
Is this really a Game?!

The year is 2060 and after decades of technological delay caused by mysterious events Earth and its inhabitants are about to face their greatest challenge yet. One, seemingly normal day everyone on Earth heard a voice. {Earthlings, the time has come for change, please stay calm and wait for the terraforming process, everything will be explained during it} Every human being was transported that fateful day, floating in space and watching the planet be transformed right in front of their eyes. "I got a fcking stick as a reward, are you fcking kidding me?!" Reign was there before most, as a human that defeated a monster before the terraforming he was titled a pioneer and got a chance to draw a lottery, but that did not end quite well. Join our protagonist with his quirky group of friends as they fight and level up in this world that became a game, trying their best to win it and stop the destruction of Earth. Will they be successful or will they fail? What is the mysterious power hiding deep inside Reign? Find that all out by reading Is This Really a Game?! Hey guys, thanks for checking out my book Is This Really a Game, I plan on making this a long novel and right now I am releasing 1 - 2 chapters a day. The chapters are usually about 1 600 words long. Cover made by myself

TheReign · Fantaisie
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The Trials Slowly End ( Part 3 )

Shadow was gasping for breath as he took a dagger out of his stomach. The dagger had pierced deeply inside, but luckily it didn't damage any vital organs.

"Fuck, just a second of negligence and this happens." Shadow curses as he throws the dagger far away from his position. The sound of the dagger and a stone pillar colliding echoes throughout the dark hall as he vigilantly looks around him. He was fairly certain that there were not a lot of assassins left inside the hall as he had already killed over 40 of them.

His shadow servants were of great help but ultimately they were destroyed some time ago. Clutching his daggers firmly he moves through the darkness covering the hall. His footsteps were much lighter and silent compared to the beginning of the trial. He had learned from Wolf previously how to move as an assassin and it was only here that he was able to improve upon it. A life and death situation was truly the best way to improve.