
Otakus and Knights

<Avip:< strong> I'm back bitches… jokes aside at the end of the fiction, I'll go into more details about these past few weeks at the end notes.


 I'm looking for a beta reader for this story. 

English is not my first language, so that's why the text sometimes seems odd.>

You can find me on twitter(X), @AvipBr.



I was so engrossed in my book, Interdimensional Resonance: Glimpsing Parallel Dimensions, that I only noticed the manono in my room when she spoke.

"Shitsurei Shimasu Belethra-san." Said the newly arrived Kunoichi to my room. "Yzhilde-dono is waiting for you in the throne room, would you please accompany me?"

Despite having read it many times, I always find myself rereading it for pure nostalgic pleasure, after all, reading this book was my first encounter with the concept of other realities.



"Understood." I replied, closing my book. "Please proceed."


It's been at least 15 years since I visited the castle of Lady Belethra, the Rune Master, and it seems a lot has changed.

Kunoichis running down the corridors and even on the ceiling, doing general cleaning and maintenance of the castle, Ochimushas guarding entrances and main corridors, and through the window I can see Kamaitachis cutting grass and shrubs.

"I see that the exchange program with Zipangu was a success."

"Hai!" The ninja replied without slowing down. "At first, many were apprehensive about Yzhilde-dono, but the few mamonos who accepted the invitation in the first year returned to visit their families and only had praise for the Shogun."

"Hi-hi." A giggle escapes when she refers to Lilim as Shogun.

I didn't laugh because she referred to Lilim in that way. Shogun was appointed by the emperor in the original context of the word. If the Mamono Lord was equivalent to the Emperor, the comparison made sense. My laughter came from the fact that 15 years ago that was one of the Rune Master's goals.

The only problem is that the Kunoichi heard my laughter and was not at all happy.

"We cannot leave Yzhilde-dono, so let's speed up." She said in an irritated tone.

"Wait. I have short legs." I complained loudly, but the ninja decided to ignore me.

Before I was already having trouble keeping up with her walking pace, now that she accelerated I had to run.


After a few minutes, she disappeared from my line of sight. I didn't get lost in the castle because I've always had a good memory, and despite the cosmetic changes, the layout was still the same as it was 15 years ago.

"Finally announcing Belethra-san." Commented my supposed guide.

Even though I was irritated by what this brat had done, I decided not to teleport her into the middle of the ocean. After all, it's been a long time since I've seen the Mistress of the castle, and I have more important matters to discuss with her.

"Miss Belethra." Commanded a powerful and intimidating female voice.

As I entered the room, my eyes immediately fixated on the majestic figure in front of me, seated on a throne. It was an impressive sight that exceeded all expectations. The woman before me was of supernatural beauty, a magnificent contrast between her celestial beauty and her monstrous features.


 Her white hair flowed like a cascade of silver, standing out against the dark backdrop of her elegant attire. Her red eyes burned with an intensity that seemed capable of piercing my soul. Clad in black clothing that exuded an aura of sophistication and power, she was the epitome of nobility and authority.

The surrounding air was overwhelming, a constant reminder that I was in the presence of an unparalleled sovereign. Every movement, every gesture, echoed her superiority. The impeccable posture, the unshakeable dignity, the striking presence. All these elements combined to create an aura of grandeur that left me humble and amazed.

I stood before a Princess of the Mamono Kingdom, one of the daughters of the Monster Lord, a figure whose intimidating beauty and nobility were impossible to ignore.

Despite being a Mamono myself, my heart raced. Without thinking, I did what came naturally. I prostrated myself on the ground, bowing with both arms forward in reverence to Lilim Yzhilde, the Mistress of Runes.

Behind me, I heard a low laugh of satisfaction from the Kunoichi; she was pleased to have achieved some form of revenge.

"Why didn't you arrive with your escort, Miss Belethra?"

