
It’s an accident

Prologue He is smart, rich and handsome. A child prodigy. Girls loves him Boys respect him. In short he is epitome of perfection, looked up by everyone. The perfect one. But one thing. He hates female population with a passion right from childhood. She is kind, gentle and sweet.she lives in her own world often oblivious to the world around her. She never dated or had any guy friends for that matter, nor intend to have one due it the promise she made to her parents. One accident.One kiss.One slip brought them together. Their world collide and merge. His hatred for female population starts to make an expectation. Her hearts start to beat for a certain person. Hey guy!Thank you for choosing this book to read and I hope you have a great fun reading this because this is what I want, for you to enjoy yourself. Thanks you guys !! Hope you

tenii_ara · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: plane

I am currently going to the airport to board a plane to my college. I am currently in my last year.. As usual my mom Hannah was crying. I seriously don't understand why she was crying . It's not like I'm a solider going for war. I'm just going to college and it's not my first time either.

I live away from my parents ever since 11th grade to get better education. My college is in New York but we live in Boston. I'm the only child so that makes it even difficult for my mom to let me go. One will think that after all these years she would not cry, but no she cries each and every time I leave for college.

Sure, I miss my parents but I'm not much of an emotional person to cry. And I also don't like see my mom cry, my dad David is not crying but I can see him sad. I am daddigirl

Sorry I don't think I have introduced myself. I'm Astrea Destiny Faith a pure American. You see my dad loves my eyes and for him I was an angle. A pure, innocent angle hence he named me 'Astrea' a Greek word which means innocence.People often mistake me as Native American. I can't tell this to everyone right? And oh one thing Destiny is also because that think, no, believe I'm destined for great things.

I do like my name not only is it unique but has a good meaning too. Thought I don't tell my dad I'm happy he named me 'Astrea destiny'. We finally reached the airport and it's time for me to board my plane."we will miss you honey".My mom hugged me and started crying more. I patted her back and smiled.

"Mom, don't cry I will be back for holidays and this is my last year in college".

"Then you will go away for job this time and won't have holidays like college to visit us"

Mom we have what is called leave it visit you and then I still haven't gotten a job remember. Who knows I might get in Boston.

"That will be great" my mom cheered a little with the idea of me getting a job in our home town and staying with her. I hugged my dad next and bid them goodbye and boarded the plane.

My seat was in the middle next to the window seat. I pouted a little. I like windows seat. Sight! I can't really do anything. I noticed that two guys were seated on either side they look young and I didn't bother to look at their face. I placed my luggage up and sat down in the middle taking out my novel to read.

The flight took off with air hostess doing their usual thing.

"Che aria hostess è caldo"

The guy in my left said great! I have a pervert sitting beside me. His voice is good but judging from his voice he is young. May be couple of years older than me. He spoke in Italian. I learnt Italian language in high school thou I can't speak but I understand. He said the hostess looks hot. Out of curiosity I peeked from my book and look at the air hostess, sure she looks good indeed.

But that didn't give him the right to say such thing. I have sat beside this player for around one and half hour. More like he use Italian so I don't understand what he is saying unknown to him I understand Italian. Then the other guy in the window side grunted. "Venite sull uomo!È necessario allentare fino."(Come on man! you need to loosen up)

Thank God!At least one person is in the right mind. And the voice is good too. More than the perverted guy actually or I'm biased because he is the pervert.Either ways I don't care. I pray that the pervert guy doesn't stay long with the good guy. What? Bad company turns good people bad. I will feel this good guy turns bad.

"Ho già detto che non importa quello che dici, non sono interessato a giocare con le ragazze. Starei lontano da loro, non cercare di cambiare idea, Perché sai che non ci riuscirai. E perché diavolo parli in italiano? Così che la ragazza non riusciva a capire?."(I've said that no matter what you say I'm not interested in playing with girls.I'd stay away from them.Don't try to change my mind, because you won't succeeded . And why they hell are you taking fin Italian? So the girl couldn't understand?).

The goodnight guy said.yep the is definitely a good guy.

"Śi(yes) the perverted guy answered."Non c'è modo che conosca la lingua"(There is no way she knows the language)

He is answering the answering the question regarding the usasge of Italian I guess! Ha! If only he knew can understand him perfectly well. Internal evil smile.

"Vi manca tutto il divertimento uomoPossiamo avere la nostra privacy, parlare di lei senza che lei lo sappia. Ecco perché ho imparato un'altra lingua"(you're missing the fun man, we can have our privacy and even talk about her without her knowing that is why I learnt new language.) perverted guy continued using Italian language.

Bu to I think there is also a fact that someone can understand Italian! You have to be careful perverted guy! I thought

"Perché non provi a colpire questa ragazza, scommetto che ci cadrà in piedi, Questo è ciò che tutte le ragazze fanno un sorriso civettuolo e qualche riga che avrai la ragazza. Il nostro corpo assassino è più. Non ho battuto nessuna ragazza può resister." (Why don't you try hitting this girl. I bet she will fall on our feet. That's what all girls do a simple flirty smile and a few pick up lines, you can have the girl. Our killer bodies are a plus I bet no girl can resis.)

He,I mean the perverted guy suggesting to the good guy that he hit on me. My blood is boiling with anger. I have to force myself to clam down. I don't want them to know I understand them. To be honest I don't give a shit about what he thinks. I don't want to talk to them. Just try and read you book Destiny that is your destiny. But how dare he say that about me? I won't even look at a man like you even if you die. That's true I never had a boyfriend and I'm not getting one based on looks.

"No grazie"(no thanks) Good guy cut off my thought with his answer. His answer pacified me a little. I'm afraid if he answered in the same way as the perverted guy I would have snapped.

"Amico! Perché non sei interessato alle ragazze, sei sicuro di non essere gay"?( man why are you not interested in girls? Are you sure you aren't gay?)

Why do people assume a person is gay when they are refusing to hit on a girl ? Real man resist all temptations.

"Non sono gay e non avrò una ragazza o un'avventura per dimostrarlo a te. Odio la fine della discussione sulle spezie femminili."("I'm not gay and I'm not going to have a girlfriend or fling to prove that to you. I hate female spice end of discussion.")

Why does the good guy hate girls. He said "female spice" as if girls are some untouchables. I guess he hates girls deeply. I can't do anything about it. Furthermore it's non of my business. I don't think that good will appreciate a total stranger asking him why he hates girls and trying to prove him wrong.that would be total weird.

My thought were cut shut when this perverted guy pushed my book down all of a sudden and moved his towards me invading my personal bubbles and smiling like an idiot. I jumped in surprise and moved my head backwards to create more space.

"Hey beautiful!" I scoffed internally at the perverted guys words. But kept a blank face. I don't want it create drama. Stay drama is always my policy. "What are you reading?"

I put the the cover of the book to his face so he could read the title and also to create space between us. It worked he moved back a little.

"Oh!" He replied smiling after reading the book again ignoring him.

"Vedi, basta dire bella, ha messo il libro davanti a lei per coprirsi dal rossore."See just say beautiful she put the book in front of her to cover herself from blushing ) perverted guy turns to the good guy already and said those words. The hell who is blushing? You have great imagination man.

"Non credo che l'abbia usato per allontanarti."( I don't think so she used it to push you away) you're very much right good guy! Tell that to your friend.

"In nessun modo nessuno può resistere a quest'uomo sex"( No way nobody can resist this sexy man) sexy my ass.

"Si Si"( yeah yeah)

Next one hour pass uneventful with the perverted guy trying to make me talk and me giving the short polite answers. The whole time the good guy stayed silent doing who knows what. My eye never left the novel even while answering the perverted guy. That idiot! I will kick him. My patient is running thin at his attempt and I'm forcing myself to stay calm. I don't want to hit him or do something along those line and bring attention to myself.

Finally it's time for landing I will be free from this perverted guy. Munster a little more time.you know time stops when you need it to go faster and goes faster when you need it faster. The past one hour went dead slow. I am just an inch closer to just strangle this guy and kill him. I wanna grab his collar and throw him out the plane through the window. I was really angry very very angry fuming with wrath. Just a little more and I will snap. My patient is hanging by my thread.

"Lo vado a darle il mio numero e prendere la sua."( I'm going to give her my number and collect hers)

Like hell I'm going to give you my number." È così timida che ha parlato molto meno. Sai che le ragazze timide sono così rumorose e audaci a letto. Non vedo l'ora di toccarla e tas..."(she is so sh, she spoke very less. You know shy girls are loud and bold in bed. I can't wait to touch her and tas…)

That did it! It's lost control on my anger and hit him with my book in my hand cutting him off from continuing. I showed all my anger built up in that one hit. He winced and looked at me in shock. By now anger is overflowing in me. I'm pissed beyond comparison.

" I tried will all my strength to ignore you and pay deaf ears to your comments. But no!you won't hold that perverted mind and tongue of yours." I hissed. "I I showed you the book to regain your my personal space which you've invaded and my cut short answers were because I was avoiding you, not because I'm shy. How thick headed you're? And your looks.."I paused and looked at him from head to toe. Totally muscular, the way girls, sorry in his case slits, desire and he looked posh with all the branded item he wore. Guess he is rich. That explains his cocky attitude." I don't know who told you, but you're just okay. Guess he or she wants something and told you so." I fumed. We missed what the air hostess last announcement in all this and when I ended the flight landed and people are getting up. I rose without hesitation. He went back a little thinking I'm about to hit him again. Yeah you should fear me. I went and stood at the back sit to take my luggage.

"Man, she hit me real hard. Who knows she can understand me?I have to learn a new language and before using I have to know it they know the language or not.

I hit him again not harshly as before.

"It's is not new language that you learn. New way of thinking and manners."

With that I left without looking back and got off the plane. I didn't see the good guy even once. Only the perverted guy but that doesn't matter I guess. The faster I forget the better.