
Isekai: I, a powerlifter, awakened in a world of titans

I failed my gym PR and died... That was how I, Adam, began a new and non-repetitive style of life in another world. The amount of mysteries that I have to figure out, along with the majority hating on me and my kind. This world was not a paradise for me to live in. The moment I had reincarnated, my first steps were towards a life that I can only describe as hell. Imprissoned, experimented on, and contempted. There are others like me who had gone through the same experience of such hell. Those who I can call both my allies and enemies, because of the harsh conditions that we all had managed to survive through as we grew up. "So I'm supposed to be you? Are you asking me why I am so different compared to you then? Why I'm not alone, bounded by an empty space just like you are?" "Stop it! This is madness! You can't let hunger consume you! It's all about the clean bulk!" I, Adam Gaia, have finally found the reason, the purpose, of my existence. The reason why I had died in the gym and why I had found myself in this world right after. The reason why I am the fated one.

Sir_WendoS · Fantaisie
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150 Chs

Like hitting a dead end

As I explored the ins and outs of the town I realized there was nothing special, as all I met with were buildings of similar designs that only had a few pieces of furniture stored within. As for the outside of the town, or perhaps the border of the town, I met with nothing but solid walls. 

Some rough stairways and empty caves caught my attention at first, but after exploring all of them, I discovered that they all lead to dead ends.

This doesn't make sense…

I couldn't understand why there was a town when it was all tunnels in the first place. I might have not been able to see well enough before, but I'm sure I didn't see anything close to this town when I was being dragged to the prisoner area.

"Why?" I asked myself. "Why is everything a dead end?!"

"Is it magic?" This was the only explanation I could come up with against the never-ending dead ends. 

Based on my fantasy knowledge, I could guess that if it was magic that influenced the change of this place, then those dead ends are likely to be some illusion or hidden door that keeps people like me from finding the way out.

"Ugh… If only I knew magic… Well, that's impossible, so I guess I'm just stuck here until those guards come for us."

While I felt a bit depressed about the outcome of my investigation, I did not let that get me down. I knew, after all, that nothing in life comes easy. Although I probably don't deserve to be reincarnated in such a terrible spot. But oh well, setbacks are necessary. 

In fact, I should be glad. Tough times create tough men! I must want to live horribly so I can enjoy a good life! I must want those rainy days! I must want that pain!

Giving myself a few slaps to the face, I radiated the motivated energy to adapt and overcome. I was ready to take on the burden and responsibilities. I was determined to break through any challenges that would come my way!

I headed back to meet with the others. Nearing their location, I began to think of how difficult it was going to be to make them useful. If it was any situation it wouldn't have been a problem.

 The problem was that there was a scarcity of food and that this race of ours had an annoying type of hunger. Training the people to be fit enough or have enough stamina to handle a fight, would be close to impossible. 

After all, working out means burning calories. Burning calories means getting hungry. This wouldn't have been enough of a major problem of course, only if it wasn't for these wild instincts that can even turn us into cannibals when having not eaten for a day!

Ugh… Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

When I came back I found that everyone was already asleep. Seeing their serene faces, I showed a slight smile. 'It seems that the food was so good that they had no problem falling asleep.' I joked. 

'Or maybe they're just used to falling asleep easily since that's all they could do in a prison cell...' My thoughts were quick to turn realistic.

I walked up to the cauldron. I wanted to confirm something that I had in mind, and I also wanted to have another bowl of soup if there were leftovers.

"You're back... Are you going to sleep with us?" It was the girl that I had brought with me earlier, who spoke. It seemed that she hadn't been as deep asleep as the others, as she was able to see my figure block the lights.

"Not yet. I still have a few things to finish." I replied.

"Okay. I'll be going to sleep first then." The girl replied.

As our conversation ended, there was nothing more to stop me from moving a straight path towards the cauldron. I smiled. There was just enough food left for me…

Not long after smiling, I frowned. I wasn't sad or anything. It's just that my attention was drawn towards the weird calligraphy that was painted at the bottom of the cauldron's insides.

Is it a logo of a brand? Or, perhaps is it the magic that makes it possible for the cauldron to cook without a fire?

Curious, I went and touched the painting. Nothing magical happened, but I did feel the rough textures of the drawing. It seemed to have been painted with a rough brush, but what intrigued me was the color.

'Is it blood?' This thought suddenly popped into my mind. I wondered as I stared at the crimson color of the strange and unfamiliar calligraphy.

I knew it couldn't be blood, because it would fade away when in contact with hot water… Wouldn't it?

Although I wasn't sure, I was certain of the eerie and uncomfortable feeling that I was getting from it. It was that wild instinct. It was kicking again! Although, differently and rather subtle…

Now, I wonder… Why had this wild instinct of mine kicked after passing by the girl when she was dying?

My thoughts wondered about the possibility of it acting as a danger sign that time…

No, that doesn't sound right! What if it's kinship…?

Kinship... It made sense to me, but I couldn't exactly understand how that exactly functioned. After pondering about it, I figured that it might be similar to the unexplainable motherly instincts that are present on Earth.

I was certain that there was more to the wild instincts than just motherly instincts or whatever. I was just unsure… I needed to do more research if I wanted to figure out how exactly this instinct of mine works, functions, and responds.

Only time will tell. That… I didn't know if I had enough of it or not.

'I don't want to die anytime soon. Not until I figure out my purpose in this world… It can't be that my purpose is to die an awful death again, is it?'

Floating in my own thoughts in the lonely darkness, I took a sip of the soup that was no longer warm.