
Is it wrong to be a good Slime in a Dungeon?

An uncommon white slime appeared on the deep floors. Thinking he was doomed to be a weak dungeon monster, all he could do was hide in fear of being killed. He observed with his new senses how the area around him was somewhat familiar to him: the "Dungeon" from a fantasy series he liked. Also, he had become a miserable slime with no special powers but the ability to see about 15 meters away from him in a 360° black-and-white colored vision. At least he was getting stronger by absorbing the magic energy in the dungeon to live and cleaning the battlefields left by other monsters from blood and drop items. Seemed like no one wanted to actively hunt him from now and the only thing he couldn't deal with was his incapability of having his own "normal adventurer" experience. After days of training and eating magic stones, he managed to learn how to survive the floor, hunt other monsters for power, and steal magic stones from the battles happening on the 37th floor. After living like this for a long time, he finally had eaten and trained enough to become more than an inconvenience for adventurers, giving him confidence. One day, cleaning the dungeon area, he saw some strong female adventurers saying how they were disappointed they couldn't find any blue slimes to play with; one even joked about drinking one as a bet. Hiding in fear of being played as a slime soccer ball, he could only think of how familiar that party full of strong girls was. Ohh, this is an opportunity... The slime aberration smiled.

Tarantula_Paragon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

The Ghost of the 37° floor. 3/?

In the corridors of the thirty-seventh floor, a slime was struggling to save itself.

It bounced off the walls using its flexibility and bouncing capacity to the maximum, along with using slime tentacles to maneuver through the terrain.

Grateful for its ability to see everything around it and not be limited by the human field of vision, especially when dodging a rain of needles from its pursuers.

Three strange monsters resembling a mixture of lizard and porcupine appeared, Peludas.

"Peluda," said the Slime while bouncing and rolling away as fast as he could.

He knew he couldn't keep running, as after the next turn, the slime would reach an unexplored area, and he hadn't defeated the monsters that would undoubtedly join its pursuers in the hunt for his slime life.

Arriving at a crossroads between two corridors, he hooked a tentacle on the left side of the wall and used inertia to swing onto the left path.

Meanwhile, due to the drop in its speed, the Peludas reached a sufficient distance to use the attack the slime feared so much: Fire Breath.

The heat was so intense that the area of the wall where it turned began to melt, while the tip of its slime tentacle evaporated instantly due to the heat.

The slime quickly stretched six tentacles on each side of the corridor and stretched them to their limit while waiting for the targets to appear.

"Now it's time for my final attack, without copyright hihihi~~" said the slime as he waited.

"Slime Slime no~~~~"

A peluda came running from the corridor where they were chasing it, using its claws to scratch the ground as it turned to follow the slime.

"Not yet, I have to hit at least two of them if I want to survive the fire blast attacks," thought the slime, calculating its next move.

The second furry dragon came running even faster and slid until it hit the wall to the right of the entrance to the left corridor before walking along the wall towards the slime soon after.

"Tsc, I won't be able to hit both of them like this..."

The third monster finally arrived, fortunately within the range of the "slingshot" that the slime had become.

"Voilaa~" shouted the slime as it flew towards the two Peludas walking on the ground.

It was only when he collided and catapulted the peluda in front, hitting it in the neck and front torso, that he noticed the late peluda was charging a breath attack.

Thinking quickly, it stretched tentacles pushing the ground, causing them to fly in a parabola over the slower peluda's fire breath, which was spitting fire at its previous location, disregarding hitting the other peluda.

The jet of flames quickly destroyed its tentacles on the ground, which sacrificed themselves so it could change its flight path.

Now falling onto the monster whose flame breath was fading, it turned in the air the body of the monster it was carrying so that it's spiked back blocked the projectiles fired by the porcupine dragon on the wall.

Dozens of needles collided with each other as it quickly manipulated its amorphous body to trap the dragon whose fire breath had ceased, the one they fell upon.

Quickly, it entered the mouth of the Peluda dragon and hid inside its stomach, not caring about the residual high temperature from the flames as it hoped from his analysis it couldn't spit fire in a rapid interval.

The moment it managed to enter the peluda dragon, the slime knew he had made the right decision when the dragon he first hit tried to charge a breath attack and launch its flames on the slime's meatshield and the dragon on the wall did the same.

The first hit dragon stood up and aimed the jet of flames at the slime-parasitized dragon, but couldn't open its jaws which were covered with iridescent white slime like elastic glue, causing its head and neck to explode in flames whose heat could be felt from inside the hostdragon.

