
It could be love

Jia Armen got transferred to Gilvered junior high during 8th grade. She hadn’t excepted to move two hours drive away from the home she grew to love and the friends she’s known since in diapers. She’s never been through the ‘new girl’ phase and had no idea how to deal with it, seeing she’s been going to the same school all her life and had the same friends since growing up. She stayed in the shadows with her lips tight sealed as she watches and observe her new surrounding and the new people in her life. Soon things began to change during sophomore year. The Jock and badboy of the school, Caden Mathews started to stick around, what happens when he finds himself always hanging around her with her weird friend’s group, they shared a deep dislike towards each other, but soon they start to grow a different feeling towards eachother without even knowing it, what happens when Caden finds himself jealous whenever he sees her with another guy that isn’t him? What happens when Jia finds herself loving his company and looking forward to seeing him everyday? Could It Be Love?…

Not_eejjvel · Urban
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18 Chs

Man I hate school

We were in the middle of class when the principal walked in...with what I'm assuming is a new student, actually...new girl

"Good morning" the principal started

"This is Madison Sithe, she'll be joining your class from now on, so be nice" with that, he left

Man he hates his job.

Madison went to sit on the only chair left available, which was in front of Aby. Some whispered while some snickered, why is that...you asked, Well she basically looks like her outfit was chosen by someone who's been in coma since 2014 and had just woken up! as in she looks like she would be the next badly dress this year

But seriously...those clothes are so last never season, horrible first impression if you ask me.

But who I'm I to judge, you've heard what I said about last year's "badly dress"

Aby and the new girl, Madison exchanged maybe a conversation here and there...but don't ask me! I'm on the other side of the room so I'm just as clueless as you.

Class was dismissed the moment the bell was heard. I was picking up my bag when I heard Ethan talking to the new girl.

"Where did you get that, girl you are serving" He said in a high pitched voice, snapping his hands the way girls hype each other, sarcasm written all over it.

I couldn't quite get what she said but that's when Her and Aby walked out of the class.

"Really!?" I say to Ethan as I put the hand of bag onto my shoulder

"What!?" He said, or more of asked

"Can't you just let everyone chill...must you torture every new student you come across" I started as we walked side by side.

"No! Just the ugly ones" he says with a smirk which resulted to me slapping him hard on his shoulder. Cause that was strictly directed to me

Ethan is my frenemy, why...because when I first came here, he was quite the pain in the ass. I mean It hadn't even reached a whole week of me being at Glivered, when I slapped him, hard! On the face!

What happened was... I wore a beanie that day cause was having a horrible horrible hair day I looked like my head was stocked in a fridge for twenty four hours and was a complete mess, I woke up late (as always) so I didn't had to time to fix it so I came out looking like the opposite of hair products commercials, I wore a beanie to hide the ugly mess that was once my dark long luscious black hair…. well Ethan being Ethan tried to pull it off

Yeah! I know right! What an idiot, trying to expose my hidden shame

After one, two attempts...on the third, I turned and gave him a really hot slap (which he totally deserves). Ethan is a very funny guy and makes everyone feel among, and like they belong. He's always joking around and earned himself the title funniest or clown

We've been super close since then, I would never let him know this...but I love his company, A lot!

This other time I blackmailed him to help me renovate my locker, cause I saw this super cute theme on tiktok...and I wanted to give it a try, probably make it even better.

But the problem was I was too lazy to do it, so I said if he doesn't do all the work I was gonna show the video I took of him getting stoned in the boys bathroom, he was already on his last warning, so any wrong move...he'll be suspended, and that won't end well for him and his Dad. I'll probably be at his funeral the next day.

So while he was taking all the stuff out, he picked up my journal, then proceeded to ask what it was...which I replied with "it's not your business!" He smirked knowing it's something important.

After few minutes of watching him do the work I went to the restroom, but before I left, I strictly told the douchebag not to dare touch my journal, or I'll be the one to end him and not his Dad

But what did I really expect? Of course he touched it, that wasn't even the worst part...he showed it to the entire class

Thank holy shit I'm not some sappy girl that writes everything down

What was written in the book was mostly the stuff I miss from my old school, some songs I really like(which was embarrassing since the whole class saw), few thing about the only guy I've ever liked and my designs.

It was embarrassing asf! But I got over it after a few minutes, as for Ethan...of cause he tried apologizing soooooo many times, cause I told him I was shit mad at him and he was sooooo in trouble, little did he knows...I don't hold grudges and I forgive easily (but he didn't have to know that)

We had our awkward times, like when he asked me out (countless times) I obviously said NO!which he understood and let go of, so we went back to normal in no time. The whole class thought we were dating because of how close we are. I love the dude cause he's super chill and hella funny (my kind of  friends)


I angrily stomped to my locker while Ethan trailed behind me, pissing the shit out of me as usual. I got to my locker where Aby and Madison were still standing (eyeroll)

"Hey! So what are we talking about?" I chimed, looking at the both of them

"I was just showing Mady around, and of cause the school juicy deeds" she said with a smile of her own

"Mady huh?!" I say looking at Aby with suspicion

"I'm guessing Mady would be sitting at your lunch table for now on huh" Annoying ass Ethan spitted out, specifically looking at me when he said Mady *eyeroll again*

"Yup" Aby replied while I was glaring at Ethan

"Yeah, why not, Ethan!" I say through gritted teeth

"Yeahhhh...righttttt" he trailed, walking to his locker. Just then, the girls started a new conversation, so I picked up my book and walked to the next class

Man I hate school

The class started almost immediately after I settled down. Joshua fucking Brett walked into the class. He walked straight to the only sit available, and sadly it was next to mine

How do people not love me? There where three fucking empty chairs close to mine, but they all chose to sit anywhere but next to me Dumbass fools!

"Hey" he says looking at me

"Hey youu" I replied with slight annoyance

"Sooo... something going up between you and Ethan?" He asked with a smirk

"Y'all keep asking that" I said with an eyeroll

"Just curious" he says with a smirk on his fucking face

"Do you wanna join our lunch table tomorrow?" He asked after a few minutes of me trying to concentrate to what the teacher was saying, but all that I could get...was that he was obviously mouthing some words I was too distracted to understand

"Absolutely NOT!" I replied, he had a smile but immediately fell after I said NO

"But why?" He asked

"Ion know cause the devil himself sits there" I say like it was the most obvious thing

"Owkayyyy..." he started, a smirk on his face and bumping his head a little

"Now tell me who's the devil?" He asked

"Well obviously all three of you, but specifically Nova" I state, fully turning to him and ready for an argument maybe?

"What happened to your love story?" He stated with a fake aww tone

"Oh shut up!" I snapped with an eyeroll

What he meant was that, at the end of freshmen year, Nova and I for some weird reason, became close...super close. Ew ikrrr but yeah...he has a very dirty mind, I mean he is the bad boy of the school after all. He always drags me out of class, so skipping became our thing, but only for strolls you dirty minded people.

"So can I come sit with you guys?" He then asked

"Uhmm...." I started with a smirk of my own

"Let me think about it... NO!" I stated

He looked at me with a 'but why' look

"Sure! You can come sit with us" I say to him

"Just don't bring the devils with you"

"Scout's honor" he replied raising his hand


I brought out my phone and texted Aby

Me: Aby where are you?? I'm waiting for you at the parking lot! Hurry the fuck up!!!

Few seconds passed before she replied to my text

Aby: I'll be right there

Me: Bitch! Just get your ass here right now, and don't you dare bring Mady with you

Aby: Turn around Bitch

I turn to face her

thank holy shit just her ass was here, no 'Mady's'

"So where's Mady" I say with obvious irritation

"She just left, can we go?" She asked

"Yeah...sure" I say with an eyeroll

"Are you staying over?" I asked as we both jumped into the car

"Nah...I'm going home straight after I drop you" she replied


She dropped me off and left.

"Mammmmmyyyyyyyyy!" I screamed when I got into the house

"Hey, I was just leaving, go make something if you're hungry, okay" she said

"In normal homes..." I started to say, my mom groans in annoyance as she's heard this a thousand times

"...kids come home and find food ready for them to eat...I mean, c'mon that was a long hour at that hell hole, the least I can get is prepared food" which my mom just waved off

"I'll be back a bit later...bye" she said giving me a peck on the head

"Byeeeee" I sang as she left. I love an empty house *wipes an imaginary tear

Just when I was done making my sandwich, Ethan texted me

Ethan: hey, you still in school?

Me: Hell no, why the hell would I still be there

Ethan: A simple 'no' would have been nice but who Am I kidding

Me: so what's up?

Ethan: Just need someone to talk to right now.But can we talk tomorrow?

Me: Sure:)

Ethan: thank you.x

I dropped my phone and devoured another sandwich.


"Wake up! You're gonna be late for school" I heard my mom saying

"I know you can hear me...get your butt up and get going" she continued and then left

I added few more minutes and then decided to get ready, I checked my phone to see the time...it was already 7:28 and school starts by 8:30. I would have panicked, buuuuutttt this is literally my life, I'm ALWAYS late to school

Maybe it's a curse

I quickly rushed into the bathroom took a shower and got dressed. The school bus comes by 8:00 and it's either I miss it, or I run after it. And other times I just walk to school, it's not that far from my house, it'll most likely be a 30mins walk. Not for me tho! I'm a super slow walker, I hate walking, ugh I hate moving at all

As always, I ran after the school bus...I'm getting a feeling that this people make fun of my tardiness (behind my back ofc).

When I got to school, I went to look for Ethan...he was in the library

A place of torture kids...never go to the library okayyyy!!!!

"Hey what's up" I say to him while dropping my bag as if it was some sort of trash

"Hey" he replied, coldly if I may add, which I just did...so deal with it!

For someone that never misses a chance to make everyone around him a joke, he sure is in a sour mood, poor thing.

Ethan is not that handsome actually, but he gets ALOT of girls, like a lot! Why, did you ask...well he's a superrrrrrr funny guy. And trust me, girls love funny, plus he's super good at flirting, he basically flirts with anything in a skirt plus he can literally make anyone his bestfriend in less than an hour. Tho his way of friendliness is by flirting. Point is...Ethan is definitely going through shit right now

"Why are we here again" I said after a few seconds of comfortable silence

"You know that feeling when something's gonna happen to you and you've gat a solution to it...but you keep having doubts wether it'll work or not so you just want to END everything...but then what if it actually works?"

Okay wow that's a lottt...wait..what? Can I say something now? What the hell would I even say??

"Well...no! Not really" I mentally face palmed myself, dude that was COLD!

"Wow! okay that helped" he said with an eyeroll and dropping his hands in the I give up way

"What's wrong?" This time I say with a more serious and concerned tone

"Promise you won't tell anyone!"

"Does Abby counts as everyone ?" I sheepishly asked

"Yes!!!!" He said with furrowed eyebrow

"I don't think she is" I say in a more sheepish way

"Okayy..." he started in a very nervous tone. He fidgeted with his fingers, as if contemplating telling me or not. I stayed quiet

"...well, I've got lupus"

"HOLY SHIT" I snapped wide eyed

Wait...what does that even mean? I'm sorry but I'm not that good at knowing smart people stuff. But it sounded serious, soo...

Holy shit indeed!