Even without casting any spells, her voice was abundant in magic, a level of power that few Mamono could even dream of attaining.

"I-I-I apologize, Lady Yzhilde, but I couldn't keep up with my guide."

"I see…" She replied, reclining in her throne and glaring at the young Kunoichi. "Were you the one entrusted with bringing her here?"

"Yes! Yzhilde-dono." The deer replied proudly, kneeling before her mistress.

"Then tell me." Said Lilim, raising her hand towards the ninja.

Ancient runes ignited on the body and clothes of the young girl, the pattern being the same as that used in Archaeomancy. The kunoichi was lifted from the ground and thrown towards Lilim's throne.


The Mamono fell face-first on the stairs leading to the throne. Looking up, she saw her mistress standing, staring at her with anger and disgust.

"Why did you dishonor me by disrespecting a guest like this?"

Electricity surged from the runes as Lilim finished her question, electrocuting the young girl. Screaming in pain, the servant began to apologize, trying to shift the blame onto me, saying that I was rude to her Shogun and laughed at her title.

"And am I defenseless to the point of needing others to avenge my honor?"

Lilim pointed her hand at the Kunoichi, the runes glowed and lifted her once again. Before her mistress could do anything, I stood up.

"WAIT!" I shouted without thinking. "What she said is true; I was rude to my hostess, and for that, I apologize."

Lady Yzhilde looked at me with an arched eyebrow, pondering what could be done in this situation.

"So be it." She said, releasing control over the runes.

Without energy, the runes let the Kunoichi fall, but even bruised and electrocuted, she managed to land on her feet, proving her agility and physical readiness.

"Both of you erred, and both were chastised." She said, staring at us with the icy fury of a thousand Yuki-Onna. "Let it not happen again."

"Yes!" Replied the girl.

In my case, I just nodded.

"Leave us alone. It has been a long time since Miss Belethra and I had a conversation."


The ninja disappeared in a cloud of smoke. In response, Lady Yzhilde raised her hands, and the entire throne room was covered in Archaeomantic runes.

Usually, runes were used to give permanence to magical effects. Just like Dark Insignias, it required more magical resources and time to execute them.

So… was Yzhilde planning to trap me in here?

"With my runes activated, I can finally… relax."

"What?" I asked, confused.

She raised her right hand to the sky and, with the other on her waist, she leaned her body to the left.

"Ichi-Ni." She switched arms and did the same to the other side. "Ichi-Ni."

Before my eyes, Lady Yzhilde, the Mamono Princess, the Mistress of Runes, was… stretching?

"I do everything for my girls, but this theater always makes me so tense." Commented the Lilim, rolling her shoulders. "Can you help me stretch, Bebe-chan?"

I snapped out of my daze when she used the old nickname she used to call me.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU WHEN I'M SHORTER THAN YOU, YOU STUPID BRAT!" I yelled, waving my arms in Lilim's direction.

After finishing shouting, I realized the mistake I made. Instead of punishing me, the Mistress of Runes smiled at me, bringing her closed hands to her eyes, and began to fake cry.

"WAAAAH! Bebe-chan comes to visit me after so long only to yell at me! WAAAHH!"

This isn't possible… Lilim are the most powerful species of Mamono in the world, with abilities that can match great heroes or, in some cases, simulate the power of Gods… and after 15 years, Yzhilde…

"DIDN'T CHANGE AT ALL!" I exclaimed in frustration. "I know you're not crying for real, stop imitating anime stuff, you stinky fujoshi."

A vein popped on Lilim's forehead, she stopped crying immediately, staring at me grumpily.

"How rude, I'm an O-to-me." She said, puffing out her chest with pride. "At most, an otaku."

"Otomes don't consume hentai to the extent that Onis drinks alcohol."

"Eeek." Moaned Yzhilde, turning her face in embarrassment.

"But I'm glad you haven't changed after all this time."

"I feel the same way." With a maternal smile, she concluded, "You're still the world's most adorable Mahou Shoujo Loli."

