
Killer to Breeder


"KANPAI!" We shouted in unison.

Although all three of us raised our glasses, only Yzhilde and I were actually drinking. Our third companion was an Automaton that Lilim instructed to bring drinks, food, a table, and cushions. Initially, I was concerned about how someone could carry so much alone, but the Automaton proved to be strong, carrying the furniture in her right hand and the rest in stacked boxes in her left.

"Inquiry: Is something troubling you, Miss Belethra?"



The way she speaks is strange. Yzhilde said that her Gremlin servant awakened her less than a month ago; she still needed to work more to make her speech and mannerisms more… complex.

"Who, me?"

"Supplement: Miss, you've been staring without blinking for the last 73 seconds. Solution: If my presence bothers you, I can go on standby; that way, I won't bother you, and I'll be ready to assist my mistress."

"N-no need." I replied embarrassed.

"Hah!" Cackled my hostess, pointing at me. "Daijoubu Chachamaru-chan, you don't need to deactivate."

But, of course, this fujoshi named this artifact with an otaku name. Automatons are quite rare, relics from an era before the current Monster Lord. The little we know about them comes from Gremlins who learned to activate and repair them.

"Inquiry: What are we celebrating?" Asked the robot woman, still holding a full glass.

"Many things." The Lilim said, finishing her drink in two gulps. "We celebrate the destruction of the greatest threat to the mamonos that was almost created by the Chief God, the surprising resilience of a soul we thought was destroyed, and the creation of the greatest hope for dozens or even hundreds of mamono."

"Supplement: Insufficient data, your answer was inconclusive."

"I'll explain better." I said, sighing tiredly. "A long time ago, when we were young—"

"I'm still young." Complained the Lilim, already drunk.

"You're a MILF dream of any virgin teenager!" I replied irritated.

"Ara ara, arigato, Bebe-chan, I love you too." She finished the sentence, blowing a kiss in my direction.

"As I was saying, a long time ago, I had started my magical research involving parallel dimensions."

"Observation: From your features and clothes, I deduce that you are a demon witch, a member of the Shirokuto Sabbath. Members of this group are known for being dedicated to magical research and self-elevation."

I was astonished by the automaton's deductive power, but how did she have information about the Shirokuto Sabbath? She should have been deactivated even before the rise of the current Monster Lord.

When I looked in Yzhilde's direction, she winked at me, giving a mischievous little laugh. I understood; her Gremlin servant must have updated their database, or at least given the Automaton access to its library.

"Very well, Chachamaru-chan, demons have a great aptitude for mamono mana, so as a witch, Bebe-chan has more power than a standard Baphomet."

"Statement: Miss Belethra is remarkable."

"T-thank you, Chachamaru." Despite the ecchi anime name, the Automaton was polite and easy to deal with.

"Bebe-chan sugoi, she can do anything, except find a husband." Unlike her fujoshi owner, who loves playing the airhead.

I clapped my hands to get their attention and continue the story.

"At first, I was trying to travel to other dimensions, but it proved to be an impossible dream due to the ridiculous amount of energy required. At the time, I was very depressed and considered giving up, but inspired, I decided to do something simpler than opening a portal to another dimension. I decided to open a window."

"Inquiry: What's the difference between a portal and a window to a parallel dimension?"

"Ara ara. Chachamaru-chan, always so curious." Commented the Lilim, pouring another glass. "The portal is used to go to another dimension, while the window is used only to see through it."

"Precisely, I had the power to capture only transmissions through electromagnetic radiation coming from other dimensions."

"Inquiry: Like those used by Gremlins and other technological species to send voice and video messages?"

"Y-yes." I replied, amazed.

This is not common knowledge, this Automaton is more capable than her language suggested.

"Inquiry: Do inhabitants of other dimensions use this type of radiation to communicate?"

"I found only one dimension where these waves are used for communication, a dimension without mamono, without monsters, and without magic."

The Automaton widened her eyes in surprise at my statement; it was the first time she had shown any emotion. A world without mamono is plausible since they only began to exist with the reign of the last Monster Lord, having no monsters is strange, but without magic, it is crucial.

After all, this opens up the possibility that this is a world without Gods.

"But I found myself limited by my powers. I wasn't getting a stable connection for more than a few minutes."

Just remembering that time makes me depressed again.

"At that time, I was so close and yet so far from my goal. I needed more power to reinforce the connection and more knowledge to stabilize it. That's when a powerful and curious Lilim offered her services."

I look to the right and face the mamono happily eating cake like a child on her birthday. At the time, I feared Yzhilde in the same way I feared her today when entering the throne room, not only because she was a Lilim but because of her title, Rune Mistress, her control over it allowed her to manipulate matter, energy, space, and time on a frightening scale.

