ¨Probably soon, they are most likely looking up our history now¨ then he rolls over at the grass to try to make it more cold for him but no use the sun is killing hot, while doing hit he briefly looks at Akane blossom, while doing it he turns around fast to hide his awkwardness, after calming down for a second he sits up and looks out of the gate ¨Somone is coming¨

And after he looks out he spots at a woman with average height and muscular build with blue eyes, and got long brown hair tied up into a ponytail with a red ribbon, with cavalry armor surround her body and a Halberd at her back, Itas is amazed at the woman beauty and control his expression and let it return to normal calm expression ¨Good day beauty, my name is Itas can I know your name? ¨

The women look briefly on Itas for a second and is a bit dizzy with his eyes that are pure and full of spirit before returning to normal ¨My name is Shibata Katsuie, I'm here to inform you about application approval for staying here¨

Itas cheer with happiness and hug Akane and Eiko and turn back ¨Then it's approved? ¨

Shibata Katsuie looks amused on them before slowly answering ¨Yes, your application has been approved, and your merchant application is also approved, you are allowed to start a branch here, but you have to buy the land and the other stuff you need since they are expensive.

Itas calms down before asking, ¨Thank you, Shibata Katsuie, may I ask when we can move into another house? ¨

Shibata Katsuie looks surprised by the question before answering ¨You will get it in a couple of days, and then we will send a chart to you with taxes, prices and leases and you have to pay for the lease in seventy two hours after getting it¨

Itas is more and more surprised by more he hears, this was so much more generous than he expected, Shibata Katsuie adds on ¨Is there anything you don't understand? ¨ and turn around and spot their surprised expression. She tilts her head since she can't understand why they are surprised.

Akane peaks at Katsuie and a bit jelouse and appreciates her beauty before asking, ¨We have heard that there will be a battle soon and we wondered if we can get permission for joining the battle so we can learn how it function and learning strategy? ¨

Katsuie looks at Akane with eyes full of curiosity and tries to analyze her before answering with a bit of icy expression ¨can ask her highness at the next meeting if you can, but can't promise since it's not in my juristic to decide¨

Akane frowns a bit before giving a bow and says ¨thank you for asking for us¨ before turning back into the house with graceful steps since she was done there.

Itas looks at her walking into the house while wondering why she wanted to look at a battlefield since they're usually harsh condition there, after a second or two he turns back and looks at Shibata Katsuie then says awkwardly ¨Thank you, and excuse her for her bluntness¨ Shibata Katsuie reply ¨No problems¨

After Itas ponders for a second ¨Can I buy a spear later for having a self defence and training? ¨ Shibata Katsuie looks at Itas for a second before shaking her head with disproval ¨the only soldier from Oda family or general is allowed to carry an armed weapon in the city and it's usually safe, you can buy for using it outside the city but not inside but you need to have it with the gatekeeper for safety reason, but I can get you a training spear if that's okay with you¨

Itas looks at Shibata Katsuie in daze before snapping back and answer ¨thank you for the information and I would really much like that¨ Katsuie looks at Itas for a second before giving a small bow before saying ¨If it's nothing more I have completed my duty and have to go back to my position, also good luck on the branch¨ before gracefully turning away and walking out of the door and heading back to the Oda mansion

Itas looks at Shibata Katsuie leaving back with a pondering face ¨Why did they send someone important as a general to say all that, they could have sent messenger, they might have pulled some information from my life before coming, guess I have to look into it later¨ after thinking out loud, Itas heads back into the house and didn't notice a shadow of a beautiful ninja walking out of the shadow off the bushes before slowly turning into smoke and disappearing again.

After Itas return inside he sees Eiko and Akane training hand to hand combat, it's something he has tried to teach them but since he isn't that good with hand to hand, he could only teach them away he read in an old book from previous life, but since he hasn't got all the thing needed, he could only say the way how they trained primary time, using the things around and fighting each other a lot and complimenting.

Katsuie Pov

How amusing, but still, why did Nagahide make me go when we could have sent a messenger, well not that it matters anyway since it let her have a breath of fresh air.

While thinking she is walking through a big mansion with a majestic Oda emblem over the door before entering a passenger that lead to a big meeting room and inside she sees two beautiful women sitting there before she gives a bow to the front person ¨Good evening Princess¨ then turning around and also greets second person there ¨Hello Niwa Nagashide¨

Afterward sits down beside Niwa Nagashide and report every event that happened there, but before ending her speech she remembers something ¨One of the woman wants them to enter the battlefield to see how it works out and learn, it looks like they are trained in swords by how they always try to hold a hand at their waist¨

Nobuna looks amused at Katsuie before answering, ¨Why are they not wearing weapon then? ¨

Katsuie answer awkwardly ¨It is a rule that your father created that no one is allowed to have a weapon inside the city without lord permission¨ Oda Nobuna have forgotten that and embarrassed traces behind her head and says ¨I forgot about that, well since they are here what business was it they application for? ¨ Niwa Nagashide taps her hands before answering ¨A inn that surrounded a restaurant in the middle and merchant permit for trading goods, and they wanted about 200m2 land¨

Oda Nobuna looks blamely at Niwa Nagashide ¨Why did you accept it? They could spy on us¨

Niwa Nagashide ponders for a second before telling the truth ¨The ninjas of Oda clan checked him up, he is from a small village that got raided by bandits when he was small, then they moved into Mino and started a business there, and it got a big hit with the local and lords there, and it looks like he wants to start a branch of it here, then probably try to set up at other places, and I tough we can try to negate with him and set up a spy branch trough his business later, or buy information from him at later date¨

Oda Nobuna looks seriously at Niwa Nagashide ¨Since you have planned it this far then you can go ahead with it but remember don't make him enter the inner circle before we take Mino over by us or we have an enormous advantage over him¨

Niwa Nagashide bows down, ¨Thank you, and please punish me for my presumption of actions¨

Oda Nobuna looks at Niwa Nagashide with a cool look before saying ¨You will be one month without pay and go back and reflect on your action since it might lead to a spy among us¨ before returning to the cheerful look ¨Any words on my little brother¨

Katsuie looks away awkwardly ¨Nothing new after last time getting punished by you, but it looks like his other retainers are working on a plan for revolt but nothing yet¨

Nobuna looks out worried ¨I hope it doesn't go too far I can't let it go many times anymore, it will make me look weak with the reteinars¨ then she gives a sigh before returning to normal and says ¨Since then go and continue your other work¨

Nagahide and Katsuie bows and say, ¨Yes princess¨ then they walk out the door.

Niwa Nagashide looks back and says, ¨Try not to make him get into to much trouble. The princess is more and more worried about what to do with him later¨

Katsuie also looks a minor worried ¨I'll try¨ then leaves.

Itas pov

Seventeen hours later Itas, Akane and Eiko stand outside a big empty area and a house at the side where they are going to build their inn, storage and restaurant for later ¨I guess this will be our home for a while now¨

Akane and Eiko cheerfully nods ¨Yes¨ then Akane says, ¨but remember that we don't have so many trusted people, we need to create a payroll system and supervision system¨

Itas looks up and answer, ¨Yeah, it is a lot to do now, but first of all, let us look around¨

They walk around and planning around what is going where, so they also planned where the room is going, and the restaurant is big Itas looks around, they also looked into the house at side where their home is going to be and choose their room since they are probably going to stay there for a while, after looking around Itas looks at Akane and Eiko ¨We should probably hire some chefs and servers, and a couple of housekeeper for cleaning the rooms after they leave and create a hygienic system¨

Akane ¨Yeah, I'll start with the account and then go and hire builders, while Eiko go and buy some mischievous stuff that we need¨

Eiko cheerfully says ¨Yes¨ then he goes out of the door and Itas go and look over their private kitchen again, the kitchen is a big surprise for him since he thought their house would come without since it's not many that have it since they cook over flame usually

After conclusion everything and at night they sit around a table of soup¨ We did a lot today huh¨

Akane and Eiko ¨Yes¨ and they finish eating before going to bed.

Itas stays up and looks up to the moon ¨It will be a busy month¨ then he sighs and leave for his bedroom.

Sorry for late upload, busy with moving to a new place and while moving i strained my stomach muscles and it hurt really bad

ITapancreators' thoughts