
It’s an accident

Prologue He is smart, rich and handsome. A child prodigy. Girls loves him Boys respect him. In short he is epitome of perfection, looked up by everyone. The perfect one. But one thing. He hates female population with a passion right from childhood. She is kind, gentle and sweet.she lives in her own world often oblivious to the world around her. She never dated or had any guy friends for that matter, nor intend to have one due it the promise she made to her parents. One accident.One kiss.One slip brought them together. Their world collide and merge. His hatred for female population starts to make an expectation. Her hearts start to beat for a certain person. Hey guy!Thank you for choosing this book to read and I hope you have a great fun reading this because this is what I want, for you to enjoy yourself. Thanks you guys !! Hope you

tenii_ara · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Truth session

I woke up a little since today is the day college restarts. I showered quickly and did my business. I really had a bad start and I hope this year in college won't be anything like that. Go to college, a part time job, go home, eat and sleep. I prefer being alone, not many friends. Don't get me wrong I do have friends but not so close. I have a best friend from school and another from high school. I'm still in touch with. I just didn't click with anyone in college. Let's just hope I might find one this year, the last year of my college life. Oh there are two guys who are talking to me recently! So I really what today to be good hence I searched through the closet and wore my favorite light pink and white top with a blue ripped three fourth jeans. I don't if it's just me but I want to start the day good wore my favorite dress so I can start the day with high spirit.

//Astrea's outfit//

I reached the corridor of my college and as usual it is full of life. So many groups, so many friends, I guess it's even more livelier today because they are meeting after a break. Anyways not much time left I have reached my classroom. I just have five minute left, oh God! Hectic days start

"Hi Destiny!Had a nice vacation." Said Aram."I have the same class." He sat beside me.

"Hi Destiny!" Robert came and said on the other side sandwiching me between them.

I have to introduce them right? They are the two guys talking to me I mentioned just before. Aram is popular in the college I guess. He had many admirers. He looks good and as a great body I don't know much about him but I do know that he is a good guy. He talks to me sometimes and I do reply, maybe he is relived that I am not one of his fan girls. Oh yeah, he studies well and is rich too. I don't know much detail but I heard he is about to be a CEO of some company.

Robert, in short I have to say he is nerd guy, not in an offensive way. I know why people think being called a nerd is an insult but I think nerd is a compliment.sue me if I'm wrong but that is my opinion. He had perfect grade, looks nerdy with spectacles and baggy dressing style and he is a good guy too and I don't think he is rich like Aram. Both of them are good friends and they are good to me. Okay class start now…..




Lunch break finally. They are killing us right form the start but I do like to study. Let's hope I would have enough time with my part time job and all.

"Destiny!"Aram waved and called me to his table so I took my plate and went there.

"So Destiny!" Stared Robert " I made and inventions this summer and one is it is a lie detecting machine."

"Is it?"

"Yes, I completed yesterday and I believe it's working."

"That's great" I smiled. I told you so. He invents things. Some common, some uncommon, whatever perks his interest.

' I need your help to test it'

'But you said it's working'

"Yes it is."Aram interrupted. " I suggest we test it on you to make his invention popular in college. We both know that his inventions work and are great but not others, they just think he is a nerd, so I thought if we make it popular in college it would be great.

"I appreciate your idea but remember I'm not popular. Just some girls in college who looks after her own work. If we get to the point of popular I think you should do it. I heard you have so many fans."

"I would be the one to ask you questions so it would be popular in the end"

" why not use it on you? Are you trying to make me laboratory lab?"

"No, no, that's not our intention. If I use that on me I would be asked so many questions and some which I may not want to answer. You are a silent one and a good girl.it might not be a problem if it is you. They might not ask you much question."

"But Aram she is also known among our peers…"Aram interrupted Robert my stamping his foot.

"Please Destiny for me! Please"

"What if there is something which I don't want to answer?"

"Don't worry there won't be such situation. Come on Robert, quick ."

Before I could protest Aram whistled attracting the attention of people in the corridor. Along with that a guy came pushing some… wiry equipment. Robert came and kept some helmet on my head.