Such control is not new among Lilim, but one of them would need to create a pocket reality to control at will. Yzhilde with a little preparation can do it right here in the material plane.

"With Yzhilde's and her runes, I got a stronger and more stable connection, and we started studying this magic-less world… at least that was the initial idea."

Smiling and with a clean plate, Lilim interjected to explain.

"With the new connection, we started choosing specific points to capture transmissions. Bebe-chan was so outstanding that she managed to tune into the frequency range of the waves that humans call Wi-Fi, and we had access to the internet." She said, emphasizing the last word.

Oh my god, so embarrassing.

"Inquiry: What's so special about this internet?"

"The internet is a digital treasure that houses the knowledge of all that humanity. In its virtual depths rest the stories, secrets, and achievements of past and present generations. The internet also connects humans in an infinite ocean of information, where all stories and knowledge converge, becoming one."

The Automaton stared at her mistress in silence.

"The internet is like a great magical library. With all the knowledge that humans from that world cataloged, and any human can access and update it as long as they have the necessary equipment."

"Statement: Humans of this world seem to have formed an extremely advanced and sophisticated society to have created such a powerful tool to aggregate and disseminate knowledge."

"So, that's—"

"EXACTLY!" Shouted Lilim, hitting the table. "They are advanced, sophisticated, and most importantly… cultured."

Oh damn, I hate this part.

"In addition to the cataloged knowledge of research in the areas of natural sciences, history, medicine, civil engineering, astronomy, and education… they also catalog… art…"

"Ara ara."

"Inquiry: What's wrong with cataloging art? Our world also has a great repertoire of music, painting, sculpture, theater, dance, and literature."

"Chigau Chachamaru-chan!" Lilim exclaimed, shaking her head negatively. "Their culture is much more fascinating and refined."

I'm getting all red just remembering, after all, I wasted many years 'studying' this topic.

"Movies, games, anime. It's a whole world of wonders that welcomes everyone with open arms. Each anime is a fragment of magic, a portal to infinite adventures."

Again, the Automaton was amazed by Lilim's words. The only problem is that she is exaggerating. Many fantasy anime have a setting similar to ours, which was our gateway. After some 'study,' we found a sub-genre of fantasy that was becoming popular in that world, responsible for truly hooking us on this culture, something they now call Isekai.

"Statement: I can't find the connection between this story and the reasons we are celebrating. If I'm not mistaken, the reasons were the destruction of a threat, the salvation of a soul, and the creation of something that can help many mamono."

"Sorry, Chachamaru-chan. The story is long, but you'll understand everything in the end."

The Automaton nodded, silently agreeing.

"When we were in a 'study' session—"

"Last episode of the first season of Konosuba!" Says the Lilim, interrupting me.

"Don't even remind me of that trash anime."

"Oh no." Said the rune mistress in a sarcastic tone. "Bebe-chan doesn't like the anime where the loli witch is the most otaku in the harem? I wonder why."

"Statement: Probably because she sees herself in the character and has projected her feelings onto her. When the character was ignored, she must have felt attacked."

"He-he." Laughed Yzhilde. "She still doesn't understand sarcasm."

I take a deep breath, ignoring this uncomfortable situation.

"At that moment, I noticed another connection with this world. Someone from our reality was trying to connect. By the pattern, I identified that the magical means were not as sophisticated as ours. The being was using raw power to force its influence in this world."

"Inquiry: What kind of mamono can be more powerful than a Lilim? Especially one with such an elaborate rune matrix as Mistress Yzhilde?"

"It wasn't a mamono, Chachamaru-chan; it was a divinity without mamono mana. Due to the potency and similarities with Hieromancy, we had no doubts. It was the Chief God." The Lilim commented.

Just remembering makes me shiver, Hieromancy is the magical system used by human heroes, their greatest tool in the fight against… us.

"Inquiry: What did the Chief God want in this magic-less world?"

"We're not sure, but we noticed she was connecting with a human's soul." I continue explaining now that we've reached a crucial point in the story. "She was pulling the soul to her while 'blessing' it."

"Inquiry: Similar blessing to the ritual that turns humans into heroes?"

"Precisely." I replied to the mamono robot.

"Inquiry: Why bother going to another dimension to create a hero? This world is full of capable humans who even volunteer for the same."

"We don't know that part." I commented, frustrated for not having discovered it yet. "But thanks to Yzhilde's runes, I managed to analyze the Goddess's work without her suspecting anything."

"Humph. Even I was surprised that day with Bebe-chan's mastery." Lilim commented, smiling in my direction. "My runes are powerful, but it was you who knew how to use them to investigate the Chief God's work."

"Inquiry: What was the Chief God working on in the mortal's soul?"

