
Is it wrong to level up in Dungeons!?

Viktor Gromov is a man of great talents and even greater merits. But, in addition to his complex personality, there are reasons to believe that in a past life he ate Lakshmi's children for breakfast, drank Tyuhe's blood for lunch, and cheated on Fortune instead of eating dinner. There is no other way to explain how he could be so unlucky. Being the weakest adventurer, he managed to withstand the blows of fate for seven years, while saving the world a couple of times. And then he got a system that allows him to become infinitely stronger, and his life has now become a semblance of a game.

Epic_Author · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Death City: Overcoming troubles.

It's been three days since I entered this strange dungeon. How did I determine the exact time? Due to the daily quest, repeating the path of a bald hero. At first, I did not plan to spend my strength on it, but then I thought about it and decided not to throw away free stats, which in any case will not interfere with my job of killing the undead.

During these days, I managed to declare a war on the undead, earn some good money, spend everything twice, and then earn twice as much back again. But the monster population became much less. My quest in this dungeon now looks like this:


Rare quest: Soul Guide.

Description: You have entered a dimension with many suffering souls. Save them.

Objective: Kill all the undead in the dungeon.

- Undead: 728/1000.

– Death Warriors 61/100.

- Legion of Death: 5/10.

- Servant of Death: 0/1.


- weapon "Murderer"

- +50 skill points.

Penalty: Death.


After I got the items I needed, I began to actively use firearms, killing several dozen opponents at a time. The only one that could pose me some problems was a Legion of Death, when I decided to take it head on with a regular firearm.

It is also worth noting that I got another "Bone Sword", which, however, has not yet been used due to fear for my life. However, unfortunately, aside from the money, those two swords, and the soul cores, I didn't get any more items from the slain monsters.

There is also bad news – my level stopped rising after the twelfth level. Not in a sense stopped completely - killing a Legion of Death still raises it for more than a half level. But for the rest… The skeleton only gives me six percent, and the undead give me less than half a percent. In short, I'm stuck here with the fifteenth level, which I somehow raised after the twelfth. But how promising was the start.

On the plus side, I began to feel stronger. Not all the characteristics that I should have, of course, but now I can jump a couple of meters up from the last maximum spot. I even had a fist fight with a skeleton warrior and won with a palpable advantage! It wasn't that I couldn't beat a Skeleton in close combat before – after all, elite monsters were only slightly stronger than the average adventurer of their rank, but that was different.

A couple of times I noticed the main boss. What a creepy guy, honestly. All the time wandering like an ordinary walking dead, as if begging to be attacked. I wouldn't be able to tell him apart from the rest if it wasn't for the knife in his head that's been sticking out all this time, and the name highlighted in purple.

By the way, about this… I really made sure that the colour indicates the type of monster, and not the superiority in level. Although I already surpass the Legion of Death in level, it's still red.

I also found out that Big-Boss just walks here without a specific goal on a trajectory that only he understands. I wasn't exactly close, but even when he noticed me, he didn't pay any attention to me. Come to think of it, the first time I attacked him was before he left me without an arm. But you can't rely on his relative pacific behaviour either.

"Well, it's time for the next round." - I grinned, standing up. I was now in a very rich-looking house, which I used as a shelter. Naturally, I robbed mansion clean, because this process is part of my relaxation.

My plan for victory was very simple. I was now engaged in genocide of the entire population of the dungeon, with the exception of the Big-Boss. This goal is the most difficult and the most time-consuming to achieve. And the biggest problem, as it turned out, were the undead and skeletons. The streets they are almost empty and now I have to look for them in whatever place they have been stuck, be it houses, garage, and so on. The process, of course, is accompanied by the motto ��take everything you see" – not the fact that I will once again be lucky enough to be in a city with so many riches.

After checking my inventory and the readiness of all weapons for use, I took out an automatic rifle and went outside.

"Let's hunt the evil."

The street met me with the unchanged greyness. In the sky, as usual, a yellow sun shone with black eyes and snow-white teeth, laughing silently as usual. The fire in the streets and houses had long since gone out. And no undead were to be seen. Idyll, to put it bluntly.

"Where Piglet and I are going is a big, a big secret! And telling you about it is a no, a no, a no, a... fuck."

I paled at the sight before me. I turned pale, and immediately ran away as fast as I could.

Now it is possible to attribute to the list of my achievements the fact that I played a catch-up game with a boss of an E-rank. Correction, with three E-rank bosses. How they all ended up forming a team together I have no idea, but it didn't bode anything well for me.

To my credit, I lasted three minutes with my initial hundred-meter head start. But they didn't play it fair – I had to run around buildings, and they went right through. And a couple of times, I swear, they jumped over the small houses!

I realized that I had been overtaken when the giant's foot passed within a few centimetres of me, brushing my poor body with a dense stream of air. I didn't even have time to fall properly, as I already saw a huge foot approaching my body. There was no way to avoid it. But…I can't believe I'm saying this … I was lucky. The momentum from the last blow allowed me to pass right within millimetres of death. However, in the end, I still hit my head against a wall, which caused my blood to flow down.

Damn, how much drugs have these creatures taken in?!

There was no time to lie down. I jumped up and rolled to the side, and the dainty foot that had mistaken me for a soccer ball, took revenge on the unfortunate wall for wounding me. The football players from these creatures are like the players from our national team – they can't really hit the" ball", but still wave their legs. For which given the situation, I was glad.

I certainly didn't expect to be so unlucky as to run into as many as three Legions of death, but I had prepared some counter measures in case I found myself surrounded by hundreds of undead. I think this plan will work with these three monsters as well.

Coming out of the roll, I reached into my inventory and pulled out an MGL-a drum grenade launcher with six shells. A very dangerous thing, but I didn't want to use it unnecessarily, so I chose to run away a few minutes ago.

I was able to aim and pull the trigger faster than I thought. None of the giants had the time to move when a high-explosive shell flew at the head of the first of them. The explosion was so powerful, that the giant's head disappeared as if it wasn't there to begin with.

My level did not rise. Sadness and trouble.

I had a choice – to shoot again at the second or try to escape.

I might have chosen the former, because as you know, the best defence is an offence. But then I'd probably be swatted. Swatted without mercy. So, I ran. I ran for my life as I always do. Not so that I could hide, but to avoid being crushed by the two giants that had already begun to move.

As expected, the bosses ran after me. The fact that I cannot compete with them in speed, I realized some time ago and now I had a different goal.

As I ran, I reached into my inventory and pulled out a barrel of gunpowder – I'd bought ten of them from the store – and immediately threw it at the feet of the two giants running after me. The barrel didn't explode immediately, but that's okay. Turning my upper body, I pulled the trigger, and the projectile flew out of the grenade launcher. I already knew where to shoot, and it didn't take much precision for the powder to explode.

The explosion was really "tasty". If I myself hadn't been thrown ten meters away by the blast wave, clearly damaging my internal organs and giving me a concussion, I might even have enjoyed the show. Only I had not had the time to run further away, not to mention the fact that the explosion had to be arranged right under the feet of the giants, otherwise everything was meaningless.

The result of this explosion … I was dying now. This time really dying. I coughed up blood nonstop. My ears and nose were also bleeding. Strange noise was filling up my head and I could not hear anything else. Everything was floating before my eyes. The pain was everywhere you can just imagine, and at the same time it felt somehow detached. Well, at least I managed to run away enough that the explosion did not touch me directly as well as the fire from it. Without it, I would have been torn to pieces. Although the blast wave did not lag behind, causing some heavy damage to my body.

My thoughts were clear. As it always happens in such situations – even if at the moment your insides are being eaten by some creature, all the same thoughts flow incredibly clearly, if you realize the imminent end. I know how it is.

That's probably why I knew what I had to do. Call the window shop to buy a very expensive potion to drink. A dozen seconds that I could literally feel my organs being restored, and sure there was nothing pleasant about it. I'm back to normal.

The same can't be said for those two freaks. They weren't killed, but they were clearly close to that state, agonizing from the damage they received. I've noticed that fire has a surprisingly painful effect on the undead. Usually in different games and fantasy for the undead, fire is the same weakness as light. But in the dungeons, nothing of the sort was ever found. Can this be considered my discovery?

I stood up, wincing at the ghostly pain, but still, stretching my shoulders a little, I headed in the direction of the two giants.

On the way, I noticed that my clothes could now called rags at best. But this is nothing – Soon I will find an ownerless store and be stylish and beautiful…

Something is wrong my thoughts are floating in the wrong direction…

It was very easy to finish off the undead. A rapid fire from the automatic rifle until no bullets left in the gun was all that was needed.

[Level Up.

All standard stats are +5.

Free Points +10.]

What a powerful thing it is, the gunpowder. Anyway, humans are cheating bastards, always creating some strange things – even I was able to survive the outbreak only with the help of human technological achievements and my stubbornness. And not only me, but Gavril and my sister were there with me in that hell, and their situation was worse than mine.

The victory over the two Legions of Death was quite…expensive – half a million rubles for the potion to heal myself. A barrel of gunpowder. And quite a few bullets for a machine gun. In short, unnecessary expenses, when you could finish them off with just three Molotov Cocktails…

Being optimistic – I got the sixteenth level, and the seventeenth is not that far off. With such stats, I have every chance of becoming a D-rank if my strength catches up the level. And there you could say that the C-rank is within a hand's reach. L might be able to choose my character class and abilities... Ah, sweat dreams! Sweat dreams…

By the way, I wonder if classes are provided in this system? It seems that they should, because even among the adventurers there is such a division. But if it is not, then perhaps it will be even for better – I have always been a jack of all hands and I do not like to limit myself.

"That's how this grandfather's next foray into a dangerous dungeon with a bunch of different creatures ended. He had to finish off two Legions of Death, and fifty Death Warriors, and then freedom." - I wondered how I would tell this story to my grandchildren.

What? I didn't just go through all of this for nothing.

I didn't go back to the shelter. I haven't been to this part of the city yet, so I should check it out. Maybe I'll find something valuable. And I could look for a clothing store here as well.

Of course, all my actions were accompanied by the killing of all the undead that I only saw. Along the way, I also met several Skeletons, which I did not really play with, shooting them with a machine gun. Unfortunately, this did not give me a new level – ordinary undead stopped giving even a tenth of a percent, and skeletons now give only half a percent.


