
Isekai: I, a powerlifter, awakened in a world of titans

I failed my gym PR and died... That was how I, Adam, began a new and non-repetitive style of life in another world. The amount of mysteries that I have to figure out, along with the majority hating on me and my kind. This world was not a paradise for me to live in. The moment I had reincarnated, my first steps were towards a life that I can only describe as hell. Imprissoned, experimented on, and contempted. There are others like me who had gone through the same experience of such hell. Those who I can call both my allies and enemies, because of the harsh conditions that we all had managed to survive through as we grew up. "So I'm supposed to be you? Are you asking me why I am so different compared to you then? Why I'm not alone, bounded by an empty space just like you are?" "Stop it! This is madness! You can't let hunger consume you! It's all about the clean bulk!" I, Adam Gaia, have finally found the reason, the purpose, of my existence. The reason why I had died in the gym and why I had found myself in this world right after. The reason why I am the fated one.

Sir_WendoS · Fantasy
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150 Chs

Moving forward

Now what am I supposed to do with her? I have no idea…

After some consideration, I decided that it would be best to return to the central area. I did not have anything to privately discuss with the girl anyway, and as for the questions, I figured it would be better to do so while we made our way there.

I asked the girl to tell me every major thing she remembers, important details such as how she was brought to this prison, or did she know about the town's existence and the tunnels that led to where I met those people.

She told me everything she could remember. Her story didn't differ much compared to mine, other than the fact that she did not get isekai'd like me and thought it was all normal what was happening to them.

"Yeah, isn't it great?" The girl spoke with a smile. "Those big men know our stomach hurts, so they give us food. They are kind!" 

"Um…" I stayed silent as she continued.

"Do you know why they no longer feed us?! You know, I really hate that I had to eat those ugly little creatures! If it wasn't for that pain in my stomach, I would rather starve!" 

The more I heard the more I was left flabbergasted. I could not believe she used the word kindness for the situation she was in. The situation that had made her go crazy like a zombie, by the way! 

It made sense though. For a kid like her who had never experienced a better life and environment, it is only natural for her to not realize how bad of a situation she was in.

I went on to say to the girl, "Uhm… Let me tell you a little secret that I somehow discovered…" 

She faced me and gave me her full attention as I muttered, "You see, there is this whole world out there to roam around, with lots of tasty looking and yummy food! Unfortunately, we were taken in and placed in this horrendous place by these men you think are kind… to be held captive! It is not kindness that they're treating us with, it's abuse and torture! 

Didn't you see how many others who were like us already lost their lives? It's not because those men don't have enough food. It's because they don't want to give us! This world has enough, more than enough to feed you all day, you know…"

At first, the girl's face was blank as if she could not process my 'out of the world' words. However, soon after, the girl reacted with a look of expectation and surprise. Her eyes were sparkling, hopeful, and bright. 

"I… I can eat all day…"

It seems her brain only registered the eating part but not the torturing part, unfortunately. She had a dream-like expression. At that, I shook my head. After a trance, her hazy expression receded a little as she looked serious.

"Mister... Are you saying those men are bad guys?"

So she did listen! Hmm, that question though…

I figured I should respond to this question of hers with some kind of advice... I guess a small piece of advice would be enough because what's important is that from now on she should live in this hell with the determination to escape!

To have a glimmer of hope that she can look up to as she would have to survive the soon-to-come troubling days. The glimmer of hope being me… cough! Cough! 

Well, that sure is a lot of responsibility that I burdened myself with. But I have no choice.

It would be better for her to look up to me than others who are not in any different situations than her. I realized this much after getting idolized by those nine! 

If we were going to escape... If I'm going to escape, a resolute force has to be created! I had to lead and bring these people under my wings, because by doing so, I would not only create a determined force that could fend off the soldiers but would also lessen the number of enemies that I'd have to face in order to escape!

This strategy can be said to be equivalent to hitting two birds with one stone!

"They are bad guys, little one. So, be careful when you see them. Don't anger them and don't put your trust in them. If fate allows it, I'll make sure that everyone, the victims, can escape this place and get to roam this free world one day! For now, just endure."

As I spoke it did not take long before the both of us had arrived at the center of the town. The others were still there, now heartily eating their share of food. It seems that they had quite the amount of refills too, seeing that they were taking it easy, and not acting like savages.

"Leader, you're back! You brought another one of us too!"

'Leader?' I smiled. It seems that while I was gone, the nine of them had made an agreement on what they would refer to me as. 

Thinking about it, my smile deepened. I liked the thought of being called their leader, because that was the exact necessary part of my plan of freedom, to lead them and have them under my control~

To be a leader would certainly not be easy though. What's even harder would be to escape with so many of them, since I don't even know the way out yet, nor do I have a clue on how to proceed from here on.

"Okay, listen to me, everyone," I called for everyone's attention before announcing my intention to make a statement.

"I have something important to clarify and discuss." Is what I said before I started recounting the reality that they were in, similar to how I had explained to the girl.

My words enticed the group with the dream of a better reality. I then crushed that dream with the idea of there being enemies who absolutely want to take that dream away from them. This naturally riled all of the ten people who were listening carefully to each one of my words.

"So how about it? Do you want to escape? Do you want to go beyond this darkness to find the light of freedom?!" I shouted! My goal was to ignite motivation within everyone.

"Yes!" Their answer was exactly as expected. 

Their voices and expressions were now filled with motivation and a desire to follow me.

"Well then follow me from now on! To freedom!"

I did it! I created a force of resistance! Now my chances of surviving in this world will definitely be higher!

"To freedom!" They all shouted along.

"Now get done with your food and get some good sleep!" I commanded. "We're going to start working hard after this short rest!"


"I'll make plans for later. Do not disturb me."

With that said, I looked at everyone around me before nodding with a look of satisfaction. I already gave my final words and then left towards wherever I felt like going.

My destination, no rather, my plan right now, was to have a look of the whole town. To see what was inside the town and whether there might be something beyond…