"She was creating a weapon." Maybe the phrase is a bit dramatic, but it's still true. "The blessing on this individual was a system that would work as if he were a character in an RPG game."

"Statement: Insufficient data, your answer was inconclusive."

"If reincarnated into our world in that way, that person would grow in power with each mamono they killed, absorbing their powers and other abilities." I added it for her.

"Impossible!" Exclaimed the Automaton in an almost emotive tone. "Even if he had such abilities, over time he would be corrupted and turned into a mamono, probably an Alp."

"I know it seems impossible, but the deity managed to make him immune to the corruption of his soul."

Even witnessing the event, I still have trouble accepting the fact that a human soul is 100% immune to corruption.

"Maybe the reason she took a soul from another reality was to work on something not bound by the rules of our world, after all, that reality has no magic."

"Statement: Your theory is logical."

"Thank you," I replied to the stoic Automaton. "We don't stand a chance against the power of a deity at the Chief God's level, and I asked Yzhilde if she could intervene without being detected."

Lilim said nothing, just smiled proudly at her power and proficiency with runes.

"We changed the system.We changed the interpretation of a phrase. Growth depends on the adversaries that are defeated, in our interpretation, defeated means—." I tried to speak until I was interrupted.

"FUCKED!" The Lilim shouts happily as an uncomfortable silence settles in the room.

"Statement: Did you turn a killer, with the potential to become the greatest threat that mamono have ever faced, into a breeder?"

"Yes!" Lilim cackled, proud of her accomplishment.

It seemed like a tasteless joke or an act of childish rebellion, but it was in fact, brilliant.

The Chief God had created a system in which the reincarnated soul would become stronger for each mamono killed, and moreover, he would steal their powers. With this change, you would be creating a hero who would seek to have sexual relations with every mamono he encountered if he wanted to accumulate power.

"A few hours ago, I felt a pulse from that system in the rune matrix we used at that time." I said as I opened a formula book that I hadn't opened in 15 years. "Look here in my notes, it leveled up… this is only possible… if he's alive."

Tears began to stream down my face, tears of relief.

"He's alive, Yzhilde!" I lost control and started crying and sobbing.

When we changed the system of that poor soul 15 years ago, we also cut its connection with the Chief God. Without magic as a guide, we feared the worst, feared having destroyed the soul or worse, condemned it to wander the vastness of nothingness for all eternity.

I cried for a few minutes while Lilim and the Automaton drank in a comfortable silence.

"Well, this conversation is great, but we have to work." Yzhilde commented, getting up and turning to her Automaton. "Go to the laboratory to wake up that filthy Gremlin, I have a project more ambitious than giving you a pair of flamethrowers."

The mechanical servant got up quickly and left the room without saying anything.

"What are you talking about?"

Giving me a mischievous smile, she reached out to help me get up.

"This rune matrix still has some connection with the soul; using it as a base, I can establish a communication channel, maybe even find out where he is."

A smile spreads across my face now that I know my greatest sin wasn't real; the flame of my curiosity has returned.

"I hope he was born a man… and that he's handsome."

"WHAT?" I exclaimed in surprise. "You're one of the most powerful and influential beings in the world, why do you want to go after this soul?"

Smiling, she replied to me.

"Because besides this soul being unique and a great ally in our fight against the church, there's a good chance he's a gentleman with good taste, an appreciator of high culture."

"Typical Fujoshi dreaming of an Otaku boyfriend."

"As if you were any different."

"Damn." I grumbled out loud.

"Seriously, Belethra, his soul must still be incorruptible. The only chance we have to bypass the system is with your knowledge and my power working together."

I hate to admit it, but she's absolutely right. The only chance to turn him into an incubus husband is by working together… not that it's a bad thing.


I turned my body, placing the little goblin on all fours in front of me. She was soaking wet between her legs, her pussy felt like it was pulsing, begging for my cock. In my past life, I was never very aggressive or sadistic in bed, but seeing Kyss turning her head back, those big green eyes seemed to be begging me to take the initiative.

Without wasting any more time, I pushed my member inside her, all at once, feeling her vaginal walls squeeze my penis.

"ARGH!" Kyss screamed, cumming lightly on my dick.

The feeling of the first thrust was better than when she rode, she was wet and tight, but her pussy was also shaking and squeezing me, trying to milk me, as if she was thirsty for my cum.

With my left hand, I grabbed her red hair, pulling her neck back and with the other, I wrapped my arm around her belly, bringing her to fit around her waist.

She shook all over as her pussy spasmed anticipating my next action, not wanting to disappoint her, I grabbed her with all my strength and started pumping into her.


The wet sounds echoed through the room again, only this time I was responsible for them.

