
It Seems I Truly Am A Necromancer

In 2050 the first totally immersive game "Outside The Simulation" was released, and for unknown reasons, every war and conflict around the world was stopped, which allowed every player to focus fully on the game. Blake, a retired pro player, decided to invest fully to develop the know hardest class to play in the game, the necromancer. Although he used almost all his time and knowledge in the game, he only managed to achieve the rank of 100 on the globe after 5 years of playing. At that time, 2055, suddenly everything around the world, except the people, froze and, one after the other, the world population started to die from heart attacks quickly until only the top 100 from that game remain. A few moments afterward, all those players were teleporters to a new world with their game classes. In truth, they were now in the true world, the real world, not the simulation they found to be before. Blake, together with the other players, wasn't in the game "Outside The Simulation", he truly was outside the simulation and that is his true self. ………. Follow more about the novel: https://www.instagram.com/i_truly_am_a_necromancer/

Bollado · Fantaisie
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25 Chs


At night on the same day. Joe entered the cave alone. He didn't find anyone useful besides Adam along the way. Most of them were still figuring out how to start developing their classes.

The moment Joe got deep enough to see Blake inside, he said.

"How's your research going?"

"Great. Tomorrow I will definitely get what I've been searching for." Blake replayed.

"And what do you plan to do with the goblins?"

"I will see it after my current research."

Both of them then chatted a bit more before diner and going to sleep.


The next day, They woke up and had breakfast together while chatting. Then Joe went outside to find more people and Blake continues his research.

'Yesterday, I've been practicing my undead energy manipulation to the point it achieved 10%.

'I was being too simplest before. Now I understand the minimalist needed to manipulate the energy. It is not only guide but truly manipulate.

'When I understood it, I feel like my affinity increased. But, even if I can take all the undead energy from the eggs before they turned into undead, they only turned into normal eggs.

'However, now that my undead affinity and undead energy manipulation increased, I may be able to insert more undead energy in the eggs.'

Blake then took another undead leaf from his pocket and ordered the mosquito to lay more eggs.

At this point, Blake's arm was already filled with mosquito bites, but he didn't care.

Blake prepared his state of mind to its fullest and killed the undead leaf. He controlled all the undead energy to stay still on his hand while waiting for the eggs to be laid.

The moment the mosquito laid its eggs, Blake direct input more undead energy with his spiritual energy inside the eggs. But only to the point, the amount equilibrated with the excess of life energy.

In each egg, the undead energy flowed through the egg and quickly transformed them into the undead. But this time the life energy wasn't enough to explode the eggs.

Unexpectedly, before the eggs fully turned into undead, Blake noticed the life energy being consumed by the embryo.

A few seconds later, when the eggs turned into full undead, most of them direct broke, and fully grown mosquitoes were born from them.

Blake was in ecstasy processing the information he just saw.

He direct ordered the same mosquito that laid the eggs to procreate again but using the goblin's blood, repeating the process.

He repeated it with each of the five goblins, in the end, all eggs only turned into undead embryos with the excess of life energy suppress inside, as a few of the eggs formed from Blake's blood.

'Firstly, the excess of undead energy inputted during the transformation made the mosquitos and undead embryos possess more undead energy than the one he already controlled, which shows that they are stronger.

'Secondly, only in the ones made from my blood, the excess of life energy was consumed by the embryo to accelerate its growth. I theorized that since they were born from an undead and with my blood, the affinity with undead energy is stronger, which allows it to control the life energy suppressed inside them better than the rest.

'Since it was an undead, that does not need life energy at all to survive, every life energy is considered excess. I believe that it happened the same as the "Growth Acceleration" skill from the life mages.

'But in some mosquitoes, it didn't happen. Probably because they were less talented and couldn't absorb the life energy, they are now undead embryos that, with the lack of cellular activity, will never shock their eggs.

'In conclusion, the only reason the mosquito could procreate successfully was because it used the blood of a living being. Moreover, it was my blood, that allow the mosquitoes to be born with an innate talent for undead energy. If it is someone else's blood, the chance of succeeding is much smaller.'

At that time, energy flowed from inside Blake, showing that he had broken through. But he did not stop his reasoning and continued.

'Last observation, the mosquitoes are already connected to me as my undead.

'Wait, does that mean that I can empower the undead I create by inputting more undead energy instead of only a bit and allowing it to transform naturally? But this time the undead energy did not consume the death energy, maybe the process was different because of that.

'I need to test it out to be certain.'

Blake direct went outside the cave and focused on the first animal he found. It was a rabbit. He direct dozens of leaves near him and turned all of them into undead at once, so he could farm a lot of undead energy.

He ordered his undead to capture the rabbit while he create undead leaves and killed them manipulating skilfully the undead energy to accumulate near him.

Then the king-cobra bit the rabbit, killing it instantly. Blake then started to insert all the undead energy he had accumulated in the rabbit.

The rabbit started to fluctuate with the big flux of energy being inserted and vibrate as it was being filled with too much energy.

Blake was afraid of it exploding, so he stopped. The rabbit turned into Blake's undead and was exalting more undead energy than life energy it had previously.

"It worked! It really worked!" Blake exclaimed.

However, he was already exhausted, he used too much spiritual energy. Blake felt his vision blurry and his whole body weak. He ordered his undead to move him back to the cave just before he fainted.


Meanwhile, Joe was walking in the jungle when he felt the silhouette of a humanoid life form that was bigger than a normal human, about 2.2 meters. He felt that it was impossible to be a goblin because of the size, and went straight to that life form carelessly.

However, when he arrived near it, he figured out it was tall and green. It wasn't a human.

'Hobgoblin... I guess the difficulty increased.' Joe thought helplessly.

He was already too near the hobgoblin and it direct saw Joe.

The hobgoblin struck a punch in Joe's direction, but Joe instinctively dogged and kicked with all his strength the Hobgoblins front leg, which caused the leg to show an exposed fracture in the leg and it fell painfully on the floor.

"I will bring you with me. You might be helpful to my friend" Joe said to the hobgoblin, which he wasn't sure that it could understand.

Joe then kicked, with not much strength, the hobgoblin's head, turning it unconscious.

He held its good leg and started to drag it back to the cave.


At the same time, in another part of the jungle, two people were fighting a hobgoblin. They were none other than Nicolas and Jadis.

Jadis was bigger than the hobgoblin, holding its arms. Meanwhile, Nicolas was balancing his sword, cutting the hobgoblin's tendons, on its foot, from behind.

The hobgoblin fell on its knees while Jadis continued to hold its arms.

Nicolas then tabbed the hobgoblin on its heart from behind.

Jadis then transformed back to her normal 1.65 meter height.

"It was much easier than when we found a goblin for the first time" Nicolas commented.

"Yhea, the goblin "killed" most of us before we could start to fight back. Just the two of us remained." Jadis responded as if remembering a trauma.

"If I didn't push away those two, we might have done better, I was just too hot headed.." Jadis continues.

"Yes, you were wrong, it's nice you finally figured it out." Nicolas smiled and said without thinking twice.

He was very displeased with Jadis' temperament in the beginning. But after living a few lie and death situations with her during those days, they started to be friends.

"Shut up! You are supposed to comfort me." Jadis exclaimed.

"You hope so. But I also think that just one more person on the team could have done a big difference."

"Do those two have already develop their class above us? What do you think?"

"Maybe... Both of them looked more confident in it than all of us combined.

"Moreover, I feel like for being alone they were forced more intensively to develop quicker than us."

"Agree.." Jadis smile helplessly.