
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urbain
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18 Chs

Lunch with the devils

Few minutes passed, Ethan and I were still at the library, we've been sitting in complete silence for the past couple of minutes.

In the few minutes of me sitting there in silence, I realized two things

1. Ohh I'm DEFINITELY using this as an opportunity to skip class

2. What he said earlier....well he's in some sort of identity crisis

Never would I imagine him as one to be suicidal. I want my Ethan back

"So when did you find out" I asked in a very quiet tone

"A few weeks ago" he replied

"But you've been acting normal..heh...y'know...and now you're...Umm...well.." I said the last part circling my finger at his face

"My condition got worst a few weeks ago, the doctor insisted on a transplant as soon as we find a match for my kidney...but then even if we did, the treatment is quite expensive"

"Damnnn" I mentally face palmed myself immediately after the words left my mouth

I am not a bad friend Okay! I'm just not good with words


It was already lunch time and that's when I remembered that one of them devils would probably come to sit with us.

Fingers crossed, I hope he forgets

"He said he has Lupus, that's scary" I say to Aby as we walk to our normal lunch table

"And you believed him? I mean c'mon, it's Ethan we're talking about here" she replied as we both plopped down on the seats

"I know! I thought so too, but then you should have seen the look on his face...it was definitely not Ethan Ethan"

"Plus, he said something about him not sure if the transplant would actually go well so he wants to END things" I continued, making air quotes at the word 'end'

"Wow! I never knew Ethan would be that type of guy" she replied with sympathy in her voice

"I know right! So I got that dumb book you always quoted...and ion know, but at least he felt a little bit better" I say with a little shrug at the end

"Heyy! It is not dumb-"

Aby was interrupted when Joshua came out of no where and sat next to Aby, facing me

"Glad you could make it" I say with obvious sarcasm and a tight smile

"I got an invitation from Jia truly, now why the hell would I bail?" he said making himself more comfortable

"Sooo...what are we talking about?" he asked

"WE where just talking about how we would appreciate if your ass wasn't here right now" I replied

"Oh my ass is very welcomed here, anytime" he replied with a smirk

Just then Caden plopped down next to me

"What did I say about bringing the devils with?" I directed the question to Joshua, while glaring at Caden

"I've got no control of what he does" he replied with a shrug

"Aby, can you give us a sec?" Caden turned to Aby, a smile settled on his face and I saw a faint shade of pink on her cheeks. WTF

"What!?" I snapped

"The hell! Of cause NOT"

"It'll be just for a minute" Joshua said with a pleading smile

"Sure I-" Aby started but I cut her off

"What! Of cause NOT! What the hell is even happening" I half yelled with a scowl settled on my face

"Promise it'll only be for a minute" Caden said with a pleading tone

"Umm do y'all not know what 'no' means?... 'no' means 'no' and-" Aby then cut me off

"It's okayyy, I was going to look for Mady anyways"

Ugh Mady! I thought I wouldn't hear that name for the rest of today...guess I was wrong *eyeroll

With that, she stood up and left, without even hearing what I gotta say about it *eyeroll again

"What do you want Mathews" I snapped back to Caden

"A favor" he replied

"From who? Me?" Then i bursted out laughing

"Wow I needed that, me help satan?" I bust out laughing again

"NEVER" I finally stopped laughing and had a smirk on

"But you didn't even hear what I had to say" Caden takes a bite of my burger, my mouth went agape as I see him swallow

"What?" He asked when he's finally done and looked my way, confusion written all over his face

"Fucking Caden just ate my food" I say through gritted teeth

All Caden did was hold the bridge of his nose and shakes his head as if I'm some sort of lunatic

"I want you to help me with something okay" he said in a serious tone

"And what the hell might that be" I replied inspecting my burger just to make sure of it was safe to eat

"Vee" he finally replied

I looked at him as if he was the craziest man alive, can't the idiot talk like a normal being, oh wait... he isn't! He's an idiot

"You mean the letter 'v'?...I know I'm smart and all...and that you're dumb, but I can't do anything about a letter that was formed before the Big Bang...and if it makes you feel any better, I'm also not a fan of the letter" I replied with sarcasm

With that, Caden face palmed himself.

"Yeah...I'm the dumb one" he replied with thesame level of sarcasm

"Here's the thing, I was wondering if you could get me a date with Vee...since you guys are friends or used to be, and all-"

"Ex-ties!" I said, pointing a finger at him

"And what does that even mean?" Caden asked with furrowed eyebrows

I sigh "it means ex besties! Read a book dumb dumb"

"Yeah...what even happened between you two" Joshua asked

"Time! You see, time is everyone's biggest enemy, it ruins everything in just a blink of an eye..." I replied as if I'm some 'wise old lady'

"Ah'ahhnn" they both replied in sync, their tone being one of disbelief

"We just got busy and barely spent time together, so now we're kinda strangers- and hold up! Joshua ain't you the one into Vee?" Suddenly a feeling of annoyance rushed through me as I remember when he's always up on her and mine business

"Use to" Joshua replied

"And you just couldn't find someone other than me to do the job huh? Wait...why the hell won't you ask her yourself?" I say with an eyeroll

"You are the best candidate, I can't ask Mae and well...obviously I can't ask Ella, so yeah" Caden replied in matter-of-facts tone, ignoring my other question

Caden and Ella dated for a few months during freshmen year. She was so clingy and all but he ended up breaking up with her. Not just that, but the guys made fun of her vulnerability the whole time. Mae and Ella are bestfriends, so Ella would definitely know about it, even before Vee does

"Sure why not, how does 'hey Vee, Caden a.k.a the demon boy a.k.a spawn of satan a.k.a devil himself, wants to take you out on date, is that a yes or a no' sounds? And then she replies with 'NO' "

"Okay I was way off when I said you where the best candidate" Caden said with a face palm

"What was your first clue!"

"Now if you excuse me! I also have a date, right now! With my food...so bye bye" I waved my hands at his face

"Wow, gee thanks! You've been very helpful" Caden says with obvious sarcasm

"You're welcome my darling Cade-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing Mathews!" I yelled as I get up to run after him

He slipped his hand into my sweatshirt pocket and pulled out my phone and ran off

"Real mature" I say as I try my best to catch up to him

Damn I should exercise more

"I'm gonna fuck you Caden if you don't stop right now"

"Uh no thank you" he finally stopped, a scowl on his face

"The fuck is wrong with you Mathews" I say trying to catch my breath

"You caused this upon yourself Armen, I tried playing nice y'know"

"Wow how generous of you" I say with obvious sarcasm

"My pleasure..." he says with a bow

"Now...what's your passcode?"

"My passcode? Are you crazy?"

"Nope! You are"

"Why on earth, SpongeBob lives in a fruit would I give you the key to my world"

"Seriously" he said unimpressed with my whole SpongeBob thing

"If you want your 'world' back..." he says, air quoting on world

"...then you'll give me your passcode, it's that easy"

"What do you even want to do with my phone? Huh!... if you're looking for nudes, then you're way wayyyyyy off! I don't do that shit Mathews" I say folding my arms

He rolls his eyes and then brought out his phone "y'know what...just give me your number"

"Dear dear Mathews, you see...I don't just give out my number to just everyone and anyone, I give those worthy of my precious time! And right now, all you're doing is wasting the time I told you about earlier, my time!"

All he did was shake his head as if I'm a disappointment

Man I hate this boy

"Will you give me back my phone already? I'm gonna be late for class" I whined

"And since when did you care about class, Armen?" He questioned with a smirk

"Good point!"

"Please just give me back my baby" I whined even more with a pout

"Baby? You call your phone baby?" He asked with a disgusted face

"Duuuuuude!"  I whined even harder


I rolled my eyes and finally gave in, he turn the phone around so he could use the Face ID, he then saved his number to my phone and finally handed it over to me

"Remind me why you want my number again?"

"You'll see" Was all he said and walked away