
It’s an accident

Prologue He is smart, rich and handsome. A child prodigy. Girls loves him Boys respect him. In short he is epitome of perfection, looked up by everyone. The perfect one. But one thing. He hates female population with a passion right from childhood. She is kind, gentle and sweet.she lives in her own world often oblivious to the world around her. She never dated or had any guy friends for that matter, nor intend to have one due it the promise she made to her parents. One accident.One kiss.One slip brought them together. Their world collide and merge. His hatred for female population starts to make an expectation. Her hearts start to beat for a certain person. Hey guy!Thank you for choosing this book to read and I hope you have a great fun reading this because this is what I want, for you to enjoy yourself. Thanks you guys !! Hope you

tenii_ara · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2:Accident

Yesterday day after getting off the plane, I took a cab and got to my apartment immediately. I was in a very foul mood because of that stupid perverted guy. Who they hell does he think he is? He is so full of himself.I want to beat the crap out of him. Cool Astrea. Those kind of thought doesn't help you. He is not worth it. Just forget it.

I'm currently in my apartment.I rented a small apartment which doesn't contain much, just a room to be called as bedroom and a very small kick along with a bathroom. I don't complain though. It's enough for me and more than a enough for a girl living alone. I have no problem with my apartment.

College starts from tomorrow so I have free time now. I have way to spend my time and that is in the library. If I don't mention early remember I love books, even if I didn't mention earlier remember again.'Cause books are awesome'. They are the best along with food of course. So go to the library, read books, then to Starbucks, have a milkshake and then get a pizza. Start the college rocking! Love this day. Of course as usual college sucks but I am free to imagine that this year college will be interesting.

Ah! Please thing about college itself is boring I do have friends but not best friends orp msomething.Guys do not exist in my dictionary nor did they try to look in my dictionary so no problem.yeah you might think I am weird for a college girl not have a boyfriend none less a guy friend. And no my parents don't have a problem with it nor do they think I'm a lesbian, because I am not. Thought my mom talk about having a boyfriend my dad supports me saying he is not going to let me date till I'm 30. A long way to go and I have no problem with that.

You can say my family is old fashioned but I don't mind.we are, what do you call that, I don't know evangelical Christians, whatever it's might be. So my mom taught me all good things including being a virgin till marriage and I highly support that. My mom decided she would get me a bridegroom. Yeah what you call arranged marriage. At this age it's sounds ridiculous but that is how it is! I think it's a way to blackmail me. Get a boyfriend or I will get one whether you like it or not kind.

In fact my parents married in an arranged one. They are not highly lovey-dorky with each other but they are okay. They care about each other and most importantly me. I think they are together around 25 years or a little less. So that's the reason I don't search for boyfriends or if anyone by mistake asks me out I decline it as smooth as possible. I' am frankly not interested in guys.

But don't try to change my values, you will be so dead before, you can change. This is my life. I like it like this. No boys no drama. In fact I don't want to get married at all. There is a chance I get a psycho husband or one who thinks male are superheroes and females should utterly obey them. It's difficult for two people to get along, non the less live their life together. I tried convincing my mom to let me live alone but nope, nada, no chance at all.

The only thing I like about marriage is children. They are so cute.I love children.,the epitome of innocence and beauty. I love them like hell.

Hmmm..should have gotten a job as a nanny. But part time nanny aren't there so I can't.

Ha! Arrived at the library, I looked through the shelves and got some books. I have a membership card and the librarian know me quite well because I do come often. I read mainly romance novel. Hey! I don't say I'm against love or boyfriend. I just don't think such things happen in reality. I would really love it if I get a love story of my own but let's face the truth that will never happen. But it makes me happy to read some good stories about someone.

After checking out my books and talking with Mr Wilson, the librarian, he's around 40. Ooh!I can't wait to start reading this book. Why not take a glimpse? With that idea I started scrolling through the book briefly not knowing I made a big mistake then.

I tripped across a stone or something and tripped, all this happened in a blink of eye such that I couldn't process what was going on. I heard a thud sound. So there, I fell. Hope there are not many people who see this, it's far too embarrassing.I slowly opened my eyes to receive the biggest shock.