"Yes a made it from available things and it runs on battery." He started typing and doing something on that wiry thing.

" it's ready now!" Robert said

"Okay Destiny shall we now test the lie detector?"Aram started a little loudly to attract attention as if I'm not being watched. The whole cafeteria which would be so noisy is now having silence more that the library. Reason number one would be the wiry machine being put on me and the other reason would be Aram himself who is popular. Did I mention that some girls looked at me dirtily when they saw Aram talking to me as if I was a murder.? Anyways I don't care about such things. Or maybe I do care a little. Let jus hope that this little scene will go on smoothly and my regular life will continue.

"What's going on with the wiry thing dude?" Someone, I guess Aram's friend asked him. I now have a small crowd in front of me and others are watching from their table. I think popcorn is the only thing missing in this show.

"Hey guys! Nothing, just Robert made this lie detector machine for normal daily use things and we are just testing it for fun."

I raised an eyebrow at this 'for fun' my foot. I am dragged into this.

"Okay Destiny, to test this we would have to ask you some questions and you will have to answer it honestly, okay. If you lie this machine would shout." Robert explained.

"Shout?" I asked

" you will see for yourself." Came the reply. Let's start with easy questions.

Your name?"



I felt a little naughty so I replied 'male'

'Wrong wrong wrong'

Singsong the machine. I smiled at this "Guess it's working"I said

"So how are you feeling sitting on to sit in that seat?" Aram asked


'Wrong wrong wrong'

I winced at this,I have to tell the truth." As if I'm a lamb about to be murdered and you people are the viewers."people laugh loudly at this

"Is that so?"Aram asked again. The gut of him.

"Try sit here and then tell that while everyone is watching you with great interest as if you're newly released horror movie." I opted folding my hands.

"Wow! So cute!" Aram pinched my checks as if I am five years old. I swatted his arm away.

"Do you like Aram?"came a voice . I looked at the direction of the sound and found Olivia. She looks at me with so much hatred every time just like now. I think this started after Aram stared talking to me. I do admit many looked at me like that when they saw Aram talking to me. But none like her and not as frequent as her. I looked back at Robert, Aram and others in confusion. Am I suppose to answer this question?I hate this, I hated being the center of attention.

"Why aren't answering?"Olivia asked again.

"Should I? I do like him, he is a good guy."I smiled at him. He is a really good guy. He is sweet and never misbehaves with me. "Always pleasant to be around."I added

"Har har har" she laughed sarcastically "Nice try, tell me you've never thought of sleeping with him?"

"No." I said immediately. How can she think that of me?wait a second I'm behaving like that?

"You never thought of being his girlfriend."

"No. Do I behave like that?"looked that Aram in confusion and horror. "I am really sorry if I appeared or behaved like that. I really don't have any bad intentions.where did I go wrong?

"Cool Destiny nothing happened like that. You're good with me never misbehaved. Okay, fine, though I would have enjoyed it if you liked me like that. That's a real blow on my ego.

"Is that a joke I'm a suppose to laugh?" I questioned in confusion and people laughed.

"But you didn't seriously like him like that? I mean he is the to be CEO, good looks, great mind and body, what more those a girl need? You will have your credit card full." Robert friend I mentioned earlier asked me. I seriously need to know the names of people rather than mentioning this guy that guy.

"I think you answered you very own question. Full credit card balance is not the criteria.

"Then what do you want?what is your dream boy?"

"I really want to say none of your business."

"Aww come on please"

" I too don't know, I just to believe in love in real life.it is just something that exist in stories and movies for me. But In dreams or stories I think I would prefer a handsome guy but sometimes I think it's okay even if he is not, a good character and can dominate. A rich guy would be welcome it I don't mind if he is not. I am not a noble person so I don't think I can love a cook or someone like that, he should earn more than me but sometimes I feel it is okay if his heart has more riches and we can be happy with what we have. See no clarity, just confusion.

"Aram is a good guy." Aram justified himself.

"Of course you're. Just when it's comes top real life I don't know what's true and what's not true. Love is complicated. Don't you think so?"