"Don't stop-, AHHH!" Gasped the little goblin trapped in my arms. "M-more…"

Putting on a sadistic smile, I pulled the little goblin and went to her ear.,

"What did you say?" I whispered to her.

"Huuum." Kyss moaned, unable to respond.

"If you don't answer me, I'll stop-."

"NO!" She screamed the desperate goblin. "Anything but-."

Before she could respond, I spanked her firm little ass.


"AAAOOOOOOH!" She howled, the goblin cumming once again on my cock.

I laughed out loud at the irony that the most violent goblin was also the most masochistic.

"I love it when you cum and squirt on my dick, but I'm already losing patience."

I pulled her by the hair and gave her a French kiss. Kyss moaned, the sound echoing through our throats.

"Answer me." He said, his tone still somber. "What do you want me to do?"

"M-more…" she replied shyly. "Faster… harder."

I released her, leaving her on all fours once again, the goblin looked at me when I took my hands to her firm ass and thrust it with all my strength, making Kyss scream in a moan of pure pleasure.


Proud of my performance, I decided to comply with the second part of her request, being faster.


The goblin's tiny body began to shake with the thrusts.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed in pleasure, her voice reverberating off the walls of the room. "Give me more master, please."

The title of master inflated my chest with confidence, but I couldn't say that this position was easy, as it was a tiring task, even with the bonus of the mandrake root. I'll give it one last shot and cum inside her soon.

"Do you want my cum?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She responded, always in a breathless tone, but also full of lust. "Come on master, t-to the last drop, I need it."


I felt the familiar pressure again, with the last thrust I trembled, cumming as deep as possible inside the goblin.

"KYSS!" I screamed in ecstasy.

A jet, stronger and longer than before, came out of my dick, filling the little girl's cavity.

"AAARG!" She moaned Kyss' name, falling onto the bed. "I need it inside me, I need it."

The hot sensation of my semen invading the little goblin's vaginal walls made the heat of pleasure fill my entire body.

It was so good.

"This…" She whispered, rubbing herself against the sheets, her eyes empty and sleepy. "I need your milk inside me."

I looked at her and I couldn't believe it, it was the first time I had seen someone so ecstatic, her face of relief, the sweat that ran down her skin, the shine in her big green eyes and the cum that dripped down her legs were proof. of what had just happened.





I looked at the system notification, taking my eyes off the now sleeping stamped goblin. Although this experience was pleasurable. I was more interested in my new level.


Name: Jason

Class: Hero Lvl 2

HP: 20

MP: 0

Status: Exhausted








FP: 1

XP: 10%


"I didn't level up?" I complained loudly. "B-but."

I cut off my complaints by looking at my XP.

"10%? But yesterday I got 1 whole level?" But my questions were not answered. "RESPOND YOU MOTHERFUCKING SYSTEM!"

"Jason?" A female voice asked. "Are you okay, boy?"

I turn to the open door of my room, where Tyss and Zyss are staring at me. Tyss seemed worried about my behavior, while Zyss looked at my flaccid and wet dick as if it were made of bacon, and she hadn't eaten for 10 days.

"I'm fine, yes, a little tired, but fine."

Tyss explained that when the noises stopped, she and Zyss came to change the bedding, so I wouldn't have to sleep in the… wet.

"Damn sis, you came like a fountain." Tyss commented, taking her sister out of bed.

It was truly incredible, the quantity and volume that the little goblin achieved during our sex. The two walked toward the door, but Tyss stopped and turned to me.

"How are you, big boy?"

"The tank is empty, even with the mandrake, I won't be able to lift it again."

"I understand." Tyss said, looking at me from top to bottom. "Rest for the rest of the day, don't worry, I'll bring your meals."

After thanking them, they both left the room, Zyss was so focused on my dick that he hit his head on the door before leaving.

Now alone, I lay on my bed pondering my XP.

"Does… having sex with the same mamono species give me less XP than a new one?" I theorized out loud. "If so, I hope there are at least 20 or more species of monster girls, I want to know how powerful I can get."



E ai gurizada?

Good to be back, I will be posting 1 chapter per month.


You actually have a really good story going Do not give up.


Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

… sorry about the meme, and thanks for the kind words.


Thanks for the chapter. This is interesting novel. I wonder if these 2 mamonos from the beginning are reincarnated just like MC.

—Response= This was a theory of many readers, but in this chapter we see that it is not true.


Muito bom, tô louco para saber quem vai ser a próxima do harém dele.

—Response= How about a vote for a spot in the harem?

I have some species that will be members of the Harem, some I already have notes on how to use. 

You will vote for species that I have not yet considered as possible members of the Harem. 

The winner will have a place as an important character in the canon of my story and a place in the protagonist Harem.

Link to vote:
