
Islander tales : Stranded

In a magical world, out in the eastern ocean. In an attempt to find a mystical island full of treasure, the Stormbreaker sail through the ocean and meet its end at the accursed sea. Follow a group of crewmen who got stranded on a mysterious deserted island. They will have to work together to survive the danger of the island and try to find a way out. They will encounter many strange occurrences as they venture through the island and learn its secret. Will they be able to cooperate and find a way out of this island? Will they learn the secret that this island hide? Or will they forever be stuck on this island, stranded in the middle of the accursed sea? This is a story of passion, adventure, and human nature. Will our protagonist thrive on this strange island? find out more in Islander tales: Stranded.

KiaoSuvan · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The track

After two hours of travelling through the dense jungles. The three arrives at a large clearing

But as soon as they peer through the thick shrubbery and gaze upon the area in front of them, they all stop in their track and stare with confusion.

"By the gods! what is that!?"

Chamnan remarked. The clearing, or more accurately described as a gigantic track. Many trees were toppled and lay on the grounds. Many plants were crushed and trampled. It seems as if a powerful monsoon has recently swept through.

The ground in front of them seems to be flattened by great weight that drags on the ground, creating a large track of compacted dirt and leaves. They know right away that this must have been the result of a sudden and devastating event.

The three jump down from the ledge and get down to inspect the track.

"Maybe there was a landslide recently?"

Desia suggested. But Adrin replies

"I don't see any tall mountains nearby. And this track is way too long to come from a landslide, especially the one that happened in dense jungles like this.".

Adrin starts to look around for something they can salvage. Chamnan then says

"This look like an elephants track, except it was ten times more destructive. But I don't think there are any elephants here on this island. We could have seen some elephants by now if they are on this island. It is not easy to miss a creature that big you know?".

Everyone nod in agreement with him. But then Desia says

"So... Are you saying that this track was created by a single large creature? The track is consistent in width and dept so it can't be multiple creatures. The only type of creature that can get this large are either a sacred beast, monster, or demonic beasts.".

Adrin raise his brow and remarks

"Wait, so there is a chance that this might be the track of a Sacred beast? If we meet the sacred beast of this island, maybe they might help us escape.".

But Desia then point out

"But it can also be a dangerous beast, monster, demonic beast, or nothing at all. the chance for it to be a divine beast is 1/4 here. Are you sure we should follow this track?".

Chamnan remarks

"Well, I think it's worth the risk. If we run into something that wants to eat us, then we can just run away. But It is a divine beast then they might help us escape this island.".

Adrin looks around for something that might help them get an idea of what happened to this area. Then he notices something moving among the leafy grounds. Adrin kneels to move the leaf away, revealing a small leech-like worm underneath.

The tiny worm is pale in colour and has a large noticeable hump on its back. The blindworm wriggles quietly toward Adrin, who stares at it curiously. The worm is thicker than it is long, but it is around the size of a thumb.

Suddenly, the worm jumps toward Adrin and bump its head on his shin which does nothing. Adrin was about to laugh at the pathetic looking worms. But then to worms turn red and scream


The sound was like that of the screaming wind which echoes far and wide. Adrin does not expect such a small creature to make these loud sounds at all.

"What happened!? What's going on?"

Chamnan remark as he looks around to find the source of the screeching sounds. Adrin remarks

"I don't know. This worm suddenly bumps its head into me and scream.".

Desia come in closer to look at the worm and says

"I have a bad feeling about this. Animals make a loud noise when they feel threatened. But they usually have the means to defend themselves aside from just screaming.".

Chamnan comes closer to take a look. Meanwhile, Adrin grab the fat worm by its tail and says

"Well, I think this worm would make a good bait for fishing...".

Adrin picks up the worm and immediately raise his brow. He can feel the now blood worm trembling in his hand, something a worm doesn't usually do. Adrin places the worm closer to his ear out of curiosity and hears a very faint humming sound.

"Ummmm, Adrin? What are you doing? I don't think that it's a good idea to hold that worm close to your face, especially when we don't know what they are..."

Chamnan remarked. But Adrin replies

"Shush, Did you hear that? Listen carefully.".

Everyone went quiet and listen, then Desia remark

"I hear humming sound, it was faint but it is there. Is that what you are talking about?".

Adrin nods and says

"Yeah, that is it. At first, I didn't notice it. But then I feel this worm humming in my hands. So I listen carefully and hear it. Then I notice the same sound from all around us too.".

Chamnan then says

"So, you are saying that there are more worm-like this one around us? Should we be worried about this?".

Adrin shrugs and drops the worm on the ground. Then he replies

"I don't know. I have been to many places but I have never seen anything like this before. ".

Desia start to remove some leaves from the ground to reveal more pale worms. confirming that there are creatures like this all over the tracks.

Chamnan remarks

"Well, since we don't know what they are up to. I think we should be cautious.".

Desia ready his spear and replies

"I have a feeling that whatever made these tracks and the worms are connected somehow. I think we should go on our way and find a river to settle down at.".

Chamnan shake his head and says

"No, I think we should follow the tracks. These worms might be the results of some strange quirk that the divine being might have.".

Adrin stand up and says

"I think I agree with Desia here, these worm is creepy. Most divine beings would rather appear intimidating than creepy. These worms give me an unsettling feeling..... We should move on and go look for a river.".

Chamnan let out a sigh and replies

"Fine, If you two agree to do that, then I can't object. Let's get going then.".

There, Chamnan turns to look at the other side of the track and notice something moving in the shrubbery above them. Desia and Adrin also take notice and ready their spear.

As dark silhouettes emerge from the dark jungles...