"I'm leaving," I replied dryly.

"No! Please wait." Said the Lilim, materializing next to me and embracing my body. "I really missed you, please don't despair again."

"Alright! Alright!" I complained, squirming tightly against her bosom. "But you better serve tea with cookies."

Smiling, she said.

"♪I also have cake.♪" She replied, humming.

I sighed, already tired of the Lilim's antics.

"What was all that drama you did when I arrived?" I asked curiously. "You didn't need to hurt that poor girl."

"I do this drama for them."

"Explain." I said not believing her.

"They love having a powerful and honorable mistress who could kill them if they made any mistake."

"You must be joking."

"Not at all." She said, shaking her head. "Right now, that kunoichi must be with her peers, telling them how I was cool, imposing, and humiliated her in front of the guest."

"I'm glad you've found servants as twisted as you."

"Don't give up on magic Bebe-chan, comedy isn't for everyone." She grumbled to me, crossing her arms. "What news does my only ally with good cultural taste bring?"

"I felt a system pulse." I commented, looking Lilim in the eyes.

Immediately, she put me down and asked, concerned.

"Are you sure?" Despite being interested, Yzhilde was apprehensive.

"I have no doubts." I added, swallowing hard. "He is alive."

[George Cappadocia]

One of the worst parts of being old is that you need very little to dwell on the past.


 Looking at these young recruits brings back memories of times past, when I was just a young man full of dreams and hopes. But today, with gray hair and beard and the years of battle etched on my face, I am an old veteran, leading these brave men in setting up our camp.

The young soldiers, all eager, and full of energy, dismounted from their horses and unloaded our supply carts. Wood crackles and smoke rises from the fires we lit to cook our meals. As the tents are raised, I give instructions, guiding the strategic placement of barricades and night guards.

As the camp takes shape, I feel grateful to be surrounded by loyal and dedicated men and women, even if they are younger and less experienced than me. The night falls and the fire crackles, the recruits not on guard duty begin to settle into their sleeping bags.

Here is the text translated into English:


Except for some idiot who decided to break rocks at this time of night.

"Patience, George," I grumbled to myself. "You were once a young man full of energy and no sense either."

Finding the recruit was easy; it was just a matter of following the noise until reaching a pile of broken rocks.

"Urr!" Groaned the voice as the person slammed their mallet onto the stone in front of them.


From afar, I thought it was a young boy trying to impress the few female recruits we had in the camp, but I was surprised to see that it was a girl breaking the rocks.



She struck the stones with an enviable strength. Instead of just cracking or chipping the stone, it exploded under the pressure of her blows, sending fragments flying in all directions.

The young girl with red hair and blue eyes was panting and exhausted, leaning on her tool as she tried to catch her breath.


 Calling that two-handed hammer a weapon was a great compliment; in truth, it was just a tool for breaking rocks. The amount of gravel around the recruit was noticeable; in a few hours, this young girl had broken what five adult men would need a whole day to achieve.

Breaking rocks showcased her strength and potential. Unable to contain my excitement, I broke into a broad smile because before me, there might be an excellent candidate to receive heroic blessing.



"Enough, recruit!" I exclaimed loudly.

The girl was startled, dropping the mallet onto her foot.

"EEK!" She shouted, hopping on one foot.

"Recruit!" I shouted again, getting her attention. "It's late; you should be heading to bed."

She delicately placed her foot on the ground, still hurting, and saluted with the wrong hand in my direction.


Her voice was thin but powerful, and I had no doubt that everyone in the camp heard her. The problem was that any creature near the camp could have heard her too.

"I like your attitude, recruit, but lower your voice. You don't want us to be attacked by monsters during the night, do you?"

She was dumbfounded the moment she realized her mistake. But I also noticed a glint of hatred in her eyes when I mentioned the monster girls.

"I apologize, sir. I'm just excited to start my training."