There underneath me there is a guy and no that's not all my lips were smacked with him. I immediately backed away so shocked. His lips is a little bruised from the impact and if I can seen correct there is some blood on it. Great Destiny great! Your destiny is so great today.

" I am seriously sorry, I was not looking where I was going".I said looking at the floor still on my knees.

He groaned."yeah, that's what all do".said a very good and sexy voice with certain accent, like mix of Italian, French not sure.

"I know! I should have looked where I was going I'm really sorry. Are you fine? Not hurt right?" I stared rambling with my face down not having enough courage to look at him." That book what interesting to see, I just got it. I don't me…

"Cut that crap! I know you did this on purpose".He more or like shouted at me with a deadly cold voice.

My head snapped up in surprise so fast that I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. I am sure my mouth is open right now with such accusation. He took my gesture as positive response to the accusation and chuckled coldly.

"Why are all female spice like this?" His voice sounded a little familiar now that I think about it but I don't know where I heard it from. " just one look at a good guy you will do anything to touch, kiss him, lowering your shirt, exposing all nasty things. What is the need of wearing clothes, just come out nude. Can't keep you leg closed for a day, throwing yourself at whoever you see.I can't believe it. Viscous creatures !"

I think it's safe to say my jaw reached the floor by now. This random a basically dashed into by now is calling me a 'slut'.sure he is looking all good and sexy, tall and lean with good amount of muscle and perfect fashion sense, no wonder if girls are throwing themselves at him and making him more cocky and arrogant than he already is.

Just because some girls are throwing themselves at him, he has not right of accusing everyone of being a slut. And I don't I don't have any need to confirm to this stranger that I am not. If you don't know me by now, I absolutely hate arguing and trying to make a person know what I am saying is true.I silently took the books that fell around me and stood up.

"By your rant I can see you're perfectly fine sir and I don't need your certificate regarding my character. ITS AN ACCIDENT.I am not going to try to convince you believe whatever you want. Have a good day sir." Saying that I turned around and stared walking my way.

I got to Starbucks frustrated, got my Mille shake and sat in a conner chair suckling.I might not have argue or showed him I don't care but the truth is that I truly care. I am sad that a person thought so of me. In what angle did it appear to him that I did that on purpose. I hate that person! Okay not hate but still. I heard the chair before me being dragged and someone sitting but I still didn't look up.

'Hello beautiful'. He said. Great another pervert. My day keeps getting as if the pervert yesterday wasn't sufficient for me.

"Why are say? Did your boyfriend ditch you??"if he exists,I added internal not looking at him.

"Come on don't be sad look at this hot sexy man before you".yeah yeah yeah sexy my ass

I lifted my head and glare at him. He is also good looking. What is with me and meeting sexy guys who prove themselves pervert or calls me pervert and I kis.. my eye widened with realization as it hits me. I cough out my milkshake which I was drinking. I gave the stranger who accused me of being a slut emu first kiss. No freaking way.

Pervert no.2 thought my coughing and eye widening was because of his hotness because he said and I quote " I know I'm supper hot! Girls always have that reaction looking at me. How about we go to my place?."

Normally if something like this ever happened I would have simply ignored but my temper is not in control and I am furious.

"How about I take you to hell?"

He chuckled. He bloody laughed at my furious statement and ignored my glare.

"Cool down kitten!"KITTEN! WHAT THE HELL! I wanted to shout but didn't. I just glared at him. "Come on! Don't you think I'm better than your boyfriend?"

" I don't have a boyfriend you idiot"

"Feisty I like it!I guess you will be so in bed too"

I can see the smoke coming from my ears. I stood up and stared walking away. That asshole is not wroth it. I think I am the only person that learn bad words from books .I walked angrily to the door and just my luck into the guy that previously accused me of being a slut. He again open that vile mouth but before he could say anything I glared hard at him and went away.

Great! I wanted to recover from yesterday and meet two more idiots this day along with kissing one. No! That is not considered a kiss, it's just a mouth smacked again another. Considering these two days I prefer the school very much. My own secluded life where there are no pervert or accusers.