"That didn't look like an 'Ignited Flatulence'," said the slime to himself wondering why the magic didn't fail like the Ignuss Fatuss he saw in the depictions in the series.

The last thing the slime registered from the outside before his slime outside the hosting dragon evaporated, cutting off its connection and so his vision from the outside of the now scorched peluda that he was parasitizing.

As if that wasn't enough, the dragon on the wall fired even more needles that pierced the skin of the host peluda, almost reaching the slime's core hidden in the monster's stomach.

The slime then quickly dissolved the peluda that was hosting it, using it to recover from his ooze that was destroyed in the battle, and soon it felt the heat again when another jet of fire hit the body of the peluda it was hiding in.

As the heat diminished, the burnt body exploded into ashes, while a white projectile bounced through the corridor.

"Stupid hairy lizard, what are you going to do now that you're alone and can't gang up on me?" the slime shouted to the remaining Peluda dragon approaching at high speed.

'Uh, is that?' thought the slime looking at the state of the remaining foe.

"Hahahahah, get ready to die for your arrogance!"

Quickly, the visibly smaller slime realized that the last living dragon was "out of juice," as both its quills and its dragon breath must have been exhausted from all the pursuit and battle, and its back was without spikes.

Bouncing and rolling in zig-zag till the monster prepared to hit him with his front arm claws.

Quickly, he changed his bouncing dodging movements to a direct attack, just stopping at the distance limit to dodge a claw swipe from the remaining dragon and envelop it with slime.

Then the slime watched happily as the monster futilely struggled for its life against the elastic slime that fully engulfed his body while being liquefied and poisoned at the same time.

The beast's struggle whines were awful, and as a "friendly good slime," he wasn't a sadist, so he spared him from suffering more.

In a few minutes, only a lizard carcass remained when finally the slime's dissolving Ooze hit the magic stone, causing the body to turn to ashes while making a faint combustion sound, but this time the ashes were trapped inside the slime, being absorbed by it.

"Ohh, I should have done this earlier," thought the slime as it realized that the ashes inside it were not absorbed by the dungeon, only part of the magical energy in the body was released back into the environment when the body turned to ashes.

This reminded him that the Juggernaut aberration maintained the monsters it fused alive and suffering while attached to it in the anime.

'That was sure a cruel and unnecessary thing, but it sure brings the fear-inducing nature Oomori probably tried to portray in that monster.'

'Maybe if I make somewhat of a nervous system I can take control over other monsters' bodies?'

'Nah, that will just be a deviation from my goal. I will form a human body somehow, I'm sure of it!' The white slime thought while eating the carcass of the headless Peluda in the same way as the earlier one.


Stones started to fall from the corridor ceiling while a big dark crystal monster was exiting the rock.

"Is that a golem?" Said the slime looking at the 8-foot-tall magic-resistant Obsidian Soldier that was less of a lifeform than the Undead monsters said to be in the other areas of the 37° floors.

Fortunately, the golem monster looked like it was analyzing the situation and giving the Slime the few extra seconds he needed to consume the peluda.

After the combustion sound happened the remains inside the Slime dissipated in ashes when he reached the magic stone, making the slime shrink in size again from his enlarged form due to the loss of mass and the golem turned back to look at him with his single Glowing red eye inside the fend in his obsidian armor.

It sure scared the Slime, but after that, the monster looked at the surroundings and started walking away.

'Uff' The slime let escape the air he was holding and wiped his forehead with his ooze lizard hand.

'Wait, hand?'

"I have a hand now!!!" the slime shouted in disbelief looking at his new slime appendage.

The claw was made of slime obviously, but was far more intricate in complexity as he could see how his slime and "muscle" tendrils composed it, and even with the obvious flabbiness from the absence of hard tissue it had a tangible strength of the "fingers" and palm "muscles".

"MUHAHAHAHAa~~~, I will sure become a human! Even if I have to absorb all the monsters in this dungeon!" the Slime Shouted in euphory.

"Grrrwaaahhhhh~~~~~" (swoosh) The Obsidian soldier shouted in anger as it grabbed and uprooted a stalagmite from the floor and launched it on the slime hitting the flabby arm that exploded from the impact due to its lack of flexibility due to its hardened slime structures.

Rapidly reabsorbing the ooze from the arm he reformed it and clunched its claws in a fist pointing to the golem foe.

"If I survive this it is, Ugh!" the slime said after dodging the Obsidian mini-colossus rush attack.