"Yes, I can see that," I muttered, scratching my chin while assessing the girl. "Could you use your mallet again? But this time, I want you to hit the ground to avoid making noise."

Immediately, the girl returned to her initial position, slowly raised the tool, and then brought it down with all her might.


After the thud of the tool's head against the ground, I immediately remembered who this girl was.

"Valthora Stonebreaker," I murmured softly without realizing it.


 She came from a family of miners; the girl must have been breaking rocks since she learned to walk.

"You're strong, have good posture using that 'weapon,' and in the tests, you showed an enviable physical endurance."

The girl gave me a proud smile, elated with the compliments.

"But!" I exclaimed, shattering her happiness. "That's all you have: zero combat experience, zero survival experience, zero magical potential, and today you proved that your common sense must also be zero. You put the entire camp at risk due to your foolish training."

Dejected, the girl bowed her head. My words might seem cruel, but there's no use in training her to be a great warrior only to have her turn into a monster.

"You're foolish and inexperienced; with luck, you'll end up getting yourself killed, and if unlucky, you'll kill the entire platoon you're part of." I walked up to her, placing my right hand on her shoulder. "Perhaps it's better for you to give up and return home."

The girl started whimpering softly, audible only because I was close.

"The life of a soldier isn't glamorous," I commented in a lighter tone. "Return home to your family, be happy, get married, and-."


Out of nowhere, the girl slapped my hand, removing it from her shoulder.

"No!" She growled lowly.

She wanted to shout, but she clenched her teeth, and her denial came out like a snarl from a furious dog.

Surprised by her reaction, I took a step back, apprehensive.

"I can't go back," she said, tears streaming down her face. "I have to get stronger and become a heroine."

So, the girl is motivated? Interesting.

"What you need is to stop bothering me; I'm the captain of this platoon!" I asserted my authority. "Why do you want to be a heroine?"

Still crying, but with a furrowed brow and determination in her eyes, she answered me without hesitation.

"Because the only person who cared about me needs me," she said angrily. "He needs my strength."

Rubbing my chin, carefully observing the girl in front of me.

Here we have a young and determined girl, who, despite being strong, is an inexperienced fool in combat.

"I understand… from now on, you're no longer a recruit of the Order."

Fear overtook her face when I delivered the first half of the news.

"Because from today, you are a soldier of the Order," I said, chuckling at her surprise. "And more importantly, my disciple."

Still shocked by the news, the girl tried to recover and ended up thanking me, saluting once again with the wrong hand.

"We have a lot of work ahead," I said, crossing my arms, looking at my new disciple. "Let's start with 100 push-ups for assaulting a superior officer."

Without hesitation, she dropped to the ground in a palm position and began counting. However, I had to interrupt her.

"I want push-ups with your fists closed; start over."

Without complaining, the girl restarted the process.

Although not accustomed to the exercise, she was at a good pace and breathing correctly. Without breaking her focus, she completed the push-ups in less than 3 minutes, which was impressive for someone unaccustomed to the exercise.

"You must care a lot about the person who needs your strength."

Lying on the ground, panting, she smiled at me and replied, "He is the most important person in my life."

He? So, it's a boy. I envy and pity the man who is the object of this woman's affection.

"Wait for me; I'll return once I become a heroine," she murmured to the stars as if speaking to her beloved. "Wait for me, Jason."

That name sounds familiar.

…JASON? I mentally shouted. The weak farmer?

May the Chief God watch over you, kid. If you ever miss the mark… I pray your death will be quick and painless.


Ascending the stairs, I was filled with a confidence I had never felt before in my entire life because I had leveled up and lost my virginity.

I preferred a mamono with more curves, but what mattered was that it was good, and that soup seemed to still be taking effect.


Poison [Mandragora's Roots]:

Aphrodisiac: Reduction of inhibitions and increased desire.

Stamina booster: Increased resistance to fatigue and exhaustion.