"Yes." Everyone replied.

"Don't worry you will love one day." Robert added as if he knows what I'm feeling.

"Don't scare me like that. Love is scary too. If love someone I won't know whether he loves me back or not. It would be scary to admit. If he loves me and none of us know he would have to suffer for a time. If all ends good then it might be okay. But what if I'm the one who loves? It is really a scary subject!

"Don't be like that Destiny, maybe the one for you is already around you. You jus scared to know him. Or he might come before you in future. Don't be scared love is beautiful too."

Before I could say anything Olivia interrupted for.

"Don't act Destiny. I know you don't like Aram because you have your eyes on one of the two populars."

I raised my eyebrow at that.

"That could be right? So you like kidou?" Aram's friend asked me.

"Kidou?I like kids." Everyone gasped at this.

"No, not kids, I am saying kidou, one of the popular guys in college.I think he can be ranked no. two. He is rich, good looking, good grades and sport.

"You don't know them?"

"No." I said and carefully they are looking at me as if they are ready to eat me if a say no again. Aram's friend gave me his phone with a guy's picture who is none other than yesterday pervert.

"Please don't tell me he is kidou."

"He is." I closed my eyes at this. Great start, I hope he don't remember me.

"I think you want to tell something by the expression on your face." Olivia smiled with a victorious grin on her face. He is mr popular 2 of the school, if I really say out what I am thinking then I might face the wrath of him fans.

"Sorry Destiny but there is a big queue for him. Don't even try for him." Some random girl in the crowd warned me.

"Come on tell me what you think." Olivia said with the same victorious grin.


'Wrong wrong wrong'

Correct timing machine, everyone is looking at me expectantly.

"Pervert." I blurted under their heated gaze and cue the gasps. I am dead. "Don't ask detail, he misbehaved yesterday, not too much but I was not in a good mood, I know we should decide a person's character in the first meet but sooty I felt so.

"Then this guy?" Aram's friend showed me another guy, looking at the photo my eye and mouth open wide in shock.

"Don't tell me that he studies here."

"You don't know him?" I nodded my head. "He is mr popular no 1. Girls not only from this college but all over the continent, maybe all over the world aim for him. He is super good looking like a runway model , richest person wiser than anyone in this century, already working in his company they call him an unofficial CEO and the talk is that when he takes over the company completely he will be no.1 in the world, skilled in everything cooking, sport whatever it might be you name it. You don't know him?"


'Wrong wrong wrong'

"So now that you know what do you think?"

"Good guy." I smiled falsely. But this stupid machine beeped his usual song.I will kill Robert for making this machine.

"Arrogant. I know I can be wrong but as of now that is my opinion."

"Why do you think so?" Robert asked, he is so dead when we meet next.

"I don't think it's necessary for you to know, it was just an accident and he blamed me that I did it on purpose claiming girls fall at his feet…"

'Wrong wrong wrong'

"Hey, stupid machine I said it symbolically, I don't remember his exact words, just something along those line.

Yes the person whom I accidentally gave my first kiss turns out to be mr arrogant popular no.1. My fate is so great today it can't get any worst.

"You are lying." Olivia said disbelief.

"Oh yeah, I don't have a lie detecting machine on my head."

'Wrong wrong wrong'

Yeah, yeah singing your favorite song. I immediately took off the head device before these people can ask me more questions and get complete details out of me regarding my encounter with mr. Arrogant and mr. Pervert. I stood up and turn back to go not wanting to deal with Robert and Aram and now guess my luck. I thought it couldn't be worst but it just did. Just as I turned back to escape the crowd there was Mr. Arrogant glaring at me. I think he heard everything. I gulped and turned right in order to avoid him and just like that I found myself in front of Mr. pervert, he heard everything too. He was not glaring at me but he has an amused smirk on him face. Hurry! My lucky day. I turned left to have Olivia glaring at me so I moved forward parting the shocked people which I don't understand why they are shocked.

The luckiest day of my life. Let's hope that everyone will forget what happened today and I can continue my clam life.