
Itas Adventure

Itas died and met god a got too many merits so he could choose ten wishes for donating his company for charity this story is about how he uses his wishes and his adventure through ​Nobuna no Yabou world​ This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Nobuna no Yabou. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existents of pre-existing characters or content or picture ---------------------------- Donation I'm an inspiring author who likes to create fan fiction with harem content and training to become good enough to create my world with my characters I Don't need money, but it will help with getting more time to focus on my stories. I'm not selling my content Patreaon: https://www.patreon.com/imatapans ---------------------------- Discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/5dyaagk ------------------------------- I don't want to fill my chapters with unnecessary things: Read latest news, schedule, and update at ITapan News (Just search for it) I'll try to keep it updated

ITapan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation Palace

In a very dark world with a significant alter in the middle of nowhere, in the sky above the altar, a man that looks like 25 years old is falling upon screaming while falling, and half of his left hair is a long deep teal like hair, and right of his head he got long green hair, handsome sharp round face, deep eyes like a black hole that looks like filled with wisdom, with well tone muscle.

After falling at the alter the man prepare for a hard fall, but when he doesn't feel anything he sighs in relief it is finally over, as he tries to stand up, but fall again, after giving up trying to stand after many trials, he sits down pondering over where he is and twitching while looking around to look everywhere but he can only see a alter with two big goddesses with wide arm stretching around the alter, and amid the statues in the front of the alter a big snow like wolf face with big teeth and bright red eyes suddenly appear, Itas panics and uses his arm to crawl back until he hit something, and he looks back to see a goddess statue and he gets cold sweat.

The snow like wolf slowly lower his eyesight on Itas he looks around a couple of seconds before. Turning his bright red eyes at Itas «now, what do we have here» then his red eyes open up, he looks down to inspect the man «So it is a human» this time huh, you're lucky that the exceptional awesome wolf god is here too great you little boy. but for some weird reason Itas can't understand anything coming out of his mouth

Itas focus on the face with a bit of skeptic on the enormous Wolf face and while calming himself down he tries to observing the wolf's face, with beautiful white fur ¨who are you? Where is here? And why I'm here. while he is talking, he feels a strange constrain in himself like the face is to worship but he resists the feeling with all his might.

Wolf's face refocus his attention in Itas, and it opens his mouth but Itas only hear «I'm wolf god, the oldest and bravest god in the universe» after a while the wolf face looks like it release something before opening his mouth and words Itas could understand comes out ¨I'm one of the universe oldest and strongest Gods, Well you can call me Wolf God, I got so many names I forgot most of them, and here is reincarnation palace, where people after death either goes to reincarnation circle or get teleport to this alter where your fate will be decided by your merit and destiny points¨

¨well then let us look at what you did to get here little ¨ then suddenly, two bright red laser shoots out of his eyes and scans him like a radar.

The Itas face is full of cold sweat when their laser scans him, as he shudders. His face becomes white like a paper, he felt like someone is peering into his soul and fetching out all his secrets, and he got no fighting chance against it!

Wolf God face show a bit of sympathy for the man ¨So your name is Itas, and after your death the will stated that you donated the company that you built to the charity that helped cure The three major tropical infections and more, well you are lucky your merit is enough for 6 wishes, and destiny points are enough for rolling dice of destiny.¨

Itas face shows a little of worry by what the Wolf faces that calls himself Wolf God says, and he felt his throat drying up *cough* *cough* *cough* after coughing he takes a deep breath and ask ¨Why can't I see anything other than a big alter and 2 big goddess status.¨

The Wolf God bright red eyes squint a little and looks down at Itas with an amused face, and slowly the white wolf face form changes and full body of the wolf appear, with a bright red eye filled with blood lust, looks down on him ¨aren't you lucky little boy, here are the place only lucky few can come, because of its property only 1 in 1googleplex and is fortunate enough to come here and meet a god, and before you, there was 1000 Life form to enter here since our multi-verse came to be and get a chance to become a god if you complete 3 big mission, alas only 5 life forms have completed them until now ¨

Itas look looks angry and amused at the Wolf God ¨What is the three mission? And why so little completions?¨

The Wolf God laughs out loud, ¨Yes, that how it should be¨ Then Wolf god become silent for a while before speaking ¨First you need to conquer a field of your specialty, some examples is cooking, swordsman, spearman, blacksmith and a zillion other, then get the blood of 5 special people for that world, then you get a hidden quest that the alter will decide for you, you won't find out what it is before completing it so good luck little boy.¨

Wolf God with an amused face and then continue to speak ¨And after doing all that, you will get a trial that will be randomly chosen that no gods or world wills can change, then you will get a title and become a god, and have to create a godhood, and after that, you need to comprehend the law of your godhood, then when you come so far, you need to fight other with godhood and become stronger. And it's split into 3 realms, False God–God–God Lord, and to go to the next realm, you need to defeat one that already possesses higher rank godhood. Still, no need to think about it yet, forcefully trying to comprehend will slowly crush and destroy your soul because of the massive load it takes on you¨

Itas shocked at wolf god revelation and shouts, ¨How can that be¨ and forcefully trying to calm himself down. With a pondering face, his brain is turning rapidly with all the information he has gotten.

Wolf god takes a look at Itas face, and one of the legs crosses his other leg. He lays down and a big rumbling sound from his body moving before he continues speaking ¨Well since we are at the topic I can tell you there if infinity multiverse out there with infinity gods, immortals, beasts and demons out there, but since you died at earth, a part of this multi verse a special dice will choose a universe part of this multiverse for where your trial will begin¨

Itas was shocked by what Wolf God was saying, and he tries to ponder on each word that has been spoken, ¨So that's how it is, then why are you telling me.¨

Wolf God look at Itas ¨Your destiny is big, and I'm looking forward more gods coming here and fight with, since becoming one of the strongest and challenging a lot of gods they hide every time I'm roaming around, so in easy words, I'm looking for someone that can fight with me evenly, hopefully, will it be you, if not I got infinity time to wait for next¨ As he speaks a smirk form on his face

Itas tapped his leg. So that's why he's saying it, well I'm wondering why he thinks I will become a challenge for him, but let's think about it later, but this will become a fun journey too. Hopefully, I won't get bored in the alternative world, then with a smile, ask Wolf God, ¨Then what's the world I will go to? ¨

Wolf God ¨You will go to where the dice will randomly choose 6 worlds then it will roll, and it will choose trough books, anime, manga, light novel, web novel or an unknown world, but one thing is for sure it won't be the same the same world you were in.¨

Itas was shocked by the revelation ¨Really? But I thought these were a fantasy people imagine up.¨

Wolf god look at Itas ¨Well, fantasy is one of the 5 big laws in the universe, so when a person, reads, sleep or just think about anything the fantasy power will give power to the law, and when enough people fantasy about something it will create a universe, it's more complicated, but it's the easy explanation¨

Itas looks even more shocked at the revelation, ¨then why are people weak at earth but strong in fantasy? ¨

Wolf God laughs at Itas ¨Stupid question, of course you won't get access to it, their body would not even hold 0.000000000001% of the power, so as a safety check the multi-verse created a limiter then is only possible to remove by coming here by the alter, or by reaching godhood by themselves¨

Wolf God looks at Itas with an eye full of laughter ¨Well, then let's get on with this, so got questions? ¨

Itas looks at Wolf God, ¨Do I choose the wishes before or after? ¨

Wolf God looks at Itas ¨But of course or it won't be a challenge for you knowing where you will go, plus after the world is chosen nothing can interfere with you since you are protected by the dice until reaching godhood or dying by that world standard.¨

Itas looks at Wolf God with a smile ¨You are not lying¨

Wolf God Brawl at Itas, ¨God never lies, our promise is like gold¨ (Lier lier pants on fire)

Itas looks at Wolf God ¨That's good to know, but why is a promise like gold?¨

Wolf God face got serious and looks at Itas with cold eyes ¨It's not the time for knowing it all yet, but when our name is chosen our promises also goes with it, so if we lie we lose a little of godhood that's all you need to know, your lucky little boy, if it was another one he would have discarded the rules and killed you for prying too much into it¨

Itas looks at Wolf God with a pondering face ¨Fine, how long time do I have to choose? ¨

Wolf God looks at Itas ¨five years is the longest you can stay here before your soul dissipate, so in 2 years I will come and hopefully in 4 years send you off¨

Itas looks at Wolf God with a face of disbelief ¨Where should I live while waiting? ¨

Wolf God looks at Itas like looking at an idiot ¨Of course here. You are in soul form, so there is no need for you to sleep and eat, why should I bother making you anything¨

Itas looks at Wolf God with an eye of shock ¨Where will you be?¨

Wolf, God laughingly looks at Itas ¨Of course at my residence¨

Itas pondering face, ¨So I will be alone? ¨

Wolf God with a serious face ¨Of course¨ While thinking this is a test to see if your mentality can pass the dice test if you become crazy, you lose. Then smirks and *Poof* the White wolf's form disappeared in thin air

Itas take back the eyes and look out ¨So I have two years to think, I should prepare myself mentally at the same time¨ then try to stand up, surprised Itas believe it went good for now ¨how? ¨ then stretch and sits down again, before standing again and walking around the alter to look at the altar and statues closer, he can't believe how detailed they are, he discovered that he could temporarily tap into the power of the alter and form a small house by thinking about it, he also found out he can only create some objects, he then huddles himself into a bed he made and close his eyes while hoping everything goes fine.

2 really long years later

Itas looks around and looks at the clock he made trough fantasy power, for the second time complained ¨Wasn't he supposed to come? So it's true that god is really lazy creatures¨

*Poof* And the beautiful white wolf face appears again

After a while Wolf God finally focus on Itas ¨Good to see you haven't gone mad little boy, and that clock of your wise choice¨

Itas looks over and sees the wolf form and with a frown. ¨Your almost late for the two year deal. ¨

Wolf God watched Itas with half closed eyes. ¨No, God lives long, so we always will be a precise when something fun happens little boy¨

Itas looks over, ¨Funny to hear from a god¨

Wolf God, snap his eyes and looked angry at Itas, ¨Well then speak your wishes, or I will give randomly and turn you into a dog! ¨

Itas looks at the Wolf God and says ¨system.¨

Wolf God, ¨not happening¨

Itas ¨why?¨

Wolf God ¨They are pesky shit that roams the world and creates disorder of the multiverse, we can't control or summon them to give humans, they randomly choose human and whisk them away¨

Itas ¨Fine than here is my other wish¨

1: Immortal with blood to make people who drink it immortal too (Owner of blood need to think yes, or it will be infective so people can't capture and use him as blood bank) (and able to choose between semi and fully immortal)

2: Eidetic Memory (Want to be able to remove a memory that I don't want to remember)

3: Information about Formation (Army Formation)

4: Parallel Thinking (max5, don't want too many it will make tough messy and easy to get schizophrenia)

5: a world with Ranch and herbs garden in the small world (With a modern castle inside for traveling) (a/n just so you know it won't be active at the start, that's why you don't see it)

6: Keep the memory of last life

7: My family in the last world will have a splendid life

8: Spear technique information (a/n was looking about an old war movie, I loved how they portrayed the spear fighting, so I changed it from saber mastery)

Wolf God ¨Huh, that's surprisingly I tough you would choose cultivation and that¨

Itas looks at Wolf God ¨That can choose to? ¨

Wolf God laugh ¨Yes, but it is too late you can't take back the wish when you said it¨ *hahaha*

Itas ¨why not? ¨

Wolf God, ¨Your slow little boy, I never said you can take back a wish¨

Itas ¨fine then can we choose world?¨

Wolf God ¨Sure¨ the wave of his feet a dice comes out of the center of altering, and he touches it for a second before throwing it to Itas ¨Touch it¨

Itas slowly walks over to it and touch it with his, and the dice changed, and the different word was slowly being revealed on the different side of the dice

World dice showed (top is Gundam 00—beneath is Gundam Seed—west is Crest of the Stars, north is Oda Nobuna no Yabou—south is Naruto—east is Bleach)

Itas ¨what? This is hard, I have only seen Gundam anime and Crest of the Stars¨

Wolf God looks at Itas like he is stupid ¨Your lucky then, almost no one who got big enough destiny has seen nothing about them or heard about anything the dice show. ¨

Itas looks surprised at wolf god, ¨So it is random, I thought it will be rigged¨

Wolf God laughs and transforms a rainbow ball and hits it into Itas. ¨Haha, no one can rig it since it's a primal system created before anyone or anything was born in the multi-verse ¨*poof and Wolf God form where gone.

Itas looks where Wolf God has been standing ¨Why can't I stand when you are around here? ¨ then rolls around at the and stop before falling alter stairs

Then rolls back ¨I got two years to think about a plan, I should use the time I got and plan, and while at it think out a training regime, then let's use the two years, for now, let's go to sleep¨

But before he could sleep, he screams in pain, and slowly 7 different information bubbles and a big bubble entered his mind. He could see 20% on all of them and by each of them stands the name of his wishes, and he gets rigged before realizing, ¨I never said they would be complete unlocked¨ then smack his head ¨Stupid¨

Two years later a funny picture you see Itas standing on his head while in meditation pose and deep thinking

¨Drop down, little boy, the times are here.¨

Then Itas close the eye and falls at his back, before moving into a sitting position.

Then he turned around a shadow of a white Wolf stood there and looked at hi ¨Hope I see you here when you become a God and not a dead soul, well, time send you off¨ and throw Itas into a tunnel that opened suddenly and suck Itas into it.

A shout comes ¨Damn you, Wolf God, you could have warned meeeeeeee¨ And sound get farther and farther away

Wolf God looks down at the endless dark tunnel closing with a flash of ridicule in his eyes ¨That what you get for making me waste so much power for your wishes, well it will probably recover in a couple of years¨ with a big yawn he slowly goes back to his resident and slowly closes his eyes.

and before falling of sleep Wolf God mutters ¨It is still ten years to Vandrita comes back and a year before he reincarnation, I should sleep and wake up in a year time to look at his journey, but I'm sure he will have fun falling, he will probably feel like falling forever, he will probably be 3-4 year old before I wake up¨

Will try updating 3 chapter a week until i´m fully back in 3-5weeks

ITapancreators' thoughts