"Who's next?" I asked, exiting the basement.

"FINALLY!" shouted an irritated voice behind me.

Kyss was giving me a wild and hungry smile.

"Finally became a man," said the goblin, grabbing my arm.

"You're hurting me a bit; could you let go-."


Silently, I was pulled by the small goblin to my room, where she threw me onto the bed as if I weighed less than an apple.


"Damn goblin strength," I complained, turning to face the mohawked goblin already naked, climbing onto my bed.

"You know, I think you're to blame for my haste, fooling around with Tyss in the basement instead of just lying down and spreading your legs."


"Shut up! Or I'll punch you."

Intimidated by the little tyrant, I tried to move away, but I backed into the wall of the small room. Looking at the door, I thought of escaping, but a small hand grabbed my legs, and I was pulled by the naked goblin, now kneeling.

"Hmm," Kyss murmured, looking at my penis. "It's not big, but it's not bad either."

"Thank you-. AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" I was cut off by a punch to my thigh. "You crazy-."

This time, I didn't continue to complain because Kyss grabbed my groin.

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!" She applied a bit more pressure, smiling at my reaction as I writhed in agony. "The next time you speak, it'll be this punch… UNDERSTOOD?"

Terrified, I replied only by nodding my head.

"Good," Kyss replied, easing the pressure and with her other hand, held the middle of my penis. "This little guy is going to speak now."

With ease, she lifted my legs. With one hand, she held my feet together, and with the other, she guided my cock inside her.

This position… I know it… the Amazon? Also known as the reverse mating press.

Without waiting for me to get used to her entrance, the goblin began to move up and down with the help of her muscular legs.

Despite the humiliation of being used by a loli, I couldn't hold back my moans.

"Are you enjoying it slut?" Chuckled the goblin in a malicious tone, holding me and squeezing my thigh.

Without ceremony, the little savage began to thrust, dominating me in the intercourse.


The sound of our bodies hitting each other echoed through the room at a rapid pace as I tried to hold back my voice as a virgin maiden. The goblin grunted and growled like a wild animal while I turned away from her gaze embarrassed with my position.


With the same ease she mounted me, Kyss fucked and squeezed me mercilessly.

In my embarrassing position I started to think about what happened to my life for me to be screwed by a goblin like a cheap whore. It was incredible how a girl so much smaller than me could handle me as if I were a rag doll.

My second time with a goblin… and it was more humiliating than the first.

"Urrgh! Urrgh! UUUUUUUUUUUURRGH!" She grunted, accelerating the pace at which she fucked me.


Her vagina squeezed and twisted my cock, milking me with more force and desperation than Tyss. It was as if her womb were hungry for my cum. The spasms in my member and the generous liquid flowing from her indicated that the goblin had already reached climax multiple times, yet she didn't stop. She kept fucking me for minutes or hours, I couldn't tell anymore.

She gripped my leg tightly digging her nails on my skin, her cunt campled my dick hard, preventing me from climaxing, not that I wanted that. The pain I felt made me want to come just so this torture could end.

"Come on already." She grumbled atop me. "Why aren't you climaxing?"


Despite being engulfed in a sex frenzy, her tone of voice sounded… apprehensive?

"I bet you didn't turn your face from Tyss." She said, this time her voice was more shaky and uncertain than before.

I gazed at Kyss's face, it was contorted with a mix of pleasure and fear. I must have reacted somehow with my face because immediately the goblin straddling me scowled angrily.

"What the hell are you looking at, you piece of shit?" She paused her movements as she growled in my direction.

Despite being afraid to speak, I decided to act. With some strength, I managed to free my legs from her hands.

"What?" Said the goblin, surprised by what I was doing. 

I crossed my legs, trapping the goblin, and pulled her onto my chest.

"WHAT THE HELL-." Before she could finish, she fell onto my chest, where I finished executing my plan.

I gave her the tightest and warmest hug of my entire life.

"It's okay." I whispered in her ear.

"Hugh?" She looked at me, puzzled.

"You don't need to rush or force yourself."

"Fuck off!" She tried to pull away, but I kept hugging her.

"Forget about your sisters, what matters now is you and what you want."

The face of the little creature started turning red, and she pressed her face against my chest to hide from embarrassment. It was ironic that she was so shy after humiliating me and forcing me into such a degrading position.

"If you'd like, we can stop and start again." I told her.

Without saying anything, the goblin tensed her body against my chest.

"Wait! No!" She said, looking at me desperately.

Once again, she gripped me, but this time with her hands on my shoulder, just to get my attention and not hurt me.

"It's just that I've never been… good at…" She began to speak but kept stopping and restarting, avoiding looking directly at my face.

She was so cute, all shy and not threatening me now, I think I already understood her.

"Hm?" She grunted, confused, when I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her from my dick.

Despite her being stronger than me, she was still much smaller, so it was easy to turn her over and lay her back on my chest, hugging her from behind.

"This way, you don't need to be hesitant to look me in the eyes."

"Okay…" She whispered, snuggling into my arms.

"I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your sisters, but I think you're a bit envious of Tyss's ease in communicating with other people."

"Urgh!" The goblin grunted in my arms, confirming my theories.

"On the other hand, you've always been stronger and more competent when it comes to survival skills, so you act like a bully. Because you think that's how others expect you to behave."

The goblin squirmed in surprise and turned to face me as I was smiling confidently.

"Are you a sage or a mind reader?"

"No." I replied in an arrogant tone.

I'm just a nerd addicted to fics, manga, comics, and much more. This kind of context is relatively common in stories with siblings.

But obviously, I won't say that out loud.

"Forget about your sisters, forget about what others think or expect of you." I commented, whispering in her ear. "What do you want to do now that we're alone?"

She trembled and tried to snuggle even closer to me.

"The way you picked me up…" She spoke softly, almost whispering. " The way you handled me… no one has ever done that to me before."

In response, I tightened my hug, trying to bring her even closer to me.

"Aaaah." She moaned loudly, unashamed of being happy with my actions.

Giving a sly smile to the little rambo goblin in my arms who had a masochistic streak.

"I know how we'll play."


E ai gurizada?

First, thank you for the consideration and support during these past few weeks that I spend on the hospital.

Know that I read all the positive comments, wishes for health, luck, and prayers that you sent across all platforms to my brother. You brightened his day on one of the hottest afternoons of the year while he was hospitalized in a room without air conditioning or a fan.

But to sum it up, without giving too many details, I stayed in the hospital with him, helping him with eating, going to the bathroom, and other things like administering his medication.

And for those curious about why I couldn't write anything while at the hospital: I have ADHD, I mentioned this in a few chapters ago. When I write, I practically isolate myself to concentrate. In the hospital, that wasn't ideal for two reasons:

1- I needed to be attentive to help my brother.

2- Whenever I'm interrupted while writing, I get very stressed and nervous, and I would rather not direct that towards my brother.

Once again, thank you for the consideration and the positive messages for both me and my brother.

[Story of what I did in the hospital to pass the time without being able to read or write.]

My brother bought Pokemon Shining Pearl before the accident, but he hadn't defeated Cynthia yet. In fact, he lost to her 5 times.

So, sitting by his bedside, I did a grind to level up his Pokemon enough to… in his words:

"Defeat that b****'s Garchomp with a one-shot from my Gardevoir."

It took a while because Cynthia is tough, but here is my brother's winning team.



From left to right, we have:

Garchomp - Jorgina 

Rapidash - (no name)

Empoleon- Aquaria 

Lucario - Myle Cyrus

Roserade - Rita Lee

Gardevoir - Frëyr 

According to my brother, despite the Pokémon being males, they have female names because they are